Property tax relief is coming to Elk County...

Started by Patriot, February 29, 2012, 10:32:26 PM

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Quote from: srkruzich on March 06, 2012, 09:10:11 AM
DUH, neither does the founders of this country.  This country is a republic based on the rule of law not mob rule!

This is a totally ridiculous statement. You don't live in Elk County, you have never lived in Elk County, you don't pay taxes or own property in Elk County, yet you keep trying to stir trouble in Elk County. Like it or not the majority still rules in America.


"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."  Thomas Jefferson

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson

It seems, ELK@KC, that the history you learned at the hand of a government school was flawed.  America is a democratic republic.

Oh.. and I DO live & pay taxes in Elk County.  But what does the have to do with anything?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: ELK@KC on March 06, 2012, 09:21:39 AM
This is a totally ridiculous statement. You don't live in Elk County, you have never lived in Elk County, you don't pay taxes or own property in Elk County, yet you keep trying to stir trouble in Elk County. Like it or not the majority still rules in America.

what does where i live and what i own have to do with stating a fact. one of which you obviously are against constitutional law. 
As far as what i have and what i do in elk county you have no clue nor will you ever know what i do or pay in elk county.  :)  Thats the beauty of constitutional law. It protects my rights against those like you!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You improve a building or structure or improve the value of a property by more that $20,000. That does not mean you only spend 20k.  It means the property value increases.  Comps to other structures, location and market determine assessed value.  If you gut a finished basement then remodel it to a man cave you have not necessarily added value to the property.  If you update a kitchen but add no significant square footage the taxable value might not change much.  Also you have to have the tax bill current with the county.  No late filing.

So for instance:   You build on to $50,000 building that raises you assessed value $20,000.
The tax bill on the 50k original structure would not change.
1st year you pay $100.00 fee then are reimbursed 97% of the improvements part of the counties tax bill.  On $20,000 with a 189 mil levy x 11.5% the tax would be about $434.  The  city, extension, school district, fire or other mil assessments are not reimbursed.
1st year you pay your taxes on time to the tune of $534.  You get a rebate of 420.98
2nd year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 77%.  You pay $434.  Your rebate is $334.18.
3rd year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 57%. You pay $434. Your rebate is $247.42.
4th year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 37%.  You pay $434. Your rebate is $160.58.
5th year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 17%.  You pay 434. Your rebate is $73.78.
So in five years you save about $1236.90. It still added to the county tax rolls improved the area and you get something nice for your >$20,000 investment.   

The taxes paid by year five would be $1033.10.   
So this would be a $1236.90 abated revenue for the county on a minimum $20,000 private investment.
6th year  and following years you pay taxes with no reimbursement.  $434


So why do you want Beggar-Thy-Neighbor for such paltry sums?


Quote from: Toirtap on March 07, 2012, 08:14:19 PM
...The  city, extension, school district, fire or other mil assessments are not reimbursed...

Unless, of course, Jennifer Montgomery (county economic development director) is successful in convincing the various towns/boards to enter into inter-local agreements to participate in the program.  She's already visited at least two town council meetings to 'sell' the plan..... even though the plan has not yet been fully written, vetted or accepted by the county commission.  One commissioner is on record as opposing the program.  Why is a county employee busy selling an non-existent plan to the towns and at whose direction?  Who the hell runs this county?  The commission or just a portion of the commission?  And some here wonder why there are complaints of backroom dealings in county government and/or deals worked in concert with selected business entities.  Transparency.... just like Obama.  But much closer to home.  Same political party affiliations too.  

Toirtap  aka  Mr. P. Perkins... you are a real piece of work.  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Blah blah. Preaching blah blah.  Condescending blah blah

Loss of purpose quit bringing Steve into everything.  He does not beg from his neighbors he just wants things others do need anymore.  More of a repurposing.  

Transparency. You login as patriot. Hypocritical much?    

Do you use CFL bulbs?  It could save on electric bill but has a higher up front cost.   But concept is lost if you are not willing to put out for the up front cost. L.e.d are better but have a much longer payback window like five years.  So don't invest in anything that takes five years to payout, it is your money.  Keep inefficient REC needs the cash-flow.

You know with your asphalting the airstrip dream and the goats have you been practicing for your next jihad.  I would hate to drop a dime to dhs.   If I tried to breed goats for profit I could use a $20,000 new studio to film them,or  to video market them to the only population that eats them.          Muslims have the internet so i could skype in HD?  So  where is the denial of my numbers not the advertising of an email, my name mister open and honest.  Why do you hide behind the curtain like a little old man I'n the wizard of oz.   We don't have a dictator this far north.   Closest would be Cuba.    Elk county has never had anyone running it.  They tried to run a nursinghome a few years back but failed, after several nonfund warrents,miserably.   You are confused.  You run a business.  You run your mouth.

What does lol stand for loss of liberty?  




Sedgwick County won't join property tax rebate for new-home buyers

By Bill Wilson
The Wichita Eagle
Published Wednesday, March 28, 2012, at 5 a.m.

Sedgwick County won't participate in a property tax rebate plan for new-home buyers, a program that some public officials now say was "oversold" to them by supporters.

Wichita City Council members, who approved the rebate plan on Feb. 14, say they stand behind it, although one councilman is upset that he didn't learn until Tuesday that the rebate program produces a net short-term loss for the city.

The program was sought by the Wichita Area Builders Association to revitalize the new home construction market by rebating five years of property taxes and special assessments to the first 1,000 new-home buyers in the area.

City council members voted 6-1 to approve the plan last month. But some of them said that builders association officials indicated the county and its school districts, including the Wichita school district, would not oppose the plan.

The county won't consider the plan because state law prohibits the county from rebating property taxes, Commissioners Dave Unruh and Richard Ranzau said.

"I don't know that it would have passed over here because our own study shows we stood to lose almost $2 million ($1,832,294)," Ranzau said. "But it's a moot point now."

Read more here:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So you think this plan is crap because two commissioners from Sedgwick county think it is so therefore Elk county can't benefit from implementation.   Their record on  tax waste and private/public investment has worked out so well in the past.  Why compare the smallest economy in the state to the largest to justify your negative position?  Maybe as a tactic?

What happens in year six?  What is the tax on the asset?  Does it get torn down to dodge the appraiser?  What happens in year nine when the tax on the  new asset dwarfs the entire abatement?  That would be called growth.

You assume that the construction will occur with or without the tax abatement. 
There has not been any Capitol improvement in the last ten years has there?   Why would there be any now?

  I do not understand why you would not want to promote  and and provide incentives for growth. 

When you point out that we should oppose this plan because you don't like it you should also offer a better plan as an alternative.  That way we beggars and neighbors have a chance to send you the praises and accolades that you must so desire.

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