West Elk Audit and Survey

Started by Ross, October 25, 2011, 08:15:20 PM

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I know all that.

Ross, this announcement you posted:

"Monday, Nov.14

5:30 - 6:15 pm

Parent Meeting for Efficiency Adult"

doesn't say anything about a school board meeting, does it?  So what does it have to do with all this?  If this isn't a school board meeting why are we so upset about it?  It seems to me that it is just a meeting of citizens.  Parents to be more specific.


Quote from: Wilma on November 03, 2011, 01:29:20 PM
...doesn't say anything about a school board meeting, does it?  So what does it have to do with all this?  If this isn't a school board meeting why are we so upset about it?  It seems to me that it is just a meeting of citizens.  Parents to be more specific.

If 2 or more board members are present and engage in discussions of matters relating to school business, planning, etc., it IS a board meeting and subject to KOMA rules.  It does matter, even if it's not called a 'school board meeting'.  Same applies if 2 or more members meet in an 'executive session' at the same time.  Why do you hate the law so much?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on November 03, 2011, 01:29:20 PM
I know all that.

Ross, this announcement you posted:

"Monday, Nov.14

5:30 - 6:15 pm

Parent Meeting for Efficiency Adult"

doesn't say anything about a school board meeting, does it?  So what does it have to do with all this?  If this isn't a school board meeting why are we so upset about it?  It seems to me that it is just a meeting of citizens.  Parents to be more specific.

I did not say anything at all about the School Board Meeting and it was not posted by the School Board.
Howeverit was stated at the school board meeting as starting the meeting early.
So if the School Board is involved it is a School Board meeting, I'd imagine and especially since they said they would meet in executive session with the survey people. Don't ya reckon?

If it is a school board meeting concerning the survey it is an open meeting, not just parents. But taxpayers as well.

Don't you understand the school belongs to the taxpayers?

Diane Amberg

That's OK MT, just my way of catching a misspelling. ;) There are lots of exceptions aren't there? I have to friendly poke him once in awhile.


I believe it is quite evident the someone associated with our school district doesn't want all the taxpayers there for some reason or another.

The newspaper article only invites the parents of school kids.

The headline reads:

Parents encouraged to attend meeting at West Elk
It continues, "A meeting for West Elk parents will be held Nov. 14 in the West Elk auditorium at 5:30 pm."

Wait a minute why not invite all of their employeers, the taxpayers, the owners of the school?
Why not invite all the people that elected the School Board to office.

Why not?  ?    ?

Don't they want an untainted survey?   ?   ?

Otherwise what's the point   ?   ?   ?


I will put my two cents in, however I do not live in your county.  that being said:
I think I see where you are coming from Ross et al (albeit a little strong on the suppositions.  :))

The statement in the paper was:  ENCOURAGED all parents.  It did not say ONLY parents of West Elk.
Also, if I am a taxpayer for a school district, and have no kids there I would certainly want to find out where my pennies were going to....espcially if there are a few athletic parents with pull and want to see a football stadium built, and the arts stopped to pay for it! 
Don't know if I explained it well, I just want the best for the school, and I hate to break it to you all, but sports are highly overrated as far as life skills.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 03, 2011, 04:42:05 PM
That's OK MT, just my way of catching a misspelling. ;) There are lots of exceptions aren't there? I have to friendly poke him once in awhile.

Definitely a lot of exceptions. I have to admit I did use that rule a lot, just always got a chuckle for the exceptions. :laugh:


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 03, 2011, 06:06:57 PM
I think I see where you are coming from Ross et al (albeit a little strong on the suppositions.  :))

The statement in the paper was:  ENCOURAGED all parents.  It did not say ONLY parents of West Elk.

Good to hear from you Ready.

What you said is sort of the point, they did not encourage anyone else to attend.
The same attitude as with the on line survey, they didn't encourage anyone else to participate.

I just got an e-mail I am going to post in a moment I hope you and everyone else appreciates it.


I e-mailed the Center for Innovative School Leadership at http://www.emporia.edu/cisl/ .
Surprise, surprise an immediate reply On Nov 3, 2011, at 5:13 PM only I wasn't on line to get it that quick.
I expected to wait until tomorrow to ge a response since I e-mailed after 5 pm.

My E-mail to them:

Mr. Sailors,

I have read some of your web site and I have a couple of questions I would appreciate answers to.

Is it proper for the School to only invite parents to partake in your survey?

Are all taxpayers in the School District permitted to participate?

The answers to the questions are of some importance to me as a taxpayer.

Thank You for your time.




His response:

All are welcome to fill out survey as far as we are concerned

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 3, 2011, at 5:13 PM, =======================================================================

If you wish to question these facts here is his Contact Information taken from the web site        http://www.emporia.edu/cisl/personnel.html

Bill Sailors, Director of the Center for Innovative School Leadership
Ph. 620-341-5823
E-mail wsailors@emporia.edu
Fax 620-341-6674

Their main web site is http://www.emporia.edu/cisl/personnel.html


I think you are taking the "Encourage parents to attend" to mean "Everybody else stay away".  I take it as a special request for parents to be there, also, not exclusively.  No where does it say for parents only.  Stop being paranoid and look at it as something that is especially for parents but open to anyone who wishes to attend.

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