Best or Worse Snow

Started by Wilma, December 20, 2011, 12:18:14 PM

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The question on Channel 10's noon news was, "What was your best or worse snow experience?"  I think that is a good question for us, particularly with the possibility of snow in the very near future.  Here is mine.

It was early in 1947.  I was a junior in high school and my brother was a freshman.  We had driven to school that day.  When we left home, there were a few snow flakes floating around.  By 10:00, it had been decided to close school and send everybody home.  So little brother and I started home.  When we were about half a mile from home, the car got high centered on a drift in the road.  Being unable to dig it out or move the car, we decided to hike the remaining half mile and Daddy could bring the tractor to get the car.  The shortest route home was to cut across the wheat field to our driveway.  Thankfully, the wind was at our backs.  I didn't have any trouble, but my little brother, who was a tad bit plump at that time, kept stumbling on the wheat clumps and falling down.  I would wait for him to get up and catch up with me again.  Fortunately, we could see the huge cottonwood tree in our driveway and it served as a target point.  By the time we got home, my shoes and socks were frozen to my feet.  My hands were badly frost bitten.  I had left home without a head scarf or gloves and bare legged.  My brother fared better as his shoes and socks were heavier and his denim pants protected his legs.  I think that he also had head gear of some sort.  When Daddy got home, my older brother was with him and they went after the car so that it wouldn't be blocking someone else from getting home.

I missed a week of school while my feet and hands recovered.  My fingers were so swollen that I couldn't play the piano and that was bad.  That had to have been my worst experience with snow.

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