Jarhead's Bunker

Started by Warph, February 13, 2012, 10:06:03 AM

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He didn't.  It is drifting down all over Elk County.


UHHHH.........Wilma.............that's not money that's drifting down.............

Larryj ::)
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry... Thanks to pkarck, my changes to improve the C library for Microchip's MRF24J40 802.15.4 modules has been ported to the Arduino library.  I'd written an Arduino library some time ago, but hadn't been maintaining it as I don't really deal with Arduino much these days.  However, it's gotten some love :)  It's now easier to use, and has support for the power amplifier on the MRF24J40MB modules, if you're using those.  It also makes some quirks I was dealing with in a mixed xbee/mrf24j40 module environment optional.  In general, this collects up some of the various reported issues over the last year or so, and I didn't have to do anything to speak of at all.  

Basically what I did was connect an Arduino to a 12-bit DAC chip (TLV5618) using the SPI 3 wire interface.  It sends numbers on a timer to interrupt the DAC to specify where the beams are, 0, 455, 900, etc... all the way up to 4095 for 10 beams.  It holds each position for about 500uS (half a millisecond) and switches laser blanking on (or is that "off") for this time.  When it reaches the end it brings the mirror back to the start position of the Satellite. The output of the DAC chip is 0-5V... this is then converted to -5v / +5v using a TL082 Opamp chip from Radio Shack.  Finally it's passed through a Balanced Line Driver chip to give the full (-/+) 10v ptp) differential signal required by the mirror (laser galvanometer) amplifier.

Anyway, to make a long story short, two hours later I was into the memory banks of Navigational Satellite Otto#32930 of the Space Surveillance Network (SSN), which is a division of The United States Strategic Command.  While viewing all recorded info from the southeasten part of Kansas the month of January through Feb. 16th, I didn't see an explosion of any sort whether it be C4, RDX rag bomb type or Dynamite explosions that took place during that time.  I did get a fuzzy picture of someone or something around quad#46vDre7 area (Elk Co) running to and fro' in what looked like a diaper with an Marine Corps insignia on its butt-end at 03;42am (GMT-6) waving what looked like sparklers in each hand but no explosion.  

So it is my opinion that Jarhead DID NOT blow up his Bunker.  This should be good news for Wilma and Ms.Bear and her muscadine wine but not so much for R.A.M.B.O. and all his hard work on your bunker.  And as to the money, I bet he still has it.  He still owes me $10 bucks for those fly decals... you to, come to think of it.

What I think Wilma saw was green frog rain.  Sometimes it's a few dozen frogs... or a couple hundred or even thousands.  And usually, it's not just frogs because waterspouts can carry all sorts of items.  It was either that or she got into Ms. Bears muscadine wine.

So whaddya think, Larry??  Jarhead still has his bunker intact?????

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


You Fly-Boy's are too nosey with all your high tech gadgets. No I did not blow my bunker up. I just said that so Teresa wouldn't be coming back to replenish her possible bag with more of my "Frog Skins'---that would be Green Backs to you Az people.
Thank MsBear for the offer of the Muscatine wine but I got quite a bit of it---but---I noticed several bottles of it had "chunks" floating around in it. Not sure what's up with that but if a person don't mind chewing their wine I think it will still make you tipsy. Maybe it will be a good year for elderberries and I will replace it .
Larry, this homemade wine is around 19% so it might be a tad stout for R.A.M.B.O. but I think I have a 6 pack of Billy Beer he can drink

Ms Bear

The dandelions are growing really well this year, probably have enough for a small batch of wine.


My bag needs a bit more "frog smell"..
Be by later this week.. and this time when you see me comin'... don't be hidin' in the back under those old bushes.. I seen ya peekin' out. This next time I'm bringing my old trusted Sally Slingshot.. That will bring you out of those bushes.... begging me to take your damned old frog skins..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Yeah, Warph, what you said.................

I got a little high tech also.  I called the guy next door to the bunker on my telephone and he said it was still there.

$10?  I'll leave in my will.

Teresa, you need to go over and straighten ol' Jarhead out.  He is just a little too sassy lately.  Nothing worse than over-the-hill sassy ma.......Marine. 

I gotta go now.  R.A.M.B.O. is holding auditions for the sushi chef. 

Sir Charles won't be any help.  He was charging around in the yard earlier and ran headfirst into a big flower pot.  He was a little confused for a few minutes..............wasn't real sure which way was up, but he is okay now.  The hard hat probably saved him.  But he does have a headache.  Dummy.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Oh yeah, Jarhead, only 19%?  That's kinda tame.  I have reverse osmosis water stronger than that.  Besides, R.A.M.B.O. has joined AA and doing the twelve step program. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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