If you own a home, read this!

Started by kshillbillys, November 16, 2011, 01:09:52 PM

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Diane Amberg

  So you'd eliminate all young voters who don't yet own homes or property? My nieces then couldn't vote. One is married and rents a house and the other works but still lives with her parents.
Um, reminds me of the "I'm old enough to die for my country in the military but not old enough to drink." So they are old enough to die for their country, but can't vote because they are young and don't own land or a home yet? How about career military?
I could give you lots more examples...wealthy people whose property is "owned" by their company or people who have downsized or who put everything in a trust. How about when you have a mortgage? You don't really own the home, the lender does!
  I'd be fine, I own everything outright and have for a long time. Most people in their prime can't say that.
  Many people who travel for a living don't own any property, they rent somewhere for periods of time, yet they are well educated productive people. You would deny them voting rights? Not so easy is it?


Thats a choice they all make.  It is a fact that most young folks do not have a clue as to what it will take to even cast a vote.  One of the biggest problems in this country was shown at the last election.  They voted for the "messiah" so to speak, cause he was young, black and fit their idea of so called social justice is all about.  THe fact is that once you get age on you usually, most forget about the myth of social justice and look to put in place those who will promote equal justice.

Major difference.   Once you have realized what it takes to own property, and by realized i mean get the property, you are darn sure going to protect what you have worked hard for to get that property and your going to want controls on your government to prevent them from taking that property from you. THose who don't own property dont give a rats ass.  It doesn't affect them negatively if govt taxes you out of your property.  Simple economics. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I pay taxes on two properties, and quite frankly the reason my taxes are so high is the ones who don't own property vote to raise the damn taxes so they can have all these luxuries like ballfields, funds to buy balls and equipment, schools, all paid for by me.  I don't utilize any of that crap, never have so why do i have to fund it?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

If the same people who had their houses lost to foreclosure had the education, sense and understanding to vote, then they wouldn't have lost their homes either now would they?  So they should have lost their voting rights too? Now that would be popular! People can and should, but often don't take the time to get into the details. They don't pay attention to the fact that life HAS small print, let alone take the time to read it. So the is the American public stupid as some of you say...or too smart to be fooled as others of you say...your choice. Or how about some of both? ;)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 18, 2011, 02:36:43 PM
If the same people who had their houses lost to foreclosure had the education, sense and understanding to vote, then they wouldn't have lost their homes either now would they? 
You said it.  Not me.  IF they had the sense to not get in a mortgage they couldnt' afford to begin with they would still have their homes. 

QuoteSo they should have lost their voting rights too? Now that would be popular!
IF it were like it was at the creation of our constitution, the ones that lost their homes would either be A) smart enough not to get so deep in debt  or B) renting and not voting to begin with.  Come on diane, most of those who lost their homes were never qualified to own a home to begin with.  NONE OF THEM had 20% of their money invested in a home.  IT IS RARE TO FIND folks that can take a 100% financed loan and they have the disclipine to weather hard times and pay their mortgage.   I bought my home 100% financed by owner in 2007.  I haven't missed 1 payment.  I have done without food, i have done without tv, radio, luxuries that most people take for granted, but i haven't missed 1 payment. 
Yes i own another property no i can't sell it yet. when i do sell it, i'll just pay off my house!  Shrug.  Smart business is all that is. 

QuotePeople can and should, but often don't take the time to get into the details. They don't pay attention to the fact that life HAS small print, let alone take the time to read it. So the is the American public stupid as some of you say...or too smart to be fooled as others of you say...your choice. Or how about some of both? ;)

Too stupid.  Sorry but i have very little hope for Americans these days. MAYBE losing their homes, jobs, ect will grow them up fast and make them see what the schools were so piss poor in teaching them.  Preparation, education, and vision all are required to make it in this world
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


BTW if public schools want to teach kids and give them a gift in life, instead of wasting money on sports and extracurricular activities, they ought to use that money to teach classes like balancing checkbooks, how to shop poor, how to start and build a business, how to invest wisely in markets, How to do a budget, and save money even in hard times. 

Seriously this is what homeschooled kids do have over their counterparts. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My kids actually did learn to balance checkbooks, keep a budget, go shopping for food etc. in Middle School. I've taught both of my boys to shop for bargains at the store, it's a necessity these days!


Quote from: farmgal67357 on November 18, 2011, 06:34:30 PM
My kids actually did learn to balance checkbooks, keep a budget, go shopping for food etc. in Middle School. I've taught both of my boys to shop for bargains at the store, it's a necessity these days!
thats kool but middle school is a start really, i'm talking bout highschoolers.  The biggest disaster that we have yet to see is the coming disaster that our youth are building.  The amount of debt they incur in the first 10 years of being on their own.  Starting with this idiocy of going after student loans.  There is no reason for them to do that.  IF you use your noggin a bit, you can go as cheap as 14 k on a 2 year as deg and get a job with a company that will pay for the rest of your education.   Thats one road.  Scholarships abound abundantly.  But its too much work to compete for them.  I've even gotten scholarships in my education later on in life at 40 years old. Won the dang things because there was no competition.  Write an essay on something, your dog or cat or mom ain't going to cut it.  You have to do something intriguing spectacular and use some imagination!    

There are some that have it.  Some that don't, but NONE are incapable of not having an imagination or putting in the work to get these scholarships.    I made a bet with one of my boys who said he'd never get a scholarship cause we didn't have money. LOL i told him huh, thats the reason for scholarships.  I told him i could even get one and he said nahh your to old and you haven't been in school for years.  Got a 1000 dollar one 3 months later, the bet was that he had to research a topic for 3 months then write an essay on what facts he found and then make it interesting to read, not just spew facts but tell it in a story.  He submitted it to a scholarship contest and won it.  Got 5k to go to school on.  

It takes work.  Unfortunately i have seen those who piss away their education quite often. All you gotta do is go to bulter community college and watch what happens.  Theres tons of students at the start of a semester, and by the end of a semester the 30+ crowd outnumber the 18-30 year olds by 2 to 1.  In the start the youngins outnumber the older folks by 2 to 1

Its pretty damn sad to see this too!  :(

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Steve, you are making huge generalizations based on a few sad but true examples. ...none of which have anything to do with voting. The student loan situation is very serious and very sad but has nothing to do with voting.
  You are one of the ones talking about our rights and freedoms being taken away but you want to take away people's right to vote? You think you have good reasons. Sorry, doesn't cut it. People have the legal right to be less "smart" than you (or me) and not be euthanized!
What does your son's scholarship have to do with people voting? People make choices every day ,some good and some bad.
People who don't win scholarships must be too stupid to be allowed to vote?  By extension that can get pretty silly but someone who is good with words could decide to show how it makes good sense. Professional bloggers do that kind of thing with false statements and twisted logic every day.
How about if someone decides that people who smoke are obviously too stupid to be allowed to vote?...or have a driver's license? or drink alcohol? How far do you want to go? Sure, people who drink at all can't vote or own a home. How silly can we go? ;)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 18, 2011, 10:39:49 PM
Steve, you are making huge generalizations based on a few sad but true examples. ...none of which have anything to do with voting. The student loan situation is very serious and very sad but has nothing to do with voting.
Sure it does, these idiots vote!  They are too stupid to finish what they start, so we are going to give them a dangerous power and allow stupidity to vote?   Hell might ought to tie voting to education.

Got a better idea though. how about everyone keeps their 1 vote then anyone who graduates gets an extra vote to cast, then everyone who completes 2 years in college gets 2 votes, 4 years, 4votes and on, and iff your a property owner, you get 1 vote.  IF you write a check every year to the IRS, 1 vote for every 5k in taxes you pay. 
Now that sounds like a real plan!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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