New Job

Started by Janet Harrington, January 10, 2005, 07:37:19 PM

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Janet Harrington

Just to let my friends know that I started work today as the new jail administrator in Wilson County.  This jail is about 3 years old, holds around 77 inmates, and has lots and lots of problems.  The new sheriff, Dan Bath, hired me to try and get the jail straightened out.  Lots of physical plant problems that have to be fixed.  Hope the commissioners will know what they are in for.  How nice for the new sheriff to get me, 22 years experience, to help keep him out of hot water.  All the deputies are people that I already know. The police officers in Fredonia and Neodesha are friends of mine, so I think that things are going to be great over there.  Lots of work to be done.  Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go.  By the way, I get paid more to be jail administrator in Wilson County then I ever got as sheriff in Elk County.


Congratulations ~~~!!!  ;D
Well, Wilson County has the right person for the job.. if anyone can get that jail in ship shape.. you can.
And knowing you like I do.. you will have a great time doing it...They certainly have a "jack of all trade and master of all" when it comes to police administrative work and know how.   Enjoy your new adventure Janet dear...You deserve it..

But just remember.. when it gets a bit tense~~~~~~~~~ :-X~~~~~~~~~~
"But I didn't say fudge.  I said the mother of them all.  The F blank blank blank."       
..((((remember your New Years Intention :-X )))

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


   Congratualtions !!!!   I am glad you had a great day !!!  In a job you are quite capable of &  suited for, and yes you are right,  Your 22 years of experience will be a great help to the New Sheriff there.  8)   You will be a great asset & team .    "Bloom where you are planted"    ;D   Congratulations !!!!!!!!!   


Wow... I totally lost track of time and didn't know it was the 10th already. Congrats on your new job!



Wilson County wins . . . you'll be missed here.


Congats on the new job sheriff!
Hope it workes out for you.

(Don't hesitate to smoke a fool if they get out of line) ;D ;D

Janet Harrington

What wonderful things to say.  I will tell you that I went into that job smiling and they haven't wiped the smile off my face, yet.  Thanks for the nice comments.  I, too, think Wilson County wins and of course I am out to show them what they have won.  Thanks again. :D :D :D

Jo McDonald

CONGRATULATIONS JANET---It always makes me happy when good things come to good people that well deserve them.


Janet Harrington

I just want everyone to know, (after reading this post that I did in 2005), that I no longer work for Wilson County.  The idiot sheriff there fired me on March 6, 2007, because I had been looking for a better paying job.

Anyone that would like to read the letter that he wrote to me on that day feel free to e-mail me and I will send it to you via e-mail. 

What he was really doing was using my salary to give everyone else raises and since I did not live in Wilson County, I was sacrificed.  There ya go.  An unemployed old sheriff.  Whatever will I do?????????


Janet, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your job, but I firmly believe all things happen for a reason (because a Higher Power has a Higher Plan, and not because you are at fault in any way). Something wonderful will surely present itself to you. Have faith ... and keep your eyes open.

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