Old Folks and Occupy Wall Street

Started by Ross, February 29, 2012, 09:40:08 AM

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Senior citizens activists are key participants in Occupy Wall Street, social action.

By Silvio Laccetti

In the last great outpouring of civic protest during the '60s and early '70s, participants consisted almost entirely of young people. The rebel mantra was "Don't trust anyone over 30!" Not so today with Occupy Wall Street. This I can affirm from letters from my correspondents and by my attendance at the recent OWS-Jersey City teach-in at St. Peter's College.

From the get-go, golden-agers — 65, 75 and older — have had a visible and valuable presence. They are coming out of their culture of isolation in senior citizen communities, wherein their voices are muted, and where mingling with other age groups is nigh impossible.

They are making their presence known in the maelstrom of social action, working in liberal and conservative causes. They are occupying parks and marching in the streets. They have a vast treasure of accumulated knowledge, wisdom and experience to share.

OWS seems especially positioned to take advantage of this trend because of its leaderless structure and its general assemblies open to any and all. It can inspire individuals to create new local civic action programs totally independent of OWS.

Read the rest f the story at:

A  lot of people don't get it because it is not operated with establishment norm's or government rules.

Ask yourself why?
Could it be because the establishments and governments can't use normal to discredit the movement?
That is unless they use the Corporate Media to lie and/or not tell the real story.
The regular corporate media concentrates on the lawless element.
Look where most of the action is, in big cities and
if you check out the lawlessness in the big cities you will find it rampant.
Just pick any three mile radius and search it,
you will be awsomely surprised.
Is all of it connected to OWS? 
I am sure the corporates would have you believe so.
Will those same corporates tell you about the white collar crime with in their own corporations?
Hell no!
Will they stop bombarding you with miss information or lack of bad information in their advertising?
Again hell no?

Are senior citizens bad people for joining OWS?
These are the same people that at one time said,
Don't trust anyone over thirty.".

Go figure!

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