Wind Turbines Sprouting on Elk County Prairie

Started by kshillbillys, November 06, 2011, 02:10:28 PM

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It doesn't seem possible that anyone, except a liberal, socialist or communist, can be neutral (or favor) about the Elk Konnected. 

Why not try to see the whole picture of the founding fathers and the U S Constitution intead of looking for answers from some non-governmental, non-profit organization that hides itself?

Diane Amberg

Do you really have a string that someone pulls to make you speak a prerecorded message?
Only socialists,communists or liberals can speak positively about Elk Konnected efforts? Sez who? You of all people? That is so sad.
Sure, and only people with brown eyes and O-negative blood types are true American patriots. All others are tainted and plan to take over "your " country.
Fortunately, small minded people who have to spew anger and ''diss'' and label others negatively to have stability themselves are easy to ignore and sweep aside as not worth the bother. It is fun to laugh at them, makes 'em furious.



Now, now.

I do believe Mr. Sweden has defended Ek on the other thread, but I'd have to go back and verify that.
And I don't have time right now to do that.

But neutral I don't think so.

Again I could be wrong.

But actually this is a local thing about a privatly owned company that runs around blowing it's own horn and after engaging in a conversation backs out when it's proven they are basically lying by twisting words and has voted themselves money from the County coffers. They use the excuse for not continuing to talk with us that the conversation is too negative. Well, the negative is in what they claim as far as I see it or they would be able to make it a positive thing. Yea, with all their positive attitude that should be easy for them.

That's like the positive attitude and failing at running a Wellness center. And I wonder if that is the same thing happening with their $150 a team for a baseball tournament? Don't they realize baseball season is over and that the holiday season has begun?

And they have positively told us of nothing they have actually done to better the living conditions in Elk County except to collect $85,000. So you try to figure it out and let me know what is happening. Why did they actually go back into hiding?

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