Why Can't americans Have Democracy?

Started by redcliffsw, March 06, 2012, 06:58:32 AM

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Why is Washington so determined to bring democracy to the Middle East (with the exception of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Emirates), Africa, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, and China, but is hostile to constitutional rights in america?
-Paul Craig Roberts



Quote from: redcliffsw on March 06, 2012, 06:58:32 AM
Why is Washington so determined to bring democracy to the Middle East (with the exception of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Emirates), Africa, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, and China, but is hostile to constitutional rights in america?
-Paul Craig Roberts


I'm late here, and red's link may no longer be valid, but if Americans had Democracy, we wouldn't be Americans.  At least not Americans in the sense that the founders had in mind.  Of course, by taking Democracy to other nations, we almost guarantee their demise.  Perhaps a better question would be why can't other nations have a representative republic?

Democracy:  Two wolves & a rabbit voting on what's for dinner.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You're right.  The pro-democracy route is the wrong way, however some have been indoctinated to favor democracy.

Here's the new link to the article:

Beyond Democracy:  Why democracy does not lead to solidarity, prosperity and liberty but to social conflict, runaway spending and a tyrannical government

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