Overtime pay???

Started by Patriot, November 01, 2011, 10:53:07 AM

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I'm confused Wilma. Yesterday your post in the Coffee Shop said---------------------------------
Quote from Wilma:
The call would be made to whoever is on duty at the time and they might have to change into the proper clothes.  Another ten minute.

Now today you post this-------------------------------------------------------------
Quote from Wilma:
You have to be in uniform all day, barring you from a lot of things,


Quote from: Ross on November 01, 2011, 07:16:07 PM
Typically reports to manager.

Ross, it must be really nice to have a job in which you report to yourself! I do realize that in his case as Director he reports to the Commissioners but as Paramedic he reports to himself.
Why doesn't the Sheriff just take the duties as Director of EMS back?----Jennifer




Jarhead, I was referring to the times that the person might not be properly attired, such as having just risen from bed, or perhaps in the shower.  All the times that I see them, they are in uniform, but I have to admit that I do not see them when they are in their own homes. 

Steve, I used bull riding as an example, not that many paramedics would be doing it.  But you have to admit there are a lot of things that a person who is on call and in uniform cannot do.  I am thinking of cleaning house, raking leaves and other dirty jobs.

Jennifer, the job of Director of EMS was never a part of the job of Sheriff.  Janet did it as a separate job.  Thus, she was filling two salaried positions with the county at the same time.  It did not automatically go along with the position of sheriff.  The commissioners decided to give the job to Mr. Mitchell at the time Janet left the sheriff's office and I believe that he has held it since.  He was already a paramedic in which he continued.  I think you would agree that $700.00 a month wouldn't be enough for him to give up his position as paramedic.  It seems to me that Janet was receiving about the same amount in that position.

Diane Amberg

Don't forget the many hours of con.ed. Paramedics and EMTs have to take annually. Paramedics also work under a doc's license.


Quote from: kshillbillys on November 01, 2011, 06:07:12 PM
Holy shit that's a lot of money! I'm a county employee receiving an hourly wage. My monthly income varies between $1200-$1500 a month and when I get overtime it's done by comp time.

As long as that comp time is at the rate of 1.5 hours comp for every 1 hour of overtime worked.

Source:  Fair Labor Standards Act, Section 3 (s)(1)(C).

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Why would school teachers who are salaried and have the summer off with pay I believe, recieve comp time?
I hear that is what is happening at West Elk. Anybody have any knowledge on this?


Teachers sign a contract for a predetermined salary each school year. Instead of having a 9 month pay out, West Elk pays it's teachers over a 12 month span so they won't have to save back money to live on over the summer. So 9 months or 12 months, they are going to receive the same salary. And salaried workers DO NOT get overtime.


Why would they get comp time since the are salaried
and do not qualify for overtime is the question?

Comp time is used to avoid paying overtime when overtime is a paid situation?

Teachers are not required overtime and therefore don't actually qualify for comp time, now do they?


Teacher's are not required overtime?  Maybe not required, but certainly necessary.  I will bet my bottom penny with Bud thrown in that no teacher at West Elk works an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week.


Quote from: Wilma on November 03, 2011, 06:30:23 AM
Teacher's are not required overtime?  Maybe not required, but certainly necessary.  I will bet my bottom penny with Bud thrown in that no teacher at West Elk works an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week.

It is in their contract.

Just like when the school board tried to with hold the teachers refund from their medical insurance. The teachers contract stated the monies were the teachers money. And rhe teachers showed up with the contract to enforce it.

That's what contracts are about. And I say good for them.

But where is it in their contract that says they get comp time?

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