NEWT IN 2012

Started by frawin, November 04, 2011, 08:43:32 AM

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I wont support anyone who advocates using our food source as fuel for vehicles. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Yeah,I don't like that either.....but as Lisa said,it's all very entertaining but mostly campaign baloney.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Ron Paul aint against ethanol he just don't want the Govt. to subsidize corn to make it (which I fully agree with him on that one) but instead of corn he wants us to use hemp---so Steve---would you rather sacrifice your  Corn Flakes or watch a bunch of kick ass Affie going into your gas tank ? ;D


Quote from: jarhead on November 06, 2011, 12:04:02 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Ron Paul aint against ethanol he just don't want the Govt. to subsidize corn to make it (which I fully agree with him on that one) but instead of corn he wants us to use hemp---so Steve---would you rather sacrifice your  Corn Flakes or watch a bunch of kick ass Affie going into your gas tank ? ;D
I wish we could grow hemp. Theres 25 different products that are made from hemp and saleable.  It is a wonderful product.  It would also be ok for ethanol after you extract the oil 
MY primary objection to using any food supply is that the prices paid to use for fuel will remove it from our food supply.  We see it already in our corn and wheat prices already.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



A message from the John Birch Society ?? I have as much faith in that radical far right group a I do The Huffington Post, the far left liberal propaganda spreading group. I think we all know that the radicals can twist things around to fit their propaganda driven agenda. Hell, can convince anyone that Obummer is a better Prez than Peanuts Carter---when we all know that's not true. I, in no way, think Newt is perfect but name me one---just one--of our choices that is. A lot of Ron Paul's rhetoric  I really like---until he starts his BS about bringing ALL our soldiers home and stripping the military down to a bare bones existence to save a few billion PLUS saying we will play nice with ALL the countries that hate us and by doing so they will start wanting to take warm showers with us.
Think our current CiC tried that and guess we know how  that has worked out for us !!,
Red, all in all I agree with you 88.66 % of the time(+ - 3 points for error ) but over Newt  we have become mortal enemies ----just joking :D

Sarge for Dictator in 2012 ---the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool will be stocked with slab side crappie and every day the Marine-One will fly over and drop a grenade in it---and WE will have fresh fish every night at the ol White House. I say WE because Ol Sarge has promised I will be Commandant of my beloved Corps

Diane Amberg


Nobody is asking you to put any faith in the John Birch Society.  I don't have any faith in Newt Gingrich, he's certainly on track
with the liberal agenda and socilaism just like the other Republican candidates. 

He's even talking about his upcoming new 21st Century Contract with America.  We gonna fall for that one too, like we did the first one in 1994? 

Gingrich is slick but he's no conservative.  He no Southerner nor is he a constitutionalist.  Gingrich is part of the same scheme of things that Obama is.

Jarhead, I'll go with your figures.  it's good to know that we are agreeable 88.66% (+-3%) of the time.

Stay on 'em.

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