Is Ron Paul running for president in the wrong party?....

Started by redcliffsw, March 15, 2012, 04:51:58 AM

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While Paul regularly invokes the "Old Right" and the legacy of Robert A. Taft and the Taft Republicans, this tradition has been long forgotten by Republican voters – and deliberately buried and disdained by the party's intellectuals, such as they are, who regularly rail against "isolationism" and hail FDR and Winston Churchill as their chosen icons.
-Justin Raimondo


Yeah... Ron Paul would have done better if he ran for the Party of Schlepp.  In politics, it is almost always that the good guy finishes last.  Red, my son is 33 yrs. old and is a delegate for Ron Paul in GA and for the past week he has called a number of times lamenting about what they did to Ron Paul there.  I gave him the same answer. 
In this world today, only the strong shall survive.  Good manners, pure ethics and play fair in politics doesn't exist anymore (if it ever did).  Today, its the dirtiest dog and that is Obuma.  Chances are he'll be your President again for the next four years.  He has hired some of the worst SOB's in politics and will try to win by hook or (what he really is) CROOK.  This clown is a totally deranged narcissistic personality that would lie, cheat and kill to get what he wants.  I'm 73 and I'm glad I'm an old geezer because I know I wont be around to see what this clown has done to the the good ol' US of A in the long run.  It won't be pretty. 

You need to read: "Obama and 2016 - the Movie."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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