New Book: "How I Killed America in Four Easy Lessons" by Barack H. Obuma

Started by Warph, December 14, 2011, 12:36:39 AM

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That Obuma was elected with his Communist and anti-white history, shows the ignorance of voters.  Participating in a Historic moment... electing a black man.... was another Progressive sham/advertising ploy that most bought.  The MEDIA's ability to ignore - is their greatest asset and one used with prejudice.  Throw in racial intimidation, and the voters reacted as they do in the workplace whenever race rules are revisited.... they tuck tail, and act to avoid being noticed.  

Obuma lies when the truth will suffice and not endanger him.  Serial liars, must enjoy testing the limits of their audience.  If they bought that whopper, what is the line they won't buy?  Trouble is keeping track of the lies and context.  That's the purpose of the teleprompter.  However, When your entire political life is fiction, because your ambitions and beliefs are antithetical to tradition and the voters' core beliefs, lying becomes embedded... a personality trait.... a trait Obuma must master.  

Now Obuma must lie to cover his tracks AND his ideology.  He must lie to his base - because he betrayed them.  He must lie to moderates... because he betrayed them too.  He probably doesn't care about Conservative concerns, but those concerns are raised and he must address them as they increase in popularity.  Obuma is boxed in by his actions.  

The Progressive rubric.... change the subject and attack.... will not convince the masses, whose economic concerns and mistrust of Obuma are now wide spread.  Class warfare, hate the rich, blame the predecessor, attack Congress, may regain the votes of his base, but the rest of America have undergone a reality check.  They FEAR Obuma and his party.  They know Progressive plans for America are ruinous.  They know taxing and spending - doesn't work.... proven over the past three years... in a personal and meaningful way.  Job losses and foreclosures will do that.  So will the prospect of higher taxes... when the household budget  won't anymore.  

42% of the vote is all Obuma will muster


Every Obama speech is fraught with lies and half-truths.  He relies on his belief in the ignorance of his audience, and that Americans are too lazy and soft to recognize his dishonesty.  When your record is abysmal, you can't tell the truth.  

Obama, hasn't a clue on how to fix the economy.  Instead, without ideas, he copied Teddy Roosevelt's 100-year-old speech in Osawatomie.  With Barack Obama, it's always yesterday's answers to today's problems...and this is the man they told us was a genius.  The president maintains that the rich get richer by making everyone poorer.  Ah...bitterness and envy, the illegitimate stepchildren of hope and change.

The fix, of course, is higher taxes, but when the taxes to pay for ObamaCare go into effect in 2013 and the Bush tax cuts expire, everyone's taxes will increase -- not just the highest income brackets.  People in the top 1%, while earning 17% of the nation's income, already pay almost 40% of all taxes and are scheduled for an almost 20% rise even before the president's proposed increases.  

The tax on capital gains will rise by 33%.  This is a tax on the sale of assets purchased with after-tax income and held for a specific period of time.  A lower rate promotes long-term investment; economists understand this, and every time the rate has been cut, revenues have increased.  Yet Barack Obama would raise the rate in the interest of fairness.  The nation doesn't need investment; that would just provide jobs, and the country doesn't need jobs.  Besides, a higher rate on investment income makes a good slogan, and it "fits well on a bumper sticker."    

The president now regularly runs $1.5-trillion deficits and has spent almost a trillion dollars of stimulus funds rewarding political backers such as unions, government employees, and crony capitalists.  It's not that he cares for any of them.  These people financed his 2008 campaign and are now paying for his 2012 campaign.  He is bankrupting America for no reason other than his own re-election.

He wants to spend $1 billion on this election.  Disregarding the $800 million he spent in 2008, this is more than all the previous presidential elections combined.  It won't be cheap buying all the votes he'll need in 2012 to overcome his failure as president.

Despite what he says, Barack Obama is the original fawner to the fat cats.  He has gotten more money from Wall Street, union bosses, and crony capitalists than anyone.  For him to position himself as a class warrior, doing battle against an entrenched elite, speaking truth to power, is ridiculous.

In addition, the extra taxes the president demands will not go to deficit reduction; he wants the money for more spending on his vision.  His first stimulus provided dozens, if not hundreds of jobs.  If the nation would just give him more money to spend, we could be out of the eternal Obama recession in under a thousand years.  Pass the bill now; we can't wait.

The Record: Energy

Some claim that the president has no energy policy, but that's not true.  It consists of allowing no new sources of oil, natural gas, or coal, while curtailing existing supply.  He has restricted drilling in the Gulf, on land, and off our coasts.  The Gulf alone lost 40,000 jobs when the president decided to shut down oil production after the BP oil spill.

He postponed the approval for Keystone XL Pipeline until after the election (surprise, surprise).  It would have connected Canadian oil from the tar sands of Alberta with refineries in Cushing, Oklahoma and Nederland, Texas, while creating 20,000 direct jobs and 100,000 indirect jobs.  Eventually, it would have provided America with over a million barrels of oil a day.

He is removing coal-fired plants, responsible for 50% of America's electricity, from production, while the EPA wages war against "fracking" to prevent the nation from exploiting America's vast natural gas resources.  The president's plan is to replace this energy with...nothing.  After all, if you can't triple electricity bills and the price of gasoline, his green energy pipe dreams will never come to fruition.

He has relentlessly promoted electric cars, sinking billions into battery-makers.  Sales of the Chevy Volt are on fire.  And why wouldn't they be?  The vehicle costs only $40 thousand and can travel almost 40 miles before needing a charge.  That $40 billion of taxpayer money dropped on bailing out the UAW, Chrysler, and GM was worth it.  Soon we'll all be driving electric cars, or pushing them when the batteries die.


This administration's Fast and Furious program deliberately armed Mexican cartels in order to bolster their case for stronger gun control, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American.  Eric Holder, the "my people" attorney general, shows no remorse.  Why is it racist to call Obama the worst president ever?  Yet when the president shows little to no regard for the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans, it's not a problem.  After all, they're only Mexicans...right?  It's not like they're his people.

Private Enterprise

Barack Obama, the anti-capitalist, has pursued Gibson Guitar with passion unseen in the president, except on the golf course.  The administration raided the small manufacturer and seized their inventory, claiming not that they broke American law, but that they broke foreign law.  Even though India, the country in question, says no laws were broken.    

After stacking the NLRB with the recess appointment of former SEIU lawyer Craig Becker, Obama set his sights on Boeing, the nation's largest exporter.  His objection was the $2-billion plant the company built in South Carolina, a right-to-work state.  This didn't sit well with the president's union backers; Boeing had to be taught a lesson.

Both companies could have avoided all this by building their factories in China.  If additional jobs created are not union jobs, the president feels that America doesn't need them.  Even union jobs in fossil fuel production, like drilling for oil or coal-mining, electrical production or building the Keystone XL Pipeline -- well, America doesn't need those, either.  


The unemployment rate has recently declined 0.4% to 8.6%.  For the president, this is a huge personal victory, as well as vindication of his economic policies.

While the economy needs to add around 180,000 jobs a month to stay current with population growth, the nation added 120,000 jobs in November, a marked improvement over recent months.  Many are seasonal positions that will disappear after the holiday, but at least these are real jobs, not mythical "saved" jobs.

At the same time, more than 300,000 Americans left the workforce, having exhausted their 99 weeks of unemployment benefits, or stopped looking for work.  Once this happens, they are no longer counted in the official unemployment rate, so the rate drops.  This brings workforce participation in the Obama economy to 64%, the lowest in decades.

Forget about the 5% unemployment rate of George Bush's jobless recovery from a few years ago -- if more people would do their patriotic duty and simply stop looking for work, we could push the rate down to near 0 and not only rejoice in the leadership of Barack Obama, but also provide millions of potential volunteers for his re-election campaign.

After all, it's not like they have anything else to do.

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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