Diaprax - Dialectic Praxis

Started by Patriot, January 11, 2012, 04:49:17 AM

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The dialectic process―of Hegel and Marx―put into social practice― praxis.  The processes by which much of modern 'community organization' is promoted.  The Delphi Technique?  Perhaps one of our two professionally trained local facilitators can explain the Konnections.

Hegelian Dialectic and Diaprax
September 12, 2005
Last Revised March 9, 2009

Diaprax is having someone who has an opinion contrary to the one you want them to have and leading them in small ideological steps in the direction of the opinion you want them to have until they have arrived at that opinion, ideology or way of thought. Basically it is intentionally manipulating someone to change their opinion. You know the intended outcome but they do not. And if they did, they wouldn't be willing to participate. The only way to bring such unwilling participants to the desired outcome is to convince them to step outside of their previous opinions in such small steps that they do not realize how they are being led away from their former opinions. Even the intelligent can be fooled by such a procedure if the steps that they take seem to be "logical" or "reasonable." It takes a sharp and discerning mind to realize what others are trying to attempt and an even stronger one to resist. I am most certainly for changing my values and ideas if they are not based on truth, justice and conscienciousness. But a facilitator, the one using diaprax to convince another, may be trying to eventually convince me to believe or do something that is ultimately against my values.

Someone may be trying to do that to you. BE AWARE and BE DISCERNING.

Source:  We Survived Abuse ( http://jamesfive19.com/blog/?p=43 )

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Interesting, this appears to be what a couple of the Forum posters are trying to do to one of the organizations in Elk County, to the Commissioners and to Howard (Howard West Elk).


ELK, I think you are right or are you Praxing me?  Anyway, there are times that I have felt that these facilitators are trying to use this method.   To what purpose, I do not know.  I don't think there is any personal gain available and then, when you consider the people who are being targeted, you wonder how they could have slipped so far from their heritage.


Quote from: Wilma on January 18, 2012, 06:20:38 PM
ELK, I think you are right or are you Praxing me?  Anyway, there are times that I have felt that these facilitators are trying to use this method.   To what purpose, I do not know.  I don't think there is any personal gain available and then, when you consider the people who are being targeted, you wonder how they could have slipped so far from their heritage.

Wilma, they have provided little or no proof to back their accusations and I don't think very many people believe what they say. From what several people have told me their trash postings have done more damage to the Forum than anything else. I know several people that quit posting at all due to their style and repeated postings. What kind of person puts down people for trying to start something to help the people,
(referring to the fitness center), the only people that have never failed at anything are those that haven't tried.


I have known for some time that the reason some of our members are no longer posting is as you say.  Some of them have told me so.   I wonder why more members cannot see it.  The forum has lost it's friendly (and I emphasize, friendly) atmosphere.  Some are still carrying their light repartee that delights us all.  Some are still providing us with informational articles, such as one of Warph's this evening.  But some of our well informed members are not participating because of the confrontational manner in which their posts are answered.  I know that I am not enjoying the Forum as much as I used to.  I used to feel as if the Forum was filled with friends with whom a pleasant exchange could be carried on.  Now it seems that no one has much to say about the pleasant aspects of their days.   


what amazes me is that yall respond to the post only to whine and bitch about it!   LOL. That tells me that you like to whine and bitch about things.  IF i don't particularly like something i usually avoid it. Shrug. seems simple to me.
I don't like green peas. So guess what i don't eat greenpeas.  Therefore i don't subject myself to the nasty taste of green peas
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You are a very wise man Steve. I often wonder why folks hate the politics thread so much but keep leaving the coffee shop to come here. Maybe we should talk hummingbirds here---and how much they taste like chicken


I always thought they tasted more like a really small quail, especially that teeny morsel on the lower part of the leg.   ;D
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I saw this and it made me laugh! I have exams that I have been taking in order to get my license and degree and they are the Praxis test. They are not much fun to take I will tell you that!! LOL
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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