Exhibiting Republicanism......

Started by redcliffsw, October 22, 2011, 06:46:40 PM

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About candidate Cain's intention to give Congress a revenue stream it currently doesn't have – the authority to levy a national sales tax – Rep. Bachmann quipped: "When you take the 9-9-9 plan and turn it upside down [666], the devil's in the details." 

Any additional revenues the feds receive via taxes they will use to plunge private property owners deeper into debt.
-Ilana Mercer



I booed when Bachman said that. Really cute. :P


Whether Bachman knows it or not, she's certainly right about that.

Cain has the opportunity to become the first black president, however I hope that he isn't. 
He's just another Republican with nothing new.  It's the same ole stuff ever since Lincoln.
You'd think after 150 years we'd catch onto the ideas of the founding fathers and abandon
the Republican sociialism.

Ron Paul is not perfect, however he has a better understanding about the Constitution and what
the founding fathers established.

Diane Amberg

Young voters say they won't vote for him because he's so old he was there when it was written.


Sadly, the Federal indoctrination of many young voters hasn'rt worn off.  Of course, it can remain for years or a lifetime.

Government schools and teachers know where their money and programs come from. 
Is it any wonder that the Federal doctrine is favored in government schools?

Diane Amberg

So how is one form of "indoctrination" any better than another... except you agree with one and not the other. :P


You know my husband is a teacher, and he is about as anti-Obama as you can get. I honestly don't know where you get some of your ideas, or why you think they apply to everyone. They don't.


Cain is right about one thing... we need to change the tax code.  The Rep's need to get off their butts and start talking about a fair tax.  Also, more tax talk needs to come out in the remaining... how many is it? ...  999 Republican debates that are left.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Yeah, Herman still needs to do some changing with the 999 deal. He's going in the right direction, though. And it seems he's willing to work at getting it right. Better get some "experience" around you Herman! I would LOVE a Cain/Gingrich ticket!


Quote from: farmgal67357 on October 24, 2011, 07:28:40 PM
You know my husband is a teacher, and he is about as anti-Obama as you can get. I honestly don't know where you get some of your ideas, or why you think they apply to everyone. They don't.

You think Republicans are conservative?  I don't.  They do make a arguments against Obama and so do liberals.
If you'll take real look at the Republican party, you'll see socialism in it's roots - it's the growing sociialism they and Obama
defend to this day.

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