Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Actually, I just found the concept of slavery a bit.... shocking.  No, it wouldn't hurt to instill a solid work ethic, but I read your post as somewhat harsh toward youth.  It seemed that you want to, uh, short circuit their overall development by re-wiring their lives to a work only mode after elementary school.  For kids that age, road work might spark other issues that could be short circuited by child labor laws.

As for Red's expertise on slavery, I'm not sure.  I've seen his focus generally fused to the concepts of individual liberty and his ideals shunted away from tyranny.  The forces of free market capitalism coupled with individual excellence and unfettered by over-regulation produced results in America's growth that were nothing short of electrifying.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well I was under the impression that government schooling does nothing for a person but brainwash kids.  All of the "mumbo jumbo", that the government has going on in their schools.  Take Reds cartoon he just posted in the political section.  It points out the problems with government education.  We skip all that crap.

Diane Amberg

Patriot, that was very punny...Yes, I got it.  Warning Will Robinson, long retort follows!
 I cleaned my devil horns and am back for one more go at this; or maybe Diane's evil twin is here.  ;)

 Varmit, as I said before, bullies do not recognize themselves. So you do fit as a verbal bully in writing.  All teachers have had to deal with these kinds of problems at one time or another.
 YOU go back to #63 and look again. "BITE  ME" is NOT a question. Please tell me the question I that posted. I don't think just saying "ready?" is what you meant. Now for a sideways example of bullying.
  How about if I publically say you must be queer because everybody I've ever known who does your job is queer? Is that nice? I have the right to say it, but should I?  No, of course not. I'm not really saying that, it's just an example. But what do I put up with? I'm freely being called a Nazi, Socialist,commie, liberal TEACHER out there indoctrinating those poor kids.  This from a few who have never seen me teach, never saw my curriculum or lesson plans or the variety of kids I had in class.They were handicapped, mildly retarded, devote Christians, Baptists, Methodists, Jewish, black,white,mixed race and of many ethnic backgrounds They were from very wealthy to dirt poor and the children of local politicians, Ministers and other teachers, etc. It was a big heterogenous group and I had to become a human chameleon every day to accommodate all their needs. I dealt with kids who had already suffered poor parenting problems, alcoholic parents, parents in prison and a few who had already had some sad, very bad school experiences from bullying and yes, some very poor teaching. It has made me a very broad minded understanding person because between school and the fire service I've experienced so much. So why do some of you jump to so many conclusions about who I am? I truly thought all Kansas people were as nice as the ones I've known for my entire life. Wrong!

Am I a real bully? No, because I know I'm temporarily being a mean bitch on purpose and for a purpose. If you are really reading what I've been saying you would know I've explained that several times.  Kent, or Shadow or whatever comic book you are...emphasis on "comic." You too can have a very rude, ugly side. Why is it necessary to be so aggressive?  It's so easy to get your points across without resorting to being nasty about it.  Why does that come so naturally to several of you?  And no, I will not go back to find examples to rub your nose in. By now you know exactly what I mean. More of the silly "I know I am but what about you?" Surely, everyone here should be much beyond that stuff .Yes, me too, but that's not the real, natural me. I'm just doing it for effect.
On a very serious nature, Kent, a few posts back you wrote that people, were spending only part of Elk county tax money on certain projects and then pocketing the rest...not quite a quote, just a summary. If that's true, that's a very serious charge and you have an obligation to take legal action if as you can prove it. Otherwise it could be construed as slander...rights of free speech do have limits,   I'm not a lawyer, (but I played one on TV) but you may want to tread cautiously with public statements like that. Personally, I don't really care as I'm not out there, as you keep reminding me.
Actually back when I joined the forum ,not being from there was an asset. We got kick out of comparing "here and there" notes. A number of people who have gone now joined in and it was a very fun and full filling time. I indeed was accepted by a very nice group of people and we all treated each other with good natured fun and respect. That sure has changed, but could be brought back if we would just try again. I certainly would enjoy it. It was great fun when Janet and Teresa would have friendly pokes at each other. Oh well, life goes on I guess.
   Ross, you didn't understand my comment to the 6th grade bully.  Were you trying to stick it to me? In deference to time and space I hadn't told the whole story. I didn't know I'd be under a microscope for it. Ross, the father of the child who was being bullied was a prominent businessman in the area (Maryland) who hired a lot of local kids for part time and summer work.  "Da bully"  could have been hired at fourteen, which was certainly not 10 or 20 years away, more like two or three and yes, he did understand exactly what I meant.  Well ,we'll see who will try to make shish kabob out of me next.  A few just will not get what I'm trying to explain. Too bad.
 In the meantime ,thank you all you volunteers, of whatever kind you may be, for all you do wherever you are out there in wheat and beef land.Your communities are all better for your time and dedication. Ignore the trolls when you can.
Now, I'll  go back to the real me for awhile, take off the horns, make a nice cup of tea and go sit on the front porch and enjoy the sweet smells of a beautiful day. I might be back later.


Actually anyone that takes tax dollars to start up any business, then sells said business and keeps any money from the sale without paying back said dollars is stealing/pocketing tax dollars.  They are nothing but thieves
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My neighbors were here this morning looking at the Forum and one of them said it is really neat that everytime the Negative crowd posts to this thread they are repeating to everyone that follows it that Elk Konnect and the Volunteers are doing a great job.

Diane Amberg

Oh my. :o Am I part of the negative crowd? I surely don't mean to be, especially for visitors. My horns are just on temporarily. I hope I just misread that.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 12:46:31 PM
Oh my. :o Am I part of the negative crowd? I surely don't mean to be, especially for visitors. My horns are just on temporarily. I hope I just misread that.
Diane, I think the Negative Crowd knows who they are, and everyone else knows who they are.


I find it fascinating that the Positive Crowd are incapable of addressing the message & instead repeatedly have to focus on the messengers.  No wonder they are seen as 'followers'.  Perhaps lemmings would be a better comparison.  Do tell, what Pied Piper has you so enamored?  I thought only the children of Hamelin were the deluded ones.

Still waiting to read of some specific praiseworthy EK accomplishments.  Are any of those nondescript accomplishments resulting in any definable improvements in the Elk County economy?  EK,after all, bills itself as being all about overall community & economic development in concert with Public Square Communities, LLC.

I wonder if EK has secured their annual multi-thousand dollar dues payment to Public Squares.  Wouldn't those monies have fixed a broken swing set in some park somewhere or purchased school supplies of some sort instead of lining the pockets of Public Square owners/employees?

What is it about ducks walking and talking like ducks that some folks don't get.  No personal reflections intended Ready.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Quote from: ELK@KC on April 19, 2012, 12:26:48 PM
My neighbors were here this morning looking at the Forum and one of them said it is really neat that everytime the Negative crowd posts to this thread they are repeating to everyone that follows it that Elk Konnect and the Volunteers are doing a great job.

Asking for answers of a supposedly Community Organization that makes outlandish claims is not being negativ, it is actually an attempt a procuring a positive response. Thank you.

I do find your attitude rather negative in giving any positive information about the supposed good that Elk Konnected, LLC has accomplished.

I'm so sorry for your neighbors, they surely must have less of an edumaction then I do.
When people can understand the negative aspects of Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voting to give taxpayers money to their own organization and understand how uncouth and unethical that it is, they really need to get some more edumacation.

It's either that or you are fabricating!
Or perhaps you may be arrogantly ignorant to think anyone, anyone at all, believes that fairytale.
So let's try a little harder, okay?

To get taxpayer dollars to hand out lollipops is far from accomplishing anything, the same as exploiting children to further some unknown cause. And to fail so miserably at running a simple workout center that was handed to them on a silver platter is a real accomplishment, right?

And following on the tails of a state agency and an organization from Pitsburg about daycare isn't an accomplishment, just phoney as all get out.

And not a sole can point out anthing that Elk Konnected, LLC has accomplished.

What are all those great minds doing, resting?

Do you really think everyone is blind?
Do you thnk everyone should be blind to the true situation and accept your negative attitude about the truth?
Do you really believe, if you call something good or positive that just the words make it so?

The truth really hurt's doesn't it?

Our County Commissioner herself in esscense perpetrated a couple of lie's about Elk Konnected, LLC when she wrote public letters about Elk Konnected, LLC as Elk County Commissioner by the omission of not saying she was the founding member writing to herself. Now that is pretty bad in my opinion.

Do you condone such actions? I bet you do!

So tell us what has Elk Konnected, LLC done to make Elk County more habitable?
Where are all the people that are flocking here because of Elk Konnected, LLC ?
Where are all the jobs because of Elk Konnected, LLC .

No I don't want to hear about lollipops and squeezing into the real and actual communities festival and such, let's hear what the fabricated  Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity has accomplished.

Please respond to each question and statement, be precise and complete.

I doubt that you can do it. That I am comfortably positive about. Make me out a liar, please, respond!

Diane Amberg

Well, the sun finally came around and started to get too hot so I came in.
  Steve, I do have a question. Why do you think the money that was received for the selling of the wellness center and/or the equipment wasn't given back from whence it came?  I don't know anything about the agreement of course, but are you just guessing or do you know for sure?

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