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Started by Janet Harrington, December 01, 2006, 11:15:44 AM

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Janet Harrington

Ed L. Stilwell, a Eureka printer and some time since a part owner of the Eureka Democratic Messenger, died in Spokane on Saturday of last week, after undergoing a surgical operation.  He was 47 years old and had never married.  He was a brother-in-law of Tom W. Morgan, the well known Ottawa newspaper man.

  Away back in 1879 Ed Stilwell was for a few months a printer boy in the Howard Courant office, when this writer was principal hired man and Clay Rush was the office devil.  Ed was one of the best boys in the world, sober-minded, quiet and no foolishness about him, so he resigned and went back home to Eureka.

  In our collection of old pictures, we have a tin type group of the Courtant printers, including Ed Stilwell.  He was part proprietor of the Eureka Messenger for many years and was a first class printer.  After he quit printing he traveled through Mexico and the southern countries and was a great student in unusual lines and research.

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