Take the Test, (don't be shy, you might wind up on MSNBC)

Started by Warph, March 17, 2012, 11:31:52 AM

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Should you vote for Barack Hussein Obuma or the Republican candidate in 2012?  Here's a little quiz to help you decide!

1) The latest report from the CBO shows that the one decade cost estimate for Obamacare has almost doubled from 900 billion to 1.76 trillion dollars, it will add 700 billion dollars to the deficit over its first 10 years, 3-5 million people will lose their health care, and 30 million people still won't have health coverage, and history has shown that CBO projections of this sort almost always turn out to be optimistic. So, do you want the American health care system to be decimated by Barack Obama?

2) Do you want to see gas prices rise as fast as possible while Barack Obama slow walks offshore drilling, blocks the Keystone Pipeline, and opposes ANWR

3) Obama's stimulus may have been the single most wasteful expenditure in human history. It cost more than the "Marshall Plan, the Louisiana Purchase, and putting a man on the moon" combined and yet, numerous critics correctly predicted that it wouldn't work. Do you want more stimulus bills like that one in the future?

4) Because of Barack Obama's policies, we've had 37 months in a row of above 8% unemployment. That's the longest streak since the Great Depression. Perhaps worse yet, there are 1.7 million fewer jobs today than there were when Obama took office. Do you want to continue to see this many of your fellow Americans unemployed because of Barack Obama's incompetence?

5) The Catholic Church opposes birth control and abortion. Do you think it's okay for the Obama Administration to violate its First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion by forcing it to give out birth control for procreation? Should Catholics have to help abort babies, even though the Catholic Church views it as murder, despite the fact that every last Catholic bishop in the United States has condemned that decision?

6) America lost its AAA credit rating under Obama, we had the highest monthly deficit in American history just last month, and the projected 10 year deficit under Obama is more than 13 trillion dollars. Do you want to see this kind of spending continue?

7) Do you approve of an American President servilely bowing to foreign leaders?

8 ) Obama's blundering diplomacy in Pakistan and Afghanistan has almost hopelessly fouled the war effort there. After all the blood and treasure we've spent in Afghanistan, do you want to see America lose to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda because Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing?

9) Whether you're rich, poor, or the middle class, one thing you can be sure of is that your taxes will go up if Barack Obama is reelected? Do you want your taxes to go up?

10) Every Obama promise comes with an expiration date and you literally can't take him at his word on anything. Do you like politicians to treat you like you're stupid? Do you like being lied to by politicians?

11) Do you think it's okay for Barack Obama's campaign contributors at Solyndra to receive a 535 million dollar government loan, approved by one of Obama's fundraisers, even though they knew the company was in trouble and there was an excellent chance they wouldn't be able to pay back the loan?

12) In a sop to the unions that supported Barack Obama, "he gave them majority control of Chrysler, the taxpayers lost 14 billion dollars on General Motors, and General Motors received a special 45 billion dollar tax break." Do you think it's okay for Barack Obama to waste 59 billion dollars to help his political allies?

13) Do you think that the molestation of 95 year old cancer patients, sexual assaults, and the bad touching of small children by Obama's TSA should continue even though it does nothing of significance to prevent terrorist attacks?

14) Barack Obama supported TARP and expanded it when he became President. Do you like seeing well-connected big businesses that make lots of money when times are good get government bailouts to cover their losses when times are bad?

15) Obama's Department of Justice helped Mexican criminals get their hands on guns that were used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and an American. Nobody has been fired, nobody has been prosecuted, and the DOJ isn't cooperating with a congressional investigation into a scandal that's as serious as Watergate. Do you think it's all right for the Obama Administration to help provide guns to Mexican cartels without accountability?

That's the quiz! Count up how many "yes" answers you have and see how you scored!

1-5: Congratulations! You're partly sane!

6-10: Is this David Frum, David Brooks, or Meghan McCain?

11-15: Excellent news, Comrade! You have done well! We may have a spot for you as a guest on the Chris Matthews or Ed Schultz show next week!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The bad thing is he has people in trancelike  condition so they can only  see the good. Not looking at the bad  he has created. They have blinders on and can not look at the whole picture.


Quote from: Jane on March 17, 2012, 03:53:27 PM
The bad thing is he has people in trancelike  condition so they can only  see the good. Not looking at the bad  he has created. They have blinders on and can not look at the whole picture.

There's actually a name for that appearance of people having their heads up and locked:  Normalcy Bias
It's a self preservation behavior that keeps people from seeing and appropriately responding to bad things ahead.
Instead they see only their inaccurate picture of 'normal.  "All is well.... all is well."

I wonder if that explains anything locally.   

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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