Started by Wilma, August 01, 2007, 10:31:25 AM

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Mama.. tell about the things that happen to you and "items" that disappear and reappear.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Does anyone have any further information on Prudence Crandall? She was the woman who settled in Elk Falls; she had been an educator and was known for starting schools for black children. She was also a practicing spiritualist according to the thesis that is in the Moline library. Anyone know of any past spiritualist groups from around here? It was quite popular at the turn of the 20th century.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 02, 2007, 09:39:22 PM

How well I remember that.  I went to your Grandma's funeral.  That was a hard one for me because I used to joke around with her and your Grandpa all the time.  It was sad because your Grandpa could not be there.

Chrissie stayed with Grandad. She said it was a very solemn day. The worst part for me was that I couldn't sit with my mom, and my husband had to take Andy for a walk because he just wouldn't settle down. And then we couldn't stay and visit much because my husband was due back at McChord and we had such a long drive ahead of us. That drive was very therapeutic though.

Poor Grandad. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for him. It was hard enough on those of us that got a chance to say "good-bye".

(my mom is going to yell at me for making her cry.)


That's all right.  We moms love our children even when they make us cry.


When my husband and I were first married, I started dreaming about his brother that died about 10 years prior. His brother was 8 years older than him, and died of a heart attack at age 29.

In my dreams I was on my husband's airplane with him and we were flying into Vietnam to pick up the remains of American soldiers that had been recovered. (yes, that is a real thing that my husband has done) We landed and loaded the remains, and then took off, headed back for McChord. While we were in flight, I noticed one of the body bags was "breathing". I grabbed my husband and unzipped the bag and there was his brother, breathing and blinking and smiling. I said, "We thought you were dead!!!" and he shook his head. Then I woke up.

When I told my husband what I had dreamed, his mouth fell open. It took him a little while to compose himself, and he told me that he has dreams like that all the time. He always dreams he's in a combat zone, or something like that, and his brother always walks around a big rock or the corner of a building and says, "Bet you thought I was dead, huh?"

In my dream, he didn't talk; but the message was definately the same. I think it's his way of telling us that he is around and is checking up on us.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The other night I had another "bump" in the night.  I don't know if it woke me or if I were already awake.  But there was this bump, then a sound like hurrying footsteps, maybe 5 o 6 steps, not enough to take anyone out of the room.  Since Bud had jumped up on my bed just after the bump I wasn't too concerned.  A few days later I heard the same things.  This time I was in the living room and it was light and there was my recliner rocking back and forth just as if I had just gotten out of it.  And there was Bud where he had just landed on the floor from jumping off the back of the chair.  I didn't know that a rocking recliner could sound like footsteps. 

Roma Jean Turner


"Thump,   thump,   thump, thump, thump.  Silence.  Thump,   thump,   thump, thump, thump.  Silence."  This is what I heard while watching television last night.  I turned down the volume so that I could hear better and it was still there.

"Thump   thump,   thump, thump, thump.  Silence.  Over and over.  Then during the silence, I caught sight of Bud passing in front of me, then the thumping, then Bud passing in front of me.  He was playing Indian and Wagon Train.  He was the Indian and the partition between the kitchen and living room was the wagon train.  The thumping was while he was running across the vinyl and the silence was while he was on the carpet.  Gave me pause for a moment.

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