Girl Scout Cookies

Started by PrehistoricRez, February 25, 2012, 10:41:21 AM

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Wow!  That is low....   Those little girls spend just as much time in Howard as they do in Longton.    Nothing wrong with A and M selling them at their Grandmas business.  I know plenty of people who sold them at my job for their kids and Grandkids. 

Ms Bear

The girls aren't safe going door to door anymore so if they can't get the parents and other relatives to help them they can't sell them.  When my girls were in Girl Scouts they did get out and go door to door in our neighborhood but I wouldn't let them do it now.

I am glad Connie was able to help them.

Diane Amberg

The girls in our neighborhood do still come around, usually right after school but never alone. Often an older sibling or parent comes too or they are in groups. Now, that gets funny trying to figure out what to buy from whom. The big grocery stores here will let them set up out front.I understand why parents take them to work but I'd rather see the girls involved in the sale too,not just putting together the orders.


I'm amazed that anyone would think they could tell me who to buy from.  Let's see I bought mine in Piedmont and we don't even have a troop here.  OMG, I bought some in Severy, ElDorado, and Eureka also.  Prehistoric,  even in his thoughts!  GET A LIFE! ::)

Ms Bear

I bought mine from a friend that doesn't even have girls, she always helps the girls in her neighborhood by getting orders and helping them deliver them. 

It is sad that the girls can't get out and sell them but it the adults aren't even comfortable going around to some of the neighborhoods.

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