Started by Wilma, November 17, 2011, 11:46:32 AM

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QuoteFlo, were you reassessed for some reason

Diane:  Don't know how your State works, (it should be the same or similar) however here in Kansas, the properties are by statute to be appraised every year as of Jan 1.  that means, it may not have been changed by appraisal, but by the mil levy.



Ready, I'm not sure what PUP means, but it sounds like something I should do. LOL Ours have gone up each year since we bought the place in 2006 and I swear we've made no improvements other than plant a couple of trees and some flowers. The raised beds are not permanent, nor is the dog run. We did fix a broken storm window, and we did some minor painting of door trim. Certainly not $7,000 worth (if it's based on 1 percent, as our taxes went up $70). We were planning to add a small porch on the back, but we may reconsider.

Dee Gee

I know better than to reply in politics, but PUP is paid under protest.  If part of the properties are higher than last year and others are lower than the appraisal has been changed  on some of the properties.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


QuoteI know better than to reply in politics, but PUP is paid under protest.

That is correct.  It is a way of saying that "I disagree with the value you have...can you share what you think?"
However, if minor stuff was done and even if it went up $2000, the Mil levy going up drastically is the driver for the taxes.

If indeed the county has missed something....this is the time ( as well as when you first get your CVN (Change of Value Notice) that you ask.

Dee Gee:   
QuoteIf part of the properties are higher than last year and others are lower than the appraisal has been changed  on some of the properties.

That would higly be unlikely, unless the classification of the property has been, rural to farm, rural to Commercial, etc


Dee Gee:  I may rescind part of my statement.   Depending on the structure...depreciation comes into play on certain years.
Or, other mitigating circumstances like gutting the house, or just plain reaapraisal   (taking a closer look....hands on...only required every 6 years,)  It can be confusing, I agree.


Indy:   I agree.  No improvements other than paint and a few boards on the outside may not be a value driven outcome, and to me shouldn't 'raise my taxes'. 
However, the system is based on a cost index which is figured into the year built less depreciation, and the market driven value
is based on sales in that area with like, or similar houses.   
Taxes: = Appraised value x class x mill levy.   See your commissioner for the jump in the mil levy.
  Appraised: = mass ballpark opinion based on recent sales in that area and any improvements, or the cost index (which trust me, goes up each year and it is out of the hands of the appraiser)
   Anger: = I feel you! 
Knowing where the root of the anger is all about education.   and I frequent this site just to to disseminate the fact from the bs.  (good luck with that one!    ;D


Diane Amberg

No, we are not assessed annually. Usually at the time of a sale of a house or a significant improvement that caused a building permit to be drawn.

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