Freezing Rain & Snow

Started by CrumCowgirlMama, November 29, 2006, 12:38:20 PM

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So I'm sitting here listening to the pouring rain...Which is probably actually freezing rain, and I'm thinking, I'm not ready! While the snow is beautiful, the freezing rain is a menace. We moved into our brand new house last March and realized our current generator isn't big enough to power even our heater if something were to happen. So...I'm sitting here praying for a miracle to stop the freezing rain! I'm sure everyone remembers the past ice storms! I sure hope we don't have a repeat!


I have to admit that those thoughts have crossed my mind, too.  Let it snow for a little while.  Let it rain for a whole lot longer and let the freezing wait until next winter.


Yes, we can very well remember the terrible ice storm we had just a few short years ago.  It is also raining here where we live, and is 33 degrees outside.  While we are never ready for these ice storms, we do what we can to prepare for the worst.  Don says he can see a little ice on the electrical wires.  :(  It sounds like Mother Nature plans to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary "with a pop, snap and bang!"


We started getting sleet (those stinging little ice pellets) about 10:30 this morning, in the midst of loud claps of thunder. I left campus about 30 minutes ago (it took 15 to de-ice the car windows). Nice to be home where it's dry, warm and free from that brutal wind.

Only in Kansas can you get four seasons.....
all in the same 24-hour period!  :o


So how is everyone holding up? We have about 5 inches of snow and they say the worst is over for us in Wichita. BUT they kept drawing a bullseye around the Eureka-Howard-Sedan area and saying it may get a foot or more of snow by midnight. I sure hope everyone there is warm and safe indoors, and send prayers for those who have to be outdoors in it.

Just curious if there is a city/county road crew that clears the streets during bad weather. Even in a city as large as Wichita, the crews only clear the main arteries and leave the side streets up to the residents to clear. Fortunately, someone in our neighborhood has a 4WD and snow plow so our streets don't stay buried under snow for very long. I'm wondering how it works in Howard.

BTW, some weeks ago I bought a snow shovel at Cookson's and was teased by a another customer there at the time (I think his name might have been Andy or Scott...honestly don't recall, and it's really not important anyway). He said "What do you plan to do with that snow shovel?" and I replied, "Well, it's bound to snow sooner or later, right?" Truth is, I'm using it to scrape up the yucky floor in the basement....LOL....little did I know we'd really be needing it for snow so soon!

Funny thing is, we've lived in Wichita five years and never owned a snow shovel. Now that we do, where is it? In Howard, where more than a foot of snow is expected!


I think it is still snowing and our electricity is still on.  My windows are so frosted and frozen over that I can't see through them so I can't see if it is snowing.  The last radar I saw showed snow in this area.  Janet said we had about 6 inches when she brought my mail in this evening.

Janet Harrington

I think that we are looking at 10 inches right now.  I've been trying to keep the snow off the back steps by forcing the screen door out as far as I can.  However; it just keeps piling up.  Jim swept the front porch once and it is already covered up with snow.  I can tell you that Colonel likes it but he doesn't want to stay out in it.


Lynne, you asked if the streets of Howard are plowed after a snow.  My street, one of the lesser streets in town, has been plowed both directions.  We had 12 inches of snow.  It is a pretty sight, looking out across my undisturbed backyard.  My front yard is too small and full of front porch, ramp, walks (which have now been shoveled) and trees to present any kind of a winter picture.  I like the snow when I can stay inside out of it.


our street has not been touched by any plow we just have tracks were cars have tried to make it up the hill


Maybe they choose the streets by the importance of the people that live on them.  Let's see:  on S. Walnut there is Mary Buffalo, then me, (going north) Esther Jordan, unknown, Tina Shipley, Buena Taylor.  And up by the park is the water dispenser.  Is that enough to get S. Walnut plowed?

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