The Sick History of War Instigation....

Started by redcliffsw, November 24, 2011, 07:24:00 AM

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Of all the Republican presidential candidates, only Ron Paul believes in and adheres to the American foreign policy philosophy of Washington and Jefferson.

And as Murray Rothbard remarked in his essay entitled "Just War," the only truly just and defensive wars in American history have been the American Revolution and the South's defense against the invasion launched against it by the Republican Party in 1861-1865.
-Thomas DiLorenzo


What a bunch of bull hockey !!! FDR manipulated Japan into attacking us ?
  Without the wars we have fought, which language would you prefer to be the official language of the USA---Japanese---German ---- Vietnamese or maybe Russian ?
  Ron Paul says" we got nukes so what's wrong with Iran having a few"----has he not heard what that crazy ass midget dictator of Iran say what he will do to Israel if he has nukes ?  Do you really think Iran would stop there ? I know---let them blow each other up----won't effect us---yea, right !!!!


I don't know whether it's bull hockey or not.  Prior to that point in time, FDR got by with manipulating Americans further into socialsim and a tyrannical government.  Even though many of us still speak English, certainly not nearly enough of us have made a good attempt to straighten out that mess.

It looks like Ron Paul prefers the English language as he's not into the new world order thing that the other Republicans are. 

In answer to your question, I'll stay with the Kansas English and keep saying liberty as much as I can.  That's the
only way I know how you and I can understand each other.


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