O-ne B-ig A-ss M-istake A-merica

Started by Warph, April 06, 2012, 01:28:49 AM

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What is amazing to me is that out of 697 forum members, that I'm the only one worried that Obuma has a good chance of being reelected.  Since no one seems to care about high gas prices, high unemployment, high prices at the grocery store, dirty dealings under the table with our enemies, etc, etc, and etc... so if he is reelected, let me show you what's in store for you.  Lets take taxes.  You think money is tight right now... wait until next year if he is still in office.  Your pocketbook will be flatter than a snakes belly.  And it will get worse... a helluva lot worse because if the Chief Clown is reelected, you are TOAST people.  If you are concerned about having enough money to pay your taxes (and put food on the table) next year, vote the clown out of office.  He IS the worst president that America has ever had... period!  Read the following article so that you will know what the hell happened to you if the Liar-In-Chief is reelected.

R.I.P. ...Warph

The following is from Grover G. Norquist's "The Tax Hike Election of 2012"... http://m.spectator.org/169477/show/c327185f62dfc3dc5fb82edc4b452f11&t=gh80c35bo7jvi8qv9ltailfla0

The delayed Obamacare taxes are just one in a bevy of hikes on the horizon. Without congressional action, the 2001 and 2003 Bush-era tax cuts will expire at the end of the year, and the Alternative Minimum Tax "patch," the research and development tax credit, and the second annual FICA tax holiday will all lapse. If Obama is re-elected, he can simply veto any Republican effort to extend these tax cuts, and on January 1, 2013, the marriage penalty returns, the capital gains tax jumps from 15 to 23.8 percent, the tax on dividends rises from 15 to 43.4 percent, the top individual tax rate increases from 35 to 43.4 percent (Clinton's 39.6 percent plus the Obamacare tax of 3.8 percent), the Social Security payroll tax paid directly by workers jumps from 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent, and the death tax jumps from 35 percent to 55 percent on lifetime savings greater than $1 million (not today's $10 million exemption). The end of the Alternative Minimum Tax patch means the tax, enacted in 1969 to punish 155 rich Americans, will instead hit 30 million families.

A re-elected Obama could raise taxes by $500 billion in 2013 and $5 trillion over the decade simply by vetoing Republican efforts to extend or make permanent today's lower rates.

This makes the 2012 election about taxes: big time.

Obamacare Tax Hikes:
•Individual and Employer Mandates to Purchase Health Insurance
•Medicare Payroll Tax Hike from 2.9 to 3.8 Percent
•Investment "Surtax" of 3.8 Percent
•"Cadillac Plan" Excise Tax on High-Cost Health Insurance
•Limitations on Use of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flex Spending Accounts (FSAs)
•"Medicine Cabinet Tax" on Purchase of Over-the-Counter Medicines
•"Haircut" of Medical Itemized Deductions Allowed
•New Tanning Tax of 10 Percent
•Excise Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers
•Employer Reporting of Health Insurance on Employee W-2

2013 ObamaTax Hikes:
•Tax Rates Rise from Range of 10-35 Percent Up to 15-39.6 Percent
•Capital Gains Tax Rises from 15 to 23.8 Percent
•Dividends Tax Rises from 15 to 43.4 Percent
•Tax on Majority of Small Employer Profits Rises from 35 to 43.4 Percent
•Death Tax Rate Rises from 35 to 55 Percent
•Death Tax "Standard Deduction" Falls from $10 million to $1 million
•Employee Social Security Tax Rate Rises from 4.2 to 6.2 Percent
•Households Affected by Alternative Minimum Tax Rises from 4 Million to 30 Million Households
•Research and Development Tax Credit Disappears
•Marriage Penalty Returns for All Taxpayers; Child Tax Credit Cut in Half from $1000 to $500

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


No WARPH, you aint the only one worried about the big eared clown getting re-elected---and I will bet you a cold beer he will get another term and I don't think the election will have anything to do with it either. I think it's already a done deal. Does it scare me ? Worse than the whole NVA 246th regiment did back when I was a pup.


Don't count me among the unconcerned.  We are faced now with the 'lesser of two evils' dilemma like never before.  And far too many voters still fall for Mediscare tactics and all the other tried and true BS pandering to the government dependents.  They may well prefer the status quo...the devil they know.  Like jarhead, my greatest concern is that the results may already be cast in stone.  With the latest arrogant shots at SCOTUS, this tin horn has moved forward his dictator agenda supported by a powerful media and an uninformed electorate who make their choices based not on qualification and the rule of law but rather on good ole boy affinities and false hope.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I fully agree with Jarhead. I think it is already a done deal.
I think company's run our government, not people, not votes.
Everything else is a show, ane appeasement of the voters.
Our vote is suppose to tell the electoral college how to vote but I believe they vote how they want.
And I really dooubt that even counts.
Do I sound like I trust our government?


Warph, did you forget that I stood with you and Teresa 1000% in the last election and I will this time. Unfortunately I think the clown will be elected again and I think he will be 1000 times worse the nexr 4 years.


Quote from: frawin on April 07, 2012, 08:16:26 PM
Warph, did you forget that I stood with you and Teresa 1000% in the last election and I will this time. Unfortunately I think the clown will be elected again and I think he will be 1000 times worse the nexr 4 years.

Frank I do remember and I apoligize.  It does my heart good to know that there are some out there that feel the same wat I do about Obuma and his adm. goons.  This man has to be stopped or IMO, America will be lost.  And that is a fact.  America will not be able to withstand another four years from this maniac.  We have to keep a positive outlook that Romeny will prevail and win by a big margin.

Anyone else (and some of the women) want to jump in here and give their opinion, lets hear from you.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I hope people will see where we are headed if Obama stays in for another four years. I agree that things are bad now and it can only get worse if he stays in office. Rex feels if Obama gets in for another 4 years we may never get him out as he will change the laws for the lenght of term. He has the Supreme Court on his side.

Yes Warph, Rex and I feel the same way you and Frank do.


Quote from: Jane on April 08, 2012, 07:53:04 AM
I hope people will see where we are headed if Obama stays in for another four years. I agree that things are bad now and it can only get worse if he stays in office. Rex feels if Obama gets in for another 4 years we may never get him out as he will change the laws for the lenght of term. He has the Supreme Court on his side.

Yes Warph, Rex and I feel the same way you and Frank do.
Jane,  i agree with Rex completely. I have said for sometime that I felt obuma would try to change it so he can remain king of America forever. You probably saw and heard his  comments to Putin about how he could do more things after the election. We really need to get him out of office in november.


Quote from: frawin on April 08, 2012, 10:14:15 AM
Jane,  i agree with Rex completely. I have said for sometime that I felt obuma would try to change it so he can remain king of America forever. You probably saw and heard his  comments to Putin about how he could do more things after the election. We really need to get him out of office in november.

I think that is similar to what I have been saying about Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Elk Konnected School Board Members with the "Beggar-Thy Neighbor" Programs, right? A whole lot of the same socialist type stuff, right?


No Ross it doesn't have anything to do with that junk that you are putting out about 2 of the commissioners that are working hard to do good for the people of Elk County. Why do you want to trash other people's topics with that stuff. I pay taxes in Elk County and I don't object to the good that Elk Konnect is doing.

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