Property tax relief is coming to Elk County...

Started by Patriot, February 29, 2012, 10:32:26 PM

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New study finds Kansas' tax loads worse than reported
By kansasreporter on March 5, 2012

TOPEKA — A new national study says Kansas business owners pay some of the highest taxes in the country.
No surprise there, one business owner said.
"We have so many kinds of taxes, and they are all high," said Ken Daniel, chairman of Midway Wholesale Co., a Topeka building materials distributor. He said his 40-year-old company's tax bill will be in the neighborhood of $150,000 this year.

(Skipping down several paragraphs)

The new study, titled "Location Matters — Business Tax Costs in 50 States," was released this week by the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research and education organization in Washington, D.C., that advocates for lower taxes.
The study notes, "Kansas offers among the most generous property tax abatements and investment tax credits across most firm types, yet these incentives seem to have little impact on the state's rankings for new operations."Derrick Sontag, director of Americans for Prosperity-Kansas, said the practice of government picking winners and losers must come to an end. "When you read a report like this how can one not come to the conclusion that we need to address this problem with aggressive tax reform that provides everyone an opportunity?"

Dave Trabert, president of the Kansas Policy Institute, told KansasWatchdog that, "Incentives are what one offers (whether a business or a government) when one is not competitive."

{They seem to have so many different ways of saying ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT call it what you want, it doesn't appear to work, does it?}

There is more bad news for Kansas in the study. You can read the whole story at:


And in the face of having the highest property tax rates in Kansas we have a select few elitists who want to use a new 'program' to provide property tax money giveaways a limited few.  Talk about trying to pick winners and losers.  While some will argue that the tax rebate will be 'available' to anyone, the reality is that, in our current economy, only a few will be able to afford to participate.  Effectively, they are locked out... or psychologically pushed into taking on more debt so they can participate.  Kinda like telling you the Chevy Volt will save you tons of money on gas... IF you can afford the $46,000 price tag. 

The thought that government needs to get out of the way isn't just for Washington D.C. any more.  Local government needs to focus on government priorities:  Excellent management to provide the highest quality roads/infrastructure, police protection, fire & emergency response available.  IMO County government should not be in the micro loan banking, youth entertainment & sports stadium construction business.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

There is a segment of all populations that thinks sports are hugely important, and rec. for their kids is too. Why don't they have a say? They pay taxes too! Some times people do band together to make their case before local Gov't. Shouldn't they have the freedom to be recognized and heard? I think some proposals are silly too, but they need to be recognized without having to hear cat calls and jeering. (runways and golf courses)
  So who gets to set the priorities? Those who were elected to do so or those who don't run, weren't elected and refuse to go through the '"chain of command" so to speak and snipe as radicals outside the system?  A system, by the way, that isn't always  convenient and doesn't have to be. It just has to exist, loopholes and all.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 05, 2012, 09:15:10 AM
There is a segment of all populations that thinks sports are hugely important, and rec. for their kids is too. Why don't they have a say?
THey do, thats their responsibility to pay for it. not everyone else.  Just because a few like sports does not entitle them to taxpayer money.  What about the folks that dont want their tax dollar wasted on sports.  Their voice is being ignored.

QuoteThey pay taxes too!
SO what.  Taxes are not collected for providing entertainment. IF you want to be entertained, foot the bill yourself.

QuoteSo who gets to set the priorities? Those who were elected to do so or those who don't run, weren't elected and refuse to go through the '"chain of command" so to speak and snipe as radicals outside the system?  A system, by the way, that isn't always  convenient and doesn't have to be. It just has to exist, loopholes and all.

You call stadiums and parks and rec and all that necessary?   Ok stack it up against constitutional law. Are these provided by constitutional law?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on March 05, 2012, 09:43:07 AM
Ok stack it up against constitutional law. Are these provided by constitutional law?

(Sarcasm on)

But, but, but Steve... Don't you know the Constitution is a 'living, breathing document' meant to be changed and interpreted in context with the times!  Times have changed, don't you know.  The Constitution says government should 'provide for the general welfare.'  When people play sports & get free cellphones they feel better and their welfare is improved!  Dr. Phil, Oprah & Joe Biden said so!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 05, 2012, 09:15:10 AM
So who gets to set the priorities?  Those who were elected to do so or those who don't run, weren't elected and refuse to go through the '"chain of command" so to speak and snipe as radicals outside the system?

You seem  to have a real problem (read: lack of understanding) regarding the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.  Chain of command??? What are you talking about?  Citizens and their constitutional protections of free speech ARE the system.  'Radical', in America, would be to think, let alone suggest, otherwise.  The room full of people I'm sitting with took a group gasp for air when your quote above was read aloud.  Wow.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot if you guys found that astounding did you read her last post on Elk County Hand Out. Way off base.

I'm out of here, nice outside weather and work beckon me?

Diane Amberg

Why the sarcasm? I didn't say I agreed, I was just stating one side of the 'freedom" issue.  Constitutional law doesn't provide specifically for roads either, or street lights or your water works. Don't ya all want to have to haul water? What's wrong with outhouses anyway? They are very energy efficient and aren't tax based (just poking)  
 If your sports folks happen to be the majority, whether it's football or rodeo, doesn't majority rule win?
 Who paid for the  many fair rounds?   Are they privately owned? Some are, or are owned by groups. Do people buy tickets to go to events? Or is everything free because of taxes already paid?  Is having more than one even remotely efficient? Many different ways work, it just depends on whether you want all user fees, business or corporate support or subsidies from your Gov't . As far as taxes go, I don't mind as long as I'm getting good value for what I pay.

Many states long ago voted to raise their own taxes to pay for roads so they wouldn't have to deal with the questionable doings of toll road owners and operators.
We did the same thing here a few years ago, voted to raise our own taxes, to pay for a new reservoir filled by White Clay Creek. It passed by a huge majority, yet a few people fought it and are still griping even though they use the water too. It allowed us to disconnect from a partial, very expensive, water service from another vender. Newark now owns and controls all it's own water. So when every kid on campus flushes at the same time on move in day, it no longer runs us short and we don't get "conserve water''  notices! ;D ;D ;D
As far as chain of command ,you know exactly what I mean.  Go to the meetings. Ya want to speak, you ask to be put on the agenda, accept what time is assigned for speaking and wait your turn. You don't all just stand up and start yelling. That's totally uncivilized and accomplishes nothing. Freedom of speech doesn't protect or condone out of control childish behavior...At least not in 2012. Ya want to protest, get a group together, go outside outside and do it. You definitely have the freedom to do that, might need a permit though.
  But, I guess you don't agree with majority rule.
 A gasp for air...good, they are thinking.  I'm not sure why you would be reading my post to a "room full of people" but that's fine by me.  I try to take all views into consideration when a choice is to be made. I don't care if you agree, but fairness says consider what all have to say, not just your close friends. People of many ages and maturity levels vote. Many will slowly change their minds about issues as they learn, mature and get some life on their bones. You run for office you'll find that out.


White Clay Creek appears to be a  very densly populated area.
That in no way, no how compares to our little county.
We have less then a 1/4 person per square mile.
What do you have where you live maybe 5,000 peopel per square mile.
Big difference, huh?


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