Top Ten

Started by Warph, December 21, 2011, 01:13:53 AM

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Top 10 reasons President Obama won't be reelected.  If you have any doubts that Obama will be sent packing from the White House in November, then cast your eyes at this list of reasons Barack Obama will be a one-term president.

1. Jobs, jobs, jobs
While the official unemployment rate has inched down to close to 8 percent, that number would be much higher if all the discouraged job hunters who stopped looking for work were included. Obama's record as a job creator is dismal, because the basic tenets of his economic ideology are woefully misguided. Government doesn't create jobs, it just gets in the way of companies that can.

2. Health care showdown
With the Supreme Court readying its decision on the president's signature initiative, the Affordable Care Act will be front and center right as the campaign is heating up. No matter how the court rules, the nation will be reminded of the highly unpopular health care overhaul that was enacted with legislative bribes, using arcane congressional rules, and without a shred of bipartisanship.

3. Immigration showdown
The high court will also be issuing its decision on Arizona's immigration law, SB 1070, which allows local police to check a person's immigration status. With polls showing a strong majority of Americans favoring the legislation, Obama's suit against the state is highly unpopular.

4. Dismal economy
The economy is not doing well, given the nation is in the midst of the weakest recovery on record and even that is petering out. With so-called Taxmageddon looming after the election when a host of tax hikes are automatically scheduled to take effect, an Obama victory would ensure a continued weak economy because he will gladly allow them to be enacted.

5. Big government run amok
From Obama's fictional "Julia," who can't get through life without a raft of government programs, to his failed stimulus package, this president is all about crafting a big government solution to every problem. The American people are onto the community organizer spreading the wealth around. They would rather have economic freedom than a government handout.

6. Base depressed
The "hope and change" enthusiasm from 2008 is long gone as voter registration is lagging among the young and minorities. Without a fired-up base, Obama will be hard-pressed to match the turnout he enjoyed four years ago. Millions of voters expected this president to deliver more than high unemployment, a weak economy, and lackluster job creation.

7. GOP on fire
Despite a hard-fought primary, conservatives are beginning to coalesce behind Romney, knowing that the real issue is the defeat of Obama's big government agenda. Because turnout is always the key in an election, the fact that conservatives will be fired up to remove Obama from office will make the difference.

8. Misguided energy policy
Obama canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, has kept vast amounts of U.S. energy resources off-limits for development, and, through the Environmental Protection Agency, is regulating the coal industry into oblivion. His energy policy is misguided by a devotion to the global warming alarmism cult. No wonder gas prices have soared since he took office.

9. Foreign policy misadventures
Obama is making a mess with his haphazard foreign policy, angering allies like Israel, resetting relations with Russia in the wrong direction, while doing nothing about Iran's and North Korea's nuclear ambitions. Obama has apologized for the country's actions and handed over decision-making to international bodies. Where America was once respected around the world, it is increasingly being seen as a paper tiger.

10. Scandal-plagued administration
From the Fast and Furious gun-running debacle to the General Services Administration's lavish Las Vegas conferences, from Secret Services officials' romp with Colombian prostitutes to the politically driven decision to dump taxpayer's money on green energy companies like the now-bankrupt Solyndra, this administration is increasingly taking on the look of a scandal-plagued enterprise.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



The Top 10 class warfare attacks by President Obama.  Apparently, "tax the billionaires" is a better rallying cry for his reelection campaign than "look at my record."  Here is the list, not for the faint of heart, of Obama's class warfare attacks:

1. Attacking capitalism
The Obama campaign is trying to make Mitt Romney's work at Bain Capital an issue in the race, bemoaning how jobs were sometimes lost in the restructuring of its acquisitions. But Mr. Obama, that is how capitalism works, and it is exactly what you did during the bailout of General Motors when unprofitable divisions were shut down in order to save the larger company.

2. Tax the rich
Even as Obama spends the nation to oblivion, he is trying to make the case that taxing the wealthy will solve the country's budget crisis. Even Nancy Pelosi is breaking with the president, saying the Bush tax cuts should be extended to those making up to $1 million, instead of Obama's $250,000. When you've lost Pelosi, you've lost the argument.

3. Demonize corporations
No president has ever gone after the corporate world as Obama has, demonizing the banks, the oil companies, pharmaceuticals, and any entity that could actually create a job. His hypocrisy holds no bounds, as he greedily soaks up campaign donations from the same ventures he attacks.

4.Biden, the hit-man
Gaffe-machine Joe Biden apparently doesn't have much to do as the nation's vice president, so why not trot him out as the administration's hit-man, where he can sharpen his boss's anti-wealth attacks. Last Labor Day, he called Obama's opponents barbarians, and more recently, at a rally in Ohio, Biden ranted, "They don't get who we are." Oh yes we do, Mr. Vice President, and that's why we are on the other side.

5. Unleash the unions
Big Labor provides the foot soldiers for Obama's reelection bid and he returns the favor through appointments and policies beneficial to their interests. Union bosses have virtually set up an office in the White House, making hundreds of visits for meetings with top officials. And don't forget the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which deploys an army of thugs to attend left-wing rallies and are not adverse to forcibly bullying its opponents.

6. Promote the Occupy movement
The president has lent his moral support to the Occupy Wall Street movement, even as the protests turned violent and the group became infested with criminal activity. He hitched his ride with the motley activists early on, saying last October the movement was a reflection of a "broad-based frustration about how our financial system works." Spoken like the Alinsky-styled community organizer that he remains at heart.

7. Spread the wealth around
As candidate Obama famously told Joe the Plumber in 2008, he is all about wealth redistribution and since taking office his budgets have piled up trillions of dollars in deficits trying to do just that. Given a second term, this president will increase taxes every which way in order to pay for more social programs for the downtrodden, keeping an increasing number of Americans on the government dole.

8. ObamaCare's 'fairness'
The president's healthcare initiative is one big class warfare gambit as he loads up on tax increases in order to subsidize the uninsured. The problem is that it just won't work. Costs continue to rise, businesses will begin to shed their health plans, and longer waits will become normal at the doctor's office. All out of the misguided notion of "fairness."

9. Double-down
Even as his policies have slowed the economic recovery, created few jobs, added trillions to the national debt, put in roadblocks that curtail U.S. energy production, and destroyed the healthcare system, President Obama continues the same misguided efforts. A true revolutionary never loses sight of the ultimate goal, with the ends justifying the means, and two steps forward, one step back. Look at his annual budget request which is such a joke with its big spending, big government approach that he can't get a single Democrat to vote for it.

10. Overheated rhetoric
No class warfare attack could be complete without resorting to over-the-top rhetoric meant to inflame passions rather than to reach a consensus. President Obama has become a master of that art, blaming "millionaires and billionaires" for all the nation's woes in nearly every speech he gives. He reached his rhetorical zenith when he tried to portray President Reagan as a "wild-eyed, socialist, tax-hiking class warrior."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


                                       Top 10 Joe Bidenisms


Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is a veritable gaffe machine who never ceases to amaze.  It wasn't easy narrowing down his verbal miscues to only 10, but here they are:

The all-time Top 10 Joe Bidenisms.


1.  Republicans want more rapes:  While trying to sell President Obama's jobs bill, Biden hurled a vicious attack on Republicans blocking the bill, saying that if the bill didn't pass, murders and rapes would increase:  "It's not temporary when that 911 call comes in and a woman's being raped, if a cop shows up in time to prevent the rape.  It's not temporary to that woman.  ... I wish they [Republicans] had some notion of what it was like to be on the other side of a gun, or a 200-pound man standing over you, telling you to submit."


2.  FDR on TV in 1929:  Rarely has a politician gotten as many historical facts wrong in one sentence as Biden did with this comment in a 2008 interview with Katie Couric:  "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed.  He said, 'Look, here's what happened.' "  Of course FDR wasn't President when the stock market crashed and televisions were not in use at the time.


3.  Recovery Summer:  Rarely has a politician made a worse prediction than Biden's June 2010 promise of a Recovery Summer in the U.S. economy.  While touting the President's stimulus legislation, Biden said, "Folks, the act is working, more people are going to be put to work this summer.  ... The proof of the pudding is in the eating."  Nearly a year and a half later, America is still waiting for all of those jobs.


4.  Obama "articulate" and "clean":  During the 2008 presidential election, Biden seemingly discovered that blacks can have sound hygiene.  Imagine the howls of racism if a conservative had uttered this statement:  "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.  I mean, that's a storybook, man."


5.  Barbarians at the gate:  Even though the President called for increased civility in the public discourse, his vice president couldn't resist attacking the political opposition.  At an AFL-CIO rally on Labor Day in Cincinnati, Biden told the union members:  "You are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates."


6.  Three-letter word:  Former Vice President Dan Quayle was laughed out of town for misspelling "potato," yet Biden took little heat for his inability to count past three.  Back in 2008 on the campaign trail, Biden said:  "Look, John [McCain's] last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the No. 1 job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word:  jobs.  J-O-B-S, jobs."


7.  Katie's Restaurant:  During his 2008 debate with Sarah Palin, Biden trotted out his working-man sensibilities with this comment:  "Look, all you have to do is go down Union Street with me in Wilmington, or go to Katie's Restaurant or walk into Home Depot with me, where I spend a lot of time, and you ask anybody in there whether or not the economic and foreign policy of this administration has made them better off."  Oops! Looks like Joseph Robinette hadn't mingled with his working-class cohorts for a while.  Katie's Restaurant had closed down years earlier.


8.  Indian accent:  Biden perpetuated an ethnic stereotype with remarks in 2006 that indicated only Indian-Americans run convenience stores and doughnut shops.  "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.  ... I'm not joking," Biden said.  Imagine the media outcry if a Republican had said the same thing (witness how former Virginia Gov. George Allen was pilloried for a calling an Indian-American, "macaca"—a non-slur.)


9.  Big [effing] deal:  During the ObamaCare signing ceremony, Biden resorted to a vulgarism in the East Room of the White House when he whispered into the ear of President Obama:  "This is a big [expletive deleted] deal"—a remark picked up by the microphone for all to hear.


10.  Don't screw around with me:  Biden sounded more like a Mafia thug than the second-ranking government official when HUMAN EVENTS editor Jason Mattera pressed him on his rape comments (see No. 1).  "I didn't use, no no no.  ... Let's get it straight, guy.  Don't screw around with me," said Biden, who went on confirm his original remarks, saying, "Murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise," if the jobs bill isn't passed.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



The all-time Top 10 Joe Bidenisms - Part #2


In our last list of Bidenisms in November, the veep had just lectured former Human Events editor Jason Mattera, saying, "Let's get it straight, guy. Don't screw around with me." Here, then, are more recent examples of Biden bombs, bungles, and blunders.


1. Gay marriage surprise
From President Obama's perspective, his second-in-command's biggest goof was endorsing gay marriage, causing the president to change his own "evolving" position in the heat of a reelection campaign. "He probably got out a little over his skis," the president said about Biden's statement coming out in favor of same-sex marriage, while undoubtedly wondering why he chose the Delaware senator in the first place.


2. Best in 500 years
Biden is known for his penchant to exaggerate but his historical analysis of the Osama bin Laden killing mission was a bit too much for even the fast-talking politician. "You can go back 500 years. You cannot find a more audacious plan," the Delaware Doofus said. Well, Mr. Vice President, how about the World War II D-Day invasion or Gen. Douglas MacArthur's daring Inchon maneuver? Or Robert E. Lee bringing the Civil War to Gettysburg? Or George Washington crossing the Delaware?


3. Never had a 'real job'
Straight-talkin' Joe can verbally stumble onto deep truths as he prattles. Here, speaking at an April Democratic fundraiser in Chicago, he gives an incredibly insightful and revealing view of his own career: "I never had an interest in being a mayor 'cause that's a real job. You have to produce. That's why I was able to be a senator for 36 years."


4. 'You pay me a lot of money'
While campaigning in Keene, N.H., last month, Biden explained his unusual personal finance strategy: "I don't have a saving account, don't have any stocks or bonds ... So, I just kept buying up houses. And I have a beautiful home and you pay me a lot of money." Yes, we do, Mr. Vice President. Regrettably so.


5. Patriotic taxpaying
On the campaign trail in New Hampshire in April, Biden elevated the class-warfare canard as a standard to measure patriotism. "Wealthy people are just as patriotic as middle-class people, as poor people, and they know they should be doing more," Biden said. Of course, that is just another way of saying "income redistribution."


6. Obama bin Biden
Biden told a group of House Democrats in January that he advised President Obama not to pull the trigger on Osama bin Laden when Special Forces were awaiting approval for the Abbottabad raid. "Mr. President, my suggestion is don't go," Biden said, recalling his counsel to the commander in chief. To his credit, Obama is now apparently employing the "do-the-opposite" rule in regard to advice from his vice president.


7. Fracking quakes
It is not quite on the same level as actor Danny Glover's blaming the Haiti earthquake on global warming, but the vice president came close by suggesting that fracking causes earthquakes. The really damaging issue is the administration's energy policy and why the Environmental Protection Agency is putting up roadblocks to developing the nation's energy resources, including the fracking boom, which is spurring economic growth in several states.


8. 'Per se'
The first rule of warfare is to know who the enemy is. Someone should tell that to the vice president. In an interview with Newsweek, Biden said, "Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy." That assertion might come as a surprise to U.S. troops who have been battling the Afghan militants for more than a decade after Sept. 11, 2001.


9. Totally unprepared
Perhaps the most astute analysis of the vice president's time in office came from none other than Osama bin Laden. Osama sent a letter to an al Qaeda terrorist with a plan to form a hit squad to kill President Obama. But bin Laden said that Biden should be spared because he is "totally unprepared" for the presidency which would "lead the U.S. into a crisis."


10. Baby talk
While giving a campaign speech, Biden paused to address a crying baby, saying, "You're going to pay for Romney's tax cuts." (Let us look beyond whether bringing a baby to a Biden speech constitutes child abuse.) Even a child should realize that it is so much easier to pay for tax cuts that spur the economy than to continue paying for the out-of-control spending of the Obama/Biden administration.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Since the GOP is likely to lose Maine (Olympia Snowe's seat... Big, Big RINO) and have competitive races to defend seats in Massachusetts (Scott Brown) and Nevada (Dean Heller), they better hope to pickup five or six Democratic seats. Here are 10 seats currently held by the opposition that Republicans can win.

1. Nebraska (Open)

With the retirement of Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson in a solid red state, Nebraska is ripe for a Republican pick-up. The GOP nominated a relatively fresh face in Deb Fischer, a rancher and state senator since 2004, while Democrats reached back to the far past and are recycling former Nebraska governor and senator Bob Kerrey. A Rasmussen poll has Fischer up by 18 points over Kerrey, whose previous service to the state is mostly remembered for his romance with actress Debra Winger in the 1980s.

2. Wisconsin (Open)

Wisconsin broke hard for the Republicans in 2010, with the defeat of incumbent Sen. Russ Feingold by Ron Johnson and Scott Walker winning the governorship. Now with the drama of the Walker recall effort over, Republicans seemed poised to capitalize on a better political climate for conservatives in what was once a fairly reliable state for Democrats. Former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson should have no trouble dispatching Democratic Rep. Tammy Baldwin in November.

3. Missouri (McCaskill)

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill says she won't be attending the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte—and with good cause, as she is in the fight of her political life. Republicans won't pick her opponent until an August primary but currently three of the candidates running to take on McCaskill are leading her in the latest Rasmussen poll, by margins ranging from 8 to 12 percentage points. Look for State Treasurer Sarah Steelman to win the primary and defeat McCaskill in November.

4. Montana (Tester)

Since defeating incumbent Republican Sen. Conrad Burns in 2006, Rep. Jon Tester has consistently sided with President Obama. He voted for ObamaCare and the stimulus, is pro-choice, and favors global warming legislation—all in a state, which McCain won by 2.2 percentage points. Tester was never that popular in the first place with margin of victory over Burns only 3,562 votes, or 50.4 percent of the total, and now his opponent, Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg, has opened up a modest lead in early polling.

5. North Dakota (Open)

Early polls show a close race between Democrat Heidi Heitkamp, the former state attorney general, and Republican Rep. Rick Berg, to replace retiring five-term Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad. But the state is as red as any, giving John McCain a six-point victory in 2008 over Barack Obama and, in 2010, when North Dakota voted to replace a another long-time retiring Democrat (four-termer Sen. Byron Dorgan), Republican John Hoeven cruised to a 54-point blowout victory.

6. Virginia (Open)

With Democrat Jim Webb stepping down after one term, Republicans have high hopes to retake the Virginia seat and both sides chose political heavyweights to compete. Former governor and former senator Republican George Allen, whose loss to Webb in 2006 was largely due to the Washington Post making a mountain out of macaca, will be facing former governor and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee Tim Kaine.

7. Florida (Nelson)

Likely Republican nominee Rep. Connie Mack IV is taking on two-term Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson and has narrowed Nelson's early polling lead to a virtual dead heat. Nelson's support for ObamaCare was highly unpopular among the large senior population, with two-thirds of voters over 65 opposing the measure. It also won't help Nelson's support among Jewish voters that a Muslim Brotherhood activist hosted a fundraiser for the senator last year.

8. Connecticut (Open)

The race for the Connecticut Senate seat of retiring Joseph Lieberman will likely shape up to be between Republican Linda McMahon and Democratic Rep. Chris Murphy. McMahon, the former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, has a fortune to help finance her campaign, spending over $50 million of her own money on a losing 2010 Senate bid. McMahon has momentum at the moment in the latest polling.

9. New Mexico (Open)

Competing for Sen. Jeff Bingaman's seat will be former Republican Rep. Heather Wilson and Democratic Rep. Martin Heinrich. Heinrich has a modest lead at the moment but all bets are off following the Supreme Court's decision on neighboring Arizona's immigration law, making the issue front and center in this border state.

10. Michigan (Stabenow)

Normally Sen. Debbie Stabenow would be a hard incumbent to defeat, she is up by some 12 points in various poll currently. But these are unusual times as Michigan is suddenly a battleground state in the presidential race. After trailing by double-digits earlier in the campaign, Mitt Romney has essentially pulled even with Obama. It will be an uphill a battle, but Romney coattails could bring former Rep. Peter Hoekstra into the Senate.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Top 10 Obamacare taxes coming your way
7/14/2012 08:40 AM

If you have yet to make up your mind about the Affordable Care Act, this list might help you decide.

1. Individual mandate
Obamacare may have been upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court, but Chief Justice John Roberts' extraordinary opinion clearly labeled the law's individual mandate a tax. Whether the power to enact a penalty for failing to purchase a product derives from the Commerce Clause or Congress' taxing authority makes little difference. Every American will have to purchase health insurance and those who don't will face an IRS-enforced tax that totals 2.5 percent of adjusted growth income in 2016.

2. Employer mandate
At a time when America needs jobs more than anything else, along comes Obamacare and its tax on businesses that don't offer healthcare benefits. Companies with more than 50 employees will have to pay a tax of $3,000 per employee, a sure-fire way to keep companies from hiring new workers. Perversely, this measure will also encourage some employers to drop their health coverage and pay a fine that costs less. In both cases, the measure works against many vulnerable Americans.

3. Investment income surtax
If you make more than $200,000 ($250,000 if married), then you are rich and will be paying for the healthcare of the less fortunate. Obamacare will levy a new 3.8 percent surtax on investment income on those earners. If the Bush tax cuts are not rescinded, another added tax will be added to the same people on the same income and the top rate on dividend income from will hit 43.4 percent— a good reason to invest elsewhere.

4. Limit raised on medical tax deductions
Currently people who have high medical expenses can get a tax break on the amount over 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income when they itemize deductions. Obamacare will raise the threshold to 10 percent, socking those with medical emergencies with an extra cost just when they are least prepared to handle it.

5. Tax on charitable hospitals
Obamacare levies a $50,000 excise tax on charitable hospitals that fail to meet an array of Health and Human Services regulations, including new standards in assessing community health needs and financial assistance requirements. In what universe does this make sense? Here we have the federal government heaping new rules under threat of financial penalty onto entities that function to help others.

6. Capping Flexible Spending Accounts
By capping the amount of money that can be used in a flexible spending account, Obamacare essentially levies a tax on families with 'special -needs children.' The new annual cap of $2,500 doesn't come close to cover the amount that it costs for families to care and educate society's most vulnerable members. Oh, but at least the measure will send an addition $13 billion to Washington.

7. Tax on Cadillac plans
In Obamaland, one size fits all when it comes to healthcare. Under Obamacare, people who have "Cadillac" health plans will be hit with a new excise tax. People paying $10,200 ($27,500 for families) a year in insurance premiums will get hit with a 40 percent tax hike, which will, over time, will reduce the number of top-end plans. But at least Uncle Sam will get another $32 billion in revenue.

8. Medical device tax
Obamacare adds a 2.3 percent excise tax on manufacturers of medical-devices. One doesn't need to be an economist to figure out the outcome of this measure: Companies will either stop hiring or will pass on the cost of the life-saving products on to consumers—adding to the burden of those already saddled with high medical costs.

9. Medicare payroll tax
The "rich" will get hit with yet another tax hike—a Medicare payroll tax increase of 0.9 percent of income above $200,000 ($250,000 if married). Even Nancy Pelosi has called out President Obama on taxing those income levels repeatedly, saying that the threshold should be $1 million in income before taxes on the super-rich kick in.

10. Over-the-counter tax
Obamacare will no longer allow money from health savings or flexible spending accounts to purchase non-prescription, over-the counter drugs—a $5 billion tax on people trying to treat their own medical problems. That is just a prescription to steer people to the doctor's office instead of the pharmacy counter.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Top 10 questionable tactics from the Obama campaign
By: Human Events
7/21/2012 07:19 AM

The president will say anything to get re-elected and his strategy includes this list of outright falsehoods, distortions, smears and lies:

1. Make wild charges
President Obama's campaign team's incessant attacks on Romney's record at Bain Capital are a textbook example of trying to divert attention by exaggerating and distorting their opponent's record. With the assistance of the mainstream media, President Obama is trying to make Romney look like the second coming of Simon Legree, with his campaign going so far as to accuse Romney of committing felonies.

2. Lie about opponents
At this stage in the race, desperate Democrats are starting to make things up. At a Democratic fundraiser in Seattle, Vice President Joe Biden tried to slip an outright falsehood past the crowd. Citing efforts in several states to cleanse voter rolls of the dead and felonious, Biden said, "Republicans have changed the law so you get arrested if you do vote."

3. Play the blame game
"The buck stops here" is not exactly the motto of the Barack Obama presidency as he continually tries to shift the blame for his poor record to others. The moribund economy and lack of job creation is the result of the Bush tax cuts, the Arab Spring, the Japanese tsunami, greedy Wall Street bankers, uncooperative Republicans and ATM machines.

4. Class warfare
Even some Democrats are beginning to wonder about the president's incessant class warfare remarks. He demonizes Wall Street, bankers, corporate America and the wealthy—sending record amounts of campaign donations into the coffers of Mitt Romney. But that's all the 'hope and change' candidate from 2008 has left: an appeal to the cynicism of the Occupy Wall Street crowd.

5. Deny, deny, deny
One tried-and-true campaign tactic is denial. Take Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz's view on the economy. Instead of acknowledging the depth of economic pain that still exists for millions of Americans, Wasserman Schultz said, "I am pretty happy about 28 straight months of job growth in the private sector." Some job growth, with an 8.2 percent unemployment rate that shows no sign of abating.


6. Pander to special interests
President Obama is the master at appealing to the collection of special interest groups that has become the Democratic Party. Promise to support same-sex marriage for the gay lobby, stop the Keystone pipeline for the environmentalists, give Hispanics immigration relief, use the race card whenever possible to energize blacks, scare women about contraception and give sweetheart deals to Big Labor.

7. Attack the messenger
No better way to deflect from your own lack of accomplishments than to blame the messenger and President Obama's favorite bogeyman is Fox News. Recently on the campaign trail, the president said, "So just in case some of your friends or neighbors or Uncle Jim is a little stubborn, has been watching Fox News, if he thinks that somehow I raised taxes, let's just be clear, we've lowered taxes for middle class families." Not quite.

8. Play the race card
In liberal land, the contempt of Congress vote on Attorney General Eric Holder was really a way for evil Republicans to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act. A new liberal group called "The Message" made a YouTube video, saying that Romney is so white he makes "Wonder Bread look like pumpernickel." The president often aids and abets the divisiveness, even setting up a national campaign organization, "African Americans for Obama."

9. Run against George W. Bush
All through his presidency, President Obama has blamed his predecessor for all that was going wrong during his own administration and loved to tell audiences about the mess he inherited. Now, by linking Romney to Bush, he can run against a more unpopular figure. Vice President Joe Biden opened that door in a speech calling Romney "George Bush on steroids."

10. Create phony issues
In order to scare single women to the voting booth, President Obama and his team wants to pretend that Republicans want to roll back the clock to another era. Republicans "have a social policy right out of the 1950s," says Joe Biden. So the campaign twists its own strong-armed tactics against religious groups into a fake attack by Republicans on contraceptives. Then it makes a campaign ad that lies about Romney's abortion policy and, voila, you suddenly have a "war on women."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Top 10 most dangerous liberals

We have seen what rampant liberalism can do after these three-and-a-half years of misery. The left pushes an agenda that punishes success in order to spread the wealth around. It is important to know how some on the left operates:

1. President Obama
Give the former community organizer a second term in office and see the havoc that will follow. Unrestrained by political concerns, expect every possible left-wing policy to be enacted by executive order or through agency regulations. He already has taken us half-way to bureaucratic Gomorrah with his Obamacare travesty. The president has fulfilled his promise to transform America by making us more dependent on government.

2. George Soros
Most of the liberal infrastructure has been funded by financier George Soros. He has helped keep afloat such left-wing mainstays as Media Matters, Center for American Progress and, and donated heavily to the National Council of La Raza and Planned Parenthood. Funny how you don't hear the left complain about the political influence of deep-pocketed donors when it comes to the billionaire sugar daddy for progressives.

3. Mainstream media
Led by the New York Times and the Washington Post, the mainstream media—which forgot to vet the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama in 2008—are making sure that no stone is left unturned when it comes to Mitt Romney. From Romney's high school antics to his wife's equestrian hobby, the supposedly objective media are trying to make scandals out of triviality while shedding no lights on a failed administration.

4. Harry Reid
The Senate majority leader is dangerous because he is virtually inert. The upper chamber passes nothing of consequence while sitting on bills passed by the House. Under his leadership, the Senate has not produced a budget in years—disregarding a statutory duty. Reid's inaction fits right into Obama's strategy of attacking a "do-nothing Congress."

5. Eric Holder
Under siege in the Fast and Furious scandal, the attorney general has dropped all pretenses and is brazenly using the DoJ to pursue a political agenda. The department filed suit against Arizona's immigration law and Texas' voter ID law and Holder continually plays the race card to excuse his power grabs. As the contempt of Congress charge plays out, expect Holder to play hardball and lash out at critics.

6. Hollywood stars
With George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker hosting Obama fundraisers, Hollywood is mobilizing to get Obama reelected. Michael Moore, Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin and others love to lecture the rest of us about global warming and the evils of Wall Street. How about boycotting a movie with a known progressive as the star?

7. Lisa Jackson
The Environmental Protection Agency, under the direction of Lisa Jackson, is moving to control aspects of daily life in ways never imagined when the agency was formed. From enacting rules to combat global warming to regulating workplace dust, the EPA is pushing an agenda that couldn't get through Congress even when Democrats controlled it.

8. Big Labor
With pro-union Hilda Solis heading the Labor Department and the National Labor Relations Board stacked in its favor, President Obama has returned the favor for the support Big Labor supplied for his election. He will need the unions even more in order to return for a second term. With the rest of his base lagging in enthusiasm, it will take the dedication of paid-union goons to get out the vote.

9. Janet Napolitano
For all the yapping from progressives about President George W. Bush's disregard for the Constitution and the evils of the PATRIOT Act, there is little being said about the vast expansion of the Department of Homeland Security under Secretary Janet Napolitano. From groping Transportation Safety Administration workers to drones monitoring America, the massive agency is increasingly eroding our freedoms while trying to protect them.

10. Nancy Pelosi
It will take years, if not decades, to undo the damage done by the spending spree during Pelosi's tenure as speaker of the House. From 2006 to 2010, the nation racked up trillions of dollars in debt, largely due to spending bills initiated by Pelosi's Democratic House majority. And without her strong-armed tactics, Obamacare never would have become law. Let us make sure in November that there is not a second act for a Speaker Pelosi.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Top 10 issues where Democrats think Obama has gone too far
By: Human Events
8/4/2012 07:17 AM

It is not only conservatives who think that President Obama has gone too far in pursuing a far-left agenda — his fellow Democrats and progressive fellow travelers are increasingly breaking ranks with their leader as they are unable to stomach his ideological-driven policies. Some tried taking back their comments after being strong-armed by the White House, but the signal is unmistakable.

1. Tax Cuts
The number of Democratic officials uncomfortable with President Obama's signature issue—taxing the rich—is growing. Sens. Charles Schumer and Bob Casey and even House leader Nancy Pelosi say the president's view of who is 'rich' is woefully mischaracterized and want the cut off for tax hikes to start at $1 million, instead of Obama's $250,000.

2. Capitalism
Democrats begin scurrying for the high grass when Obama began his attacks on Romney's record at Bain Capital. Newark Mayor Corey Booker even called the attacks "nauseating" and "crap" before walking back the remarks under White House pressure. Former Democratic Rep. Harold Ford reminded the president that "private equity is not a bad thing."

3. Intelligence Leaks
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein tried taking back her comments after a media firestorm erupted, but the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee sent shock waves through Washington by fingering the White House as the source of damaging leaks of top secret intelligence.

4. Drones
Former President Jimmy Carter sharply criticized the Obama administration for using drones to target individuals for assassination, saying it was in violation of international treaties. Carter is not the only leftist aghast that Obama is personally selecting individuals for extermination. A group of 26 congressmen, the majority from the president's own party, sent Obama a letter questioning the policy's legality.

5. Budget
While Harry Reid's Democratic-controlled Senate has not been able to pass a budget in over three years, it has had no trouble at all in rejecting Obama's attempt at crafting a fiscal blueprint. It has become an annual tradition: Obama proposes a budget, Republicans introduce it on the Senate floor, and it is defeated 99-0.

6. Keystone Pipeline
Some 69 House Democrats voted with Republicans to pass a transportation bill that included a provision to build the Keystone Pipeline. The measure died in the Senate after falling two votes short of overcoming a Democratic filibuster requiring 60 votes, but even after a heavy lobbying by Obama, 11 Democrats broke ranks and voted with the Republicans.

7. Iran Sanctions
As with much of the rest of his foreign policy, the president seems to be "leading from behind" on dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions. Democratic Sens. Robert Menendez (N.J.), Robert Casey (Pa.), Chris Coons (Del.) and Ben Cardin (Md.), along with Rep. Howard Berman (Calif.) have all criticized Obama's go-slow approach on slapping sanctions on Tehran.

Singer Elton John summed up the left's frustration over Obama's lack of attention to the continent of his forefathers by praising the efforts of his predecessor, George W. Bush, on helping Africa deal with its AIDS epidemic. John's remarks came at the International AIDS Conference being held the United States for the first time in 22 years. Attendees were disappointed when Obama failed to show up—he was too busy holding fundraisers for his reelection.

9. Political Poison
An increasing number of Democrats in tough reelection battles are opting to forego attendance at Obama's re-nomination at the Democratic National Convention, saying they need to keep campaigning. Nancy Pelosi encouraged House members to stay away from Charlotte. Apparently being seen with the president is not a political plus these days.

10. Bill Clinton
The former president gets his own category for his ability to assess Obama's failings on multiple levels. Clinton was the first observer to note how Obama played the race card when the former president was attacked during his wife's 2008 South Carolina primary battle. He also publicly split with Obama over extending the Bush tax cuts (see No. 1) and over the president's attacks on Bain Capital (see No. 2), when he said Romney's "sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Top 10 Democratic attacks on Mitt Romney
By: Human Events
9/8/2012 06:16 AM

Not able to run on a stellar record, Obama has decided to descend into the mud:

1. Responsible for cancer death
According to an ad by a pro-Obama Super PAC, Priorities USA, Romney was responsible for the cancer death of a worker's wife who lost his job following a Bain Capital restructuring of his employer. The Obama campaign refused to condemn the ad even though the worker's wife died five years after the plant closed, she still had her own health insurance after her husband lost his job, and Romney was no longer at Bain when this all occurred.

2. 'Put y'all back in chains'According to Joe Biden, Mitt Romney is seeking to reintroduce slavery to the nation. In remarks to an audience in Danville, Va., the gaffe-prone Biden let loose with a comment that had people questioning his mental capacity. "Romney wants to let the—he said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules," Biden sputtered. "Unchain Wall Street. They're going to put y'all back in chains."

3. Didn't pay taxes for 10 years
According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) "the word is out" that Romney didn't pay any income taxes for ten years. Reid refused to name his source, saying, "I don't think the burden should be on me. The burden should be on him. He's the one I've alleged has not paid any taxes." He even brought Romney's dead father into his smear, saying, "His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son."

4. Romney is a 'felon'
Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter told reporters in July that Romney likely committed a felony regarding his departure from Bain Capital. "Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony," Cutter said. Considering Romney was running the 2002 Olympics during the time in question, what part of "leave of absence" does Cutter not understand?

5. High school bullying
The Washington Post reached back some 50 years to find examples of Romney being a bully in high school. The media went on a feeding frenzy, as if Romney was guilty of a crime against humanity. Headlines screamed, "Why the Romney bullying story matters" and "Romney's empathy problem." Had the media vetted certain 2008 presidential candidates with the same enthusiasm, we wouldn't be in this mess today.

6. Death squads
The Huffington Post ran a story in early August that Romney founded Bain Capital in 1983 with money from Central American oligarchs who had bankrolled "right-wing death squads." The left has been fantasizing about unsavory ties between Republicans and Latin America "oligarchs" ever since the Iran Contra affair.

7. Bain outsourcing
The day after the Obama campaign charged that Romney that he outsourced jobs while at Bain, the Washington Post came out with a breathless headline: "Romney's Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas." The paper's own fact-checker later walked back the accusation, as any Bain outsourcing came after Romney left the firm.

8. Ann's horse
The media lapped up the revelation that Ann Romney owned a horse that earned a spot on the U.S. Olympic equestrian team as it fit nicely with the theme that Mitt Romney is an out-of-touch elitist. The DNC even used footage of Ann's horse Rafalca prancing in an ad attacking Romney for "dancing around" the release of his tax records. It turned out that Mrs. Romney had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and horseback riding was therapeutic in easing her condition.

9. Mormonism
The media is starting to portray Romney's Mormonism as plain weird. Of course to most of the mainstream media, any display of religious faith is alien. Never mind that the same group of editors and reporters didn't find it newsworthy in 2008 that Barack Obama sat for decades in the pew of a church with an American-hating pastor.

10. Wealth
Romney's wealth fits right into Obama's strategy of turning the race into a class-warfare campaign as he constantly attacks the rich. The Obama campaign is pushing hard for Romney to release his tax records, hoping in his maze of financial records there is something to spin, and is making wild claims about secret Cayman Island accounts. One thing we do know about Romney's tax records: His charitable giving puts the Democratic ticket to shame.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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