Set phasers to stun, Spock!

Started by Patriot, March 28, 2012, 08:49:52 AM

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Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


And down the rabbit hole we go once again.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on March 29, 2012, 06:32:23 PM
And down the rabbit hole we go once again.

You get your answer and then make references to running down a rabbit hole.  Strange behavior.  Very strange, since you seem more like a prairie dog.  You pop your head up in an open field, jerk around seeking answers to irrelevant, superficial, and inane questions about some dark forest, get direct answers, shake your head and run away as if startled by a big bird. 

Is it an adult attention deficit disorder that contributes to your incessant inability to focus on original topics and leads you off into tangential trips?  Or are you seriously more concerned about my private actions & intentions than you are about the more public matters I raise?   Really?  Or do you yourself know something about government ops that someone might prefer remain unexposed to public scrutiny?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Well heck ,I'm more concerned about getting the right number of questions. I counted only three. Which one did I miss? :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I also count three questions:

1 Besides using this forum as a means of calling "foul", have you taken or do you intend to take any additional action(s) to rectify all this? 

2 Have higher authorities been notified so that these evil-doers can be properly investigated and sanctioned? 

3 Or are you content to simply report and hope that someone else takes the next step?

Question #1 could be divided into two questions (Have you taken . . . and Do you intend to take . . .), giving us a total of four questions.


Patriot, I don't need you, to get in touch with Doug. I can drop by and talk to him myself or even pick up the phone and call him. What I don't understand, why is Doug discussing county business with you? Are you his adviser? Is Sarge wrong in his statement or is Doug confused? But in all of this you do bring up another concern that needs faced, that is an elected official at the commissioner level just might be running his mouth a little too much to Joe Public (I'm not accusing anyone I'm not for sure to what depth he spoke to Patriot, but Patriot seems real sure of himself here and other information that the rest of us are not privy to)

Steve, maybe you need to clean the goat milk off your monitor but Elk said Patriot and Ross have ruined the forum for many --- Meaning a lot of people have chosen to keep off the forum due to them. So maybe you need to get a life if what we post isn't to your liking. Maybe when the forum started it was in mind for a community to be able to communicate together not draw suspicion of evil against every neighbor, elected official, and I'll throw this last one in lightly GOVERNMENT. I could be wrong I have been before.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 29, 2012, 09:18:16 PM
Well heck ,I'm more concerned about getting the right number of questions. I counted only three. Which one did I miss? :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


As I said, "grammatically".  Don't count the question marks (?), count the actual inquiries.  See Mom's breakdown.  Her # 1 is actually two questions.  Mom wins the gold star for analytical thinking.   ;D

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jhongreen on March 29, 2012, 10:07:49 PM
Patriot, I don't need you, to get in touch with Doug. I can drop by and talk to him myself or even pick up the phone and call him. What I don't understand, why is Doug discussing county business with you? Are you his adviser? Is Sarge wrong in his statement or is Doug confused? But in all of this you do bring up another concern that needs faced, that is an elected official at the commissioner level just might be running his mouth a little too much to Joe Public (I'm not accusing anyone I'm not for sure to what depth he spoke to Patriot, but Patriot seems real sure of himself here and other information that the rest of us are not privy to)

I think attending commission meetings on a regular basis and reviewing public records are more valid than being consumed with street rumors as some are.  In addition, I would rather avail myself of the opportunity to ask my elected representative about actions taken by the board on which he sits and his positions on issues rather than assume that what I heard at the cafe was factual & accurate.  I wouldn't presume to individually advise, but rather I would be bold enough to inquire.

With respect to your misguided sense of "the rest of us not being privy to" information... I can assure you that if you were actually present for the meetings, and if you actually studied statutes & available public records, you would not consider me as possessing some 'special' knowledge.  You would be similarly informed.  All  government actions/events I present are derived from openly available public discussions/records/actions of our county government.

You might consider that my apparent 'sense of assurance' might come from taking the time to read, listen, question, research, and analyze.  These are things I would encourage as common sense activities for anyone who presumes to vote in an election and who pays taxes or follows regulations at the direction of those elected.

For the record, I find your pejorative use of the 'Joe Public' reference as about as offensive to the core principles of a representative republic as one can be... short of openly embracing Statism or Communism in America.  I'll choose to believe that your statement came from a simple misunderstanding of open government and not from an intent to offend our form of government.

By way of trying to be helpful... In addition to reading K.S.A 75-4317a and 45-216a,  I would encourage you, at a minimum, to avail yourself of the basic information contained in the following links:

Did we really need tasers and a budget cut for the road department?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, it's good to see that there's folks like you around.  Hang in there and stay on 'em.


Quote from: jhongreen on March 29, 2012, 10:07:49 PM

Steve, maybe you need to clean the goat milk off your monitor but Elk said Patriot and Ross have ruined the forum for many --- Meaning a lot of people have chosen to keep off the forum due to them.
Well that would be their choice. AT least they know how to change the channel or turn the off knob  :).

QuoteSo maybe you need to get a life if what we post isn't to your liking.
Who gave you the idea I even care. :) 

QuoteMaybe when the forum started it was in mind for a community to be able to communicate together not draw suspicion of evil against every neighbor, elected official, and I'll throw this last one in lightly GOVERNMENT. I could be wrong I have been before.

It seems that it is working rather well. As for neighbor, no one is drawing suspicion about neighbors. Everyone should be suspicious of Government as well as elected officials. Especially when they hide in secret.   The government as well as elected officials do not have a right to conduct any private business on the taxpayer dime, nor do they have a right to conduct public business in secret.  They also do not have a right to abdicate their authority given to them by the taxpayer to a private entity that is not accountable to the taxpayer.  To do so indicates crooked people who want to do something illegal/unethical for a government official and by abdicating the job to a NGO they slither under a coat of protection. 

IF the government officials were HONEST. they would be open and forthcoming with what they are doing, not hiding behind a LLC that answers to no one.

It doesn't surprise me i have never met a honest government official. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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