VANASDALL, Samuel Armstrong - b. August 12, 1841 - d. January 15, 1911

Started by Janet Harrington, November 29, 2006, 09:11:49 PM

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Janet Harrington

Samuel Armstrong Vanasdall was born in the state of Ohio on the 12th day of August, A.D. 1841, died at Howard, Kansas, January 15, 1911.  At the age of twelve years he removed with the family of his father to the state of Iowa, where they settled on a farm near the town of Logan, the county seat of Harrison.  This remained the home of the family for many years.  The subject of this sketch was converted at that place eat the age of sixteen years and he has ever since been a consistent and devoted member of the Christian church and has lived a most exemplary christian life.

When the civil war began in 1861 he promptly entered the service of the Union, becoming a member of the Fifteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry in which regiment he served until the end of the war.  After the close of that great struggle he returned to his Iowa home and there in the year 1866 was united in marriage with Elizabeth Essley who survives him.  To this union were born two children, Mrs. Millie Cunningham of Kansas City, Missouri and Miss Mary Vanasdall of this city.

In the year 1871 he with his family removed to the state of Kansas, settling at first on a farm in what is now Elk county, where they resided until the year 1887, when they moved to Howard which has since been their home.  Deceased was a member of the A. O. U. W. and leaves his wife a policy of $2,000.00 in that order.

The funeral services were held at the Christian church, conducted by Elder S. N. Fear, and the remains were laid at rest in Grace Lawn cemetery.

S. A. Vanasdall was an exemplary citizen.  Always modest, always earnest, firm and kind.  He was the friend of all who were worthy, and to the unworthy, was sympathetic and helpful in the true Christian sense.  His acquaintances respected him, honored him and trusted him, and henever betrayed a trust.  He was elected mayor of Howard, serving two terms and was always faithful in the dischrage of his official duties.  He was a leading member of the church of his choice and a worker in every department.  Howard has lost one of her best citizens and no one will think of "Van" without a feeling that it is always best to live right.

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