BP and Wind Energy

Started by frawin, February 28, 2012, 11:07:54 AM

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Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Like they said, "Too Good To Be True?"

And I learned some more info by clicking on their links.
I never thought about them using their own generated power to turn the turbins when there is no wind.
Or to use their own power to heat the oil inside the turbin in cold weather and a few other things.

Good post.

I'll be surprised if the County even see's 1/4 of what they were told in the PILOT.


I think it would be beneficial for some to read your link, srkruzich.

It is far more informative then wikipedia where just anyone can say what ever they want.

For instance:

A few people get more money from leasing their land for the towers (until the developer starts withholding it for some small-print reason, or even disappears after the tax advantages slow down -- Altamont Pass in California is littered with broken-down wind towers owned by companies long gone), but that's the opposite of an argument for the general good.

I have read this before on other web sites. I have even seen the pile of old turbins, rather ugly.


Quote from: frawin on February 28, 2012, 01:17:16 PM
Are you saying it is better to continue to pay over 300 Billion dollars a year for Oil/Products, etc imported from several countries, some of who are our enemies. Are you saying is better to pollute the atmosphere using Hydrocarbons. Time is running out on our polutting the world and it is imperative that we do everything to reduce the Hydrocarbon discharge into the atmosphere, a good start is Windpower.
BP is a very large Oil and Gas Producer in America, they Acquired Amoco and they employ Thousands of Americans Worldwide. They pay Billions of Tax dollars to the united States. The Windfarm is good thing for Elk County, the United States and the World.

I can't see a "good start" being Windpower.  Nonsense.  Our country was off to a good start with the Declaration of Independence and the Consititution.  This Federal government corporate welfare for WindPower will not save the environment or the economy.  That's tyranny.  How will tyranny save the environment or the economy - better yet, how will tyranny save our couintry?     

The belief that government provides for us is nonsense.  I'm not buying into the Obama and Republican party doctrine for us and for the world community.

Diane Amberg

This country at the time of the writing of those documents didn't have electricity at all, but did use wind and water, animal, solar. wood, fire and people power to help with their daily lives.How is what is being done now not a logical extension from what they did. Have you ever been to Williamsburg or any other place that shows the cleverness of the day and how they got things done? Yes they did pay taxes...that's what started the war!You certainly do use "tyranny" broadly and loosely.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 29, 2012, 09:33:01 AM
This country at the time of the writing of those documents didn't have electricity at all, but did use wind and water, animal, solar. wood, fire and people power to help with their daily lives.How is what is being done now not a logical extension from what they did. Have you ever been to Williamsburg or any other place that shows the cleverness of the day and how they got things done? Yes they did pay taxes...that's what started the war!You certainly do use "tyranny" broadly and loosely.

IF you read the ariticle it pointed that out. that smaller windtowers ones like you still see dotted around the country that was used for water ect work. It supplys one two places.  But then again you do not have the loss associated with electrical generation in water or whatever.  You see there is a reason there is a min 9mph wind.  It takes that just to turn the commentator. Once you turn on the juice coming out of it it generates a resistance to turning.  The old time mills didn't have that kind of resistance. Secondly yes folks have used small commentators to produce electricity in their homes.  Smaller they are the much easier they are to turn. In a car, you lose about 2 hp to turning the alternator.  That is why you can't have peretual motion. There is always a cost for every action.

The next thing that happens with that cost is friction. That friction from day  one starts the clock on its demise.  By the time you get the cost out of the towers, they will need replacing.not because they are worn out but because they are obsolete.   

Last of all is that wind cannot be used in all areas of the country and the only way is to ship the power over lines to another location.  You have all kinds of cost, loss, and it promotes a total negative effect on your so called green power. 

As in solar what do you do with the skeletons once they are dead?  Thats another big time cost.  i'll bet  you that to dismantle those things will cost 5 times what it cost to put up because by that time there will be more regulation on how to dispose of it.   And you know  who will foot the bil? Not the companies, but the taxpayors.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Sell' em to China and include the cost of dismantling and shipping.


I worked for a Large Rancher-Oil Operator for 20 years in West Texas, Florida Power and Light installed a big windfarm on his ranch 11 years ago, it is still operating fine. The Rancher and the County are very pleased with the Money. They do not ship the electricity generated over power lines for a long distance, the trade it with other companies that have excess power in other Grids.
Wind Power is being installed all over the world, it is clean, cost effective, non polluting. I think Elk County will be very pleased with the Enel project.


Quote from: frawin on February 29, 2012, 04:36:32 PM
Wind Power is being installed all over the world, it is clean, cost effective, non polluting.

Who cares what the rest of the world is doing, this is where I live.

Cost effective if subsidized with taxpayer dollars.
Non polluting if you ignore all the polution developed in the production fo the units.
Non polluting as long as they don't break down and leak all the oil inside of them.
Non poluting as long as the don't get hit by lightning and the oil inside them doesn't burst into flames.

Quote from: frawin on February 29, 2012, 04:36:32 PM
I think Elk County will be very pleased with the Enel project.

That remains to be seen?
Are you talking about the nearly Million a year that Elk County is suppose to get?
We will have to wait and see if they pay that on the initial start up payment, won't we?
They did start up art full capacity, didn't they say that?

What happens in ten or twenty years will remain to be seen.


Ross, speaking of electricity.... what you and Steve need is one of those Chevrolet Volts.  It is more than a car, it's a community (so they say).  I think It's the impossible dream and really in my view, Volt is achieving it.

Just think, only a few years ago the notion of a production electric vehicle made the lips of skeptics curl up at the corners.  Words like "never," "won't" and "can't be done" were tossed around.  Volt did it anyway.  Since 2010 disbelievers and optimism alike have had the chance to experience just how possible this dream has become.  Imagine owning a car that gives you complete piece of mind.  Volt is unique among electric vehicles because you have two sources of energy.  You have an electric source...a battery....that allows you to drive gas... free for an EPA estimated 35 miles.  And there's also an onboard gas generator that produces electricity so you can go up to a total of 375 additional miles on a full tank of gas.  Can't beat that, huh... It's a little pricy but what isn't nowdays?

I'm sold on them and so is this Volt owner:

Also checkout: http://www.obamavolt2012.com/Site/Obama_Volt_2012.html and   http://www.bailoutcost.com/
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