Homes of the Republican Candidates

Started by Warph, December 10, 2011, 10:46:35 PM

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(Note:  I have left out Teresa, Jarhead and LarryJ's extravagant homes because they are not politicans... tho' sometimes, I wonder).

The rich and famous who run for office really have no idea how the other half live and its not just Republicans, both sides of the aisle are rich.  We have never really had an average "Joe" in office... (Don't even think about Biden... he ain't no average "Joe!")

Our politicians are so different from us that George Bush senior had never been in a super market and had no idea what to do.  He isn't alone in that.  Hillary Clinton had no idea what to do in a small convenience store where coffee is sold.  The super rich simply do not lead the kind of life an average America leads and so they have a disconnect.  As hard as they try during their campaigns to connect to the "little people" it just never happens.  When Obuma spoke of the high price of Wagyu beef or arugula he had no clue that most Americans have never had these foods nor can really afford them.  It never occurred to this privileged clown. 

While telling Americans to tighten their belts some of the Democratic candidates in the last election had monthly utility bills that surpassed the average yearly American salary for a family of four.  John Edwards comes to mind specifically.  But the point is all of these men just have no clue.  They spend your money with abandon because there is no such thing as belt tightening for them at all.  They don't know what that means.

Mitt Romney lives in a 9,500 square foot mansion in Park City, Utah.  If you have not been there, it is a plush and gorgeous place. His home is worth $5.25 million and has 7 bedrooms and 9 1/2 bathrooms for those with weak bladders who just cannot wait.
But its not his only home.  He has many ranging from hovels that are only worth $2 million to a beach front home in LaJolla,(La Hoya for you non-Spanish speakers) California worth a cool $12 million.  Bing maps will show you the photo of that little place:

Rick Perry pays $10,000 a month to rent his digs in Texas, while Newt Gingrich has a home that is worth just under a million in Virginia.  I don't know many people who earn $10,000 a month let alone have it to pay as rent!

Some candidates are rich but not as over the top as the rest.  For instance, Ron Paul has a more modest  5,000 sq ft home worth $325,000.  He has lived in the same home for more than 40 years and it is his only home.  Still it is a very nice  home.

And Michelle Bachmann's house is also around the same size as Pauls, but newer and worth over a million dollars.

I don't think that it is easy for the rich to connect with the poor or the middle class at all.  Our concerns are not their concerns. They spend money like drunken sailors because, for now, they have it to spend.  While you and I worry about paying for groceries and utilities,  its all chump change for them.

You can see all their homes at CNBC which has the photos:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Jarheads extravagant home ? So it is you WARPH that is the tax appraiser !!! I live in a tar paper shack that has weapons bristling out of every shooting port built into it. I've been told my place looks like the Waco compound with my two shops, house, fur shed, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer AND a little shed with my meat smoker inside. Extravagant ? That must be my bunker / storm shelter you are talking about, but if I took all my canned meats, veggies, wine---and a case of "Bug Juice" (in case Larry brings his g-kids to my bunker when the nukes start flying )----I remove all that it would just be a damp, cold , steel reinforced concrete bunker---but not extravagant !!

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