Girl Scout Cookies

Started by PrehistoricRez, February 25, 2012, 10:41:21 AM

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Please do not buy girl scout cookies from Sweet and Spicy Restaurant, in Howard KS.  They are selling them to support the Longton chapter of the girl scouts.  and not the local howard girl scouts.  RESELLING of girl scout cookies is prohibited.



Are you upset that they are helping to support Longton which you don't feel is local or are you upset that their is not a girl scout there selling them.  I'm sure they paid the Longton club for the cookies, didn't they? Are they charging more for them to make a profit? Isn't Longton part of the local community? 


I could care less who sells the GS cookies but reading this peaked my interest so I looked the box over . It does say" This product is distributed and marketed exclusively through Girl Scouts. Any resale or redistribution is unauthorized'
It says it is unauthorized but does that mean it's illegal ? I don't know---all I care about is if I have my supply of peanut Butter Patties and the Coconut Caramel kind.  ;D


This looks like it belongs under "Elk County Hand Out At Commissioners Meeting on 4/25",


Well, Well, to prehistoricrez just for your info I am not making any money from selling GS Cookies that would be a very low blow, would that be like, hey we have windfarm people coming into Howard lets raise our prices but then what happens when they all leave yes thats right we have to try to figure out how to get our locals to come back and support us Well I am Proud to say my prices are the same today as they were when we opened our doors a year ago I am not in this to get Rich by no means and yes there maybe a time to raise my prices but I want this to be affordable for Families to come and enjoy what we have to offer. Anyways back to the GS issue I am a Proud Grandmother of 2 GS from Longton, Elk County. and as I recall last year I paid for 15 cases of cookies and sold everyone of them at same cost and this year I am buying 16 cases FYI just saying..... also I do believe that Longton is Elk County and Howard & Fredonia is involved with GS with Longton, my 2 girls busted their A**** selling here in Howard, Wichita, Washington State, Wyoming and many other places far and in between is there a law about going out of your bounderies to sell at least they were out doing the work many people from Howard were glad to see a GS out selling maybe mine just wanted to get started. I just called my daughter in Longton and she said if there would have been a problem then they would not of let me do it last year, but if you find out more info before I do that I am doing something wrong PLEASE come to me FACE to FACE and let me know. Shame Shame on you to say Don't buy GS Cookies at SWEET & SPICY it's all for the ELK, COUNTY TROOPS. Shame  shame to me I hope you don't send kids to Sweet & Spicy to sell things cause I won't buy from them. just saying..........................


I am the Mother of the two girls that Sweet & Spicy bought all the cookies from. I would like to say that my two girls & the rest of the Longton GS busted their butts on selling cookies this year.  ;D And for you, PrehistoricRez, to go and say "don't buy them from Sweet & Spicy because she is supporting Longton GS," is BS. I'm pretty sure if any Howard GS came into Sweet & Spicy to sale cookies, they wouldn't of been turned down.
Not to long ago, we, Longton GS, welcomed Howard GS & other surrounding troops into our school for a "Girl Scout Cookie Kickoff." So how is it that we aren't a part of Howard?
My girls have sold to people in our LOCAL community (Longton-Moline-Howard-Severy-Elk City-Independence), Wichita, Wyoming & Washington State, so is that a crime that they dont support their "local troop"? I dont see what the big deal is here.
Anyways, I'm done here. Hope you have a wonderful day!  ;D

Janet Harrington

How interesting. I think it is shameful of you, prehistoricrez, to say something like this. We do our best to not be a county divided and, yet, here an adult that does their best to do so.

Connie's granddaughters work at the Sweet and Spicy as wait staff when they can. They are two of the best little workers I have ever seen. Connie is supporting the Girl Scouts by buying as much as she did. She then has them available to customers at the same cost that she bought them for.

I bought my girl scout cookies from a girl scout in Moline. I bought them through my neice, not the girl scout. I never saw a girl scout come to my door or stop me on the street to ask me to buy girl scout cookies. When I run out of the cookies I bought and if Connie has any left, I will probably buy from Sweet and Spicy.

Quit trying to pull the girl scout troops apart. They are a team, whether they are from the Longton troop or whatever other troops we have in Elk County. In my humble opinion, local troops are any troop from Elk County, Greenwood County, Montgomery County, Chautauqua County, Cowley County, and Butler County. Now, that's local.

Find something else to complain about such as high gas prices, countyl roads, or something. Leave the poor girl scouts alone.

And I can promise you that if another troop had come into Sweet and Spicy and asked Connie if they could sell cookies there, she would have welcomed them with open arms. Just saying.


Sweet & Spicy/ Alexis & Makayla would like to Thank everyone who bought GS cookies at restaurant we have about 2 1/2 cases left so get in while they last, also I donated money to the Howard GS Troop. prehistoricrez I know who you are and I said a Prayer for you. Thank You Connie


 >:( >:( >:(  I am appauled at what I just read posted by prehistoricrez.  How dare you try to interfere with the good work Elk County businesses and residents do to help our youth of Elk County.  In this case, however, I don't think ONE BAD APPLE is going to spoil the barrel.  United we conquer, divided we fall.  In every town there are "nit-pickers" who look for something to complain about just to be complaining.  We have church youth groups open to ALL youth, not just those from that church.  Elk Konnected has event after event involving ELK COUNTY YOUTH (and falls over into Severy which is in Greenwood county).  I say to prehistoricrez, grow up and quit acting like a child not old enough to even be in Girl Scouts.  They work hard on their cookie sales and many people buy those cookies even if they can't eat them for health reasons.  They buy because of the help it gives to these girls.  Cookie sales is not the whole reason for Girl Scouts.  I was a Girl Scout and I was a Girl Scout Community Leader.  The next time you see a scout proudly displaying their badges they worked hard for, give them a shout out.  They weren't given those awards, they "earned" those awards.  To the rest of you, keep on supporting our youth wherever they reside.  That's what helps them to become responsible adults.  Note:  Connie, you do a wonderful job and keep it up.  Most of us support your efforts to not only the Girl Scouts, but the community.  By the way, when we are eating at Sweet & Spicy, I see a lot of out of towners.  Prehistoricrez, question: Should these people be eating in their own  town instead of supporting a Howard business????? Okay, off my soap box and into the kitchen.  Thanks for letting me blow off steam.


Well said Miss Flo, God Bless you and all that support Howard Businesses. ;)

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