Started by Wilma, November 30, 2006, 01:12:56 PM

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Diane Amberg

That does seem early.Ours are still dull. I just checked to see how my bird seed supply is holding up. We got 3 more inches of snow last night and have another big boomer storm set to run up the east coast on Sat . My weather friend, Robb says we'll definitely get between 1- and 84 inches. Isn't that helpful? ;D

Dee Gee

Wilma, I don't think it is too early considering all the nice spring like weather we have been having.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Eight inches of snow and freezing temperatures for a week and you call that nice spring weather?  Where are you from anyway?  Or do you mean by lately, the nice unfreezing temperatures we have had for a couple of days?

Dee Gee

A typical Kansas early spring, enjoy it.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


I am, for few more hours, anyway.


This hasn't been so bad.  The birds have been very busy.  They seem to be pairing off.  Is it earlier than usual for this?  Saw a house finch today that is turning a very pretty wine red.  Had a pair of flickers in the back yard for awhile.


When I was in Bartlesville on Tuesday, I saw a groundhog going down US75, driving a Toyota, and wearing designer sunglasses! He was looking for a dealership, but since I was from out of town, I was unable to help him! Hope he doen't take it out on me by announcing that he saw his shadow, causing six more weeks of winter!  :P :P My 'kids' are all getting cabin fever, fusses and squabbles are on the rise. I saw tomcat out on the patio playing hockey with a chunk of ice this afternoon. Poor guy, he is getting bored too. Guess I'll start some seeds.

Ms Bear

Now that I have killed everything I guess it is time to start trying to grow something new to kill next winter.  I do have some green in my yard but I think it is all weeds.


I saw something interesting yesterday.  We have two hummingbird feeders, one in the back yard and one outside the kitchen window.  The one outside the kitchen window is placed where I can be less than two feet from the birds while they get the nectar.  I have had occasions where the birds have accidentally flown into a window and committed suicide.  Some time back, I had one hit the sliding glass door to the patio.  He was dead and his tongue was hanging out.  Now, being stupid, I always thought they just sucked the nectar up through their beak.  I was surprised they had really long tongues.  What was interesting yesterday was that I was watching about three of them at the kitchen window and I saw one actually "licking his lips" by sticking his tongue out and wiping off his beak.  I have watched these birds for years, close up and personal, and I have never seen one do that.

Did you know that in the bird world, the males are the most colorful?  You can always tell the males with the red and green feathers as opposed to the plain brown females.  One male will be at the feeder and chases others away except for the females.  It is really fun to watch them dodge and weave in flight chasing each other.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I have counted as many as six male cardinals in my back yard at the same time.  They are beginning to squabble as well as some of the other birds.

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