Group plans to honor Iraq, Afghanistan war vets

Started by Warph, March 01, 2012, 10:17:07 AM

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Group plans to honor Iraq, Afghanistan war vets
By Brett Zongker - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Feb 29, 2012 13:20:12 EST
WASHINGTON — It took almost 60 years for World War II veterans to get a monument in Washington. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial opened less than a decade after their war ended. Now with the Iraq war just over, and Afghanistan continuing, there are already plans to honor those veterans in a new National Mall tribute in the works.

It wouldn't be a full-scale Iraq and Afghanistan war memorial. But the group that built the Vietnam memorial wall of names tells The Associated Press that it will expand the scope of a planned education center nearby to include service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their photos would be displayed alongside those of soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who died in the Vietnam conflict that ended in 1975.

More at Air Force Times:

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-- Warph

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