Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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[quoteNo personal reflections intended Ready][/quote]

None taken, although I almost chimed in to the:  "duck poo-poo" comment just to say:  HEY, I'm not Yso.
I would think I have a few more Cheerios in my bowl! 



Diane:  I think if someone that who was a Real Estate Certified  Appraiser could get the sales information (not everyone can), then the amount that they received could be subtracted from the amount they got to purchase it.  (Unless they sold it as a loss).
Then, to their books to see what was left, after expences (sp) and upkeep.  However in this instance, I doubt the books would look like a perfection of assessts and liabilities.  I question wether there isn't some 'shifting' of monies.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 02:29:50 PM
Well, the sun finally came around and started to get too hot so I came in.
  Steve, I do have a question. Why do you think the money that was received for the selling of the wellness center and/or the equipment wasn't given back from whence it came?  I don't know anything about the agreement of course, but are you just guessing or do you know for sure?

Steve may I.

The welness center was purchased locally by a person that may be Konnected or at least possibly a booster and he is running the thing. Elk Konnected just had something going on fat loosers or something and they were sending people to the privately owned wellness center. I am not bad mouthing the new owner, I happen to like him, and  at least he is accomplishing what Elk Konnected, LLC could not and keeping it open and I bet he boutght it for a good price.

Diane Amberg

That's great, but I wanted to know whether the purchase $ went back to Elk County. There was some suggestion that E K had just pocketed the money from the sale and didn't return it to the county coffers. Any thoughts? The money to purchase the wellness center by E K in the first place had come from Elk County taxes, right? Or do I have that wrong?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 03:14:07 PM
That's great, but I wanted to know whether the purchase $ went back to Elk County. There was some suggestion that E K had just pocketed the money from the sale and didn't return it to the county coffers. Any thoughts? The money to purchase the wellness center by E K in the first place had come from Elk County taxes, right? Or do I have that wrong?

I think they got themoney from the Kansas Dept of Health or some such thing. I'd have to go search the other thread. I'm not going to do that, but if you choose to you can also find information about $85,000 that the Konnected Kommissioner talked about in Elk Konnected, LLC's books. However when they became an LLC that put their books in the privacy realm. Which also means they are now a privately owned business. Before that they qualified for grants and such. But now they I believe they have to rely on the County and ECCEF to get money for them, you know the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs.

Good deal, for a business to lack the ability to be self sufficient, isn't it.  How many other business in Elk County would survive if they were not self sufficient?


Jar, I doubt you've ever seen 300 virgins in 1 night, drunk or sober!  Must have been a damn young pup or the Mrs. might have been a little upset.  I don't have you mixed up with your tall, handsome brother that is somewhat quieter and more polite.


My research indicated that the equipment for the EK fitness center was purchased with a $19,900 gant from SEKAN (sp), if memory serves.  I don't know where the grantor gets their money.  As I understand it, the building was also owned by that organization.  As a grant and absent the actual grant documents any return ov capital requirements are not known.  I posted the details about all that months ago in Politics.  The project itself, however, is quite a testimony to EK's apparent lack business management skills.  As I recall there had been similar efforts in prior years that were failures as well... so where was the market research & business plan?  Or did free money just make somebody salivate?

Here are some other questions, asked & answered:

Has EK taken public funds for other projects? Yes, from both city and county coffers.

Has EK specifically solicited & received public funds to make dues payments to Public Squares Communities LLC?  Yes.

Has EK used county resources and name to accomplish their ends (whatever those may be)?  Yes.  

Has EK had a steering committee member/county employee solicit grants from the Kansas Health Foundation in county name for their use and then taken full credit for any resulting projects?  Yes, over $45,000 worth.  Why not apply directly?  Because those grants can only be given to government bodies and/or 501(c)(3) non-profits.

Has EK taken scholarship grant money from the Kansas Commerce Department and diverted that to Public Squares for dues & fees?  Yes, $3000, as admitted by Ms Hendricjks in a formal county commission meeting.  Was Mr. Woodbury authorized to those fees directly from the Commerce Dept?  Admittedly not.  

Has EK diverted donations to their efforts through the Elk County Community & Education Foundation (ECCEF) to allow donors to taken a tax deduction as an incentive to donate and then receive those donations back in the form of a grant?  Yes.

Is there solid evidence of the above mentioned grants to EK from ECCEF?  Yes.  IRS tax returns showing over $37,000 in one year alone and lesser amounts in prior years.

Has EK (a private, for profit business) admitted to using the ECCEF (a non-profit charity group) as their personal bookkeeping/money handling agency?  Yes.

Is there evidence to support the above claim?  Yes.  A public admission of same by David Whetstone (EK steering committee member) at an EK community conversation recently in Grenola, KS.

Are the above activities involving ECCEF lawful under the US Tax code?  Final answer pending.  Tentative answer from an attorney at the IRS Fraud & Compliance Division?  No.  Do they give the appearance of impropriety?  To many people, Yes.

Are legal members/owners (termed 'admitted or managing members' in Kansas law) of EK, LLC also holding elected government positions that are in a position to influence/direct the utilization of government resources for the benefit/advancement of EK?  Very likely.  Ms Hendricks is a county commissioner & Dr. Whetstone is president of the West Elk School Board.

Are elected county officials also paid employees of Public Squares Communities, LLC who has received public funds indirectly through EK?  Yes.  Ms Hendricks is listed as a Public Squares staff member on the Public Squares website.

Are there other government employees who have shown themselves to have some vested or intimate membership interest in EK?  Yes.  Ms Jennifer Montgomery (formerly Brummel), County Economic Development Director/Youth Coordinator and Ms Julie Englebrecht, Longton City police/code enforcement officer have both been held out as EK steering committee members.

Is the foregoing information enough to raise taxpayer eyebrows?  Among many... yes.  Among the lemmings.... apparently not.

Are these situations any different from what we see daily regarding questionable events in Washington, D.C.?  Only in size & scope, IMO.

Have their uses of resources produced any measurable economic development in Elk County?  Still waiting for the lemmings to produce some factual evidence.

When are countywide elections?  November 6, 2012.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well, since you already have your answers, I guess you and Ross will stop incessantly asking the same questions over and over then, right?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

Diane Amberg

You wanted to know what  EK had hosted, sponsored and/or organized fairly recently. I'm not sure what you had in mind but here are a few that I like. Having been involved in some similar activities myself, I know how much time and work these things take.
   Several free movies
   Volleyball tournament
    Fitness classes at four different places
     five days of multiple session soccer academies.
     Upcoming pitch, hit and run day
   Are these specific enough for you? I can only post what I know, not what I don't know.

 Patriot, why aren't you taking legal action if so much is  provable? Do you plan to just ride it out until the election?


Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 04:53:22 PM
Well, since you already have your answers, I guess you and Ross will stop incessantly asking the same questions over and over then, right?

So is that yet another confirmation of unethical behavior on the part of "Elk Konnected, LLC" and Konnected Kommissioners voting to give themrselves money from the County Coffers?

And you openly do not contest any of Patriots facts?

But where are all of your facts about all the good Elk Konnected, LLC has done? and I don't mean lollipops with our own money.

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