A Marine and Cirizen to be PROUD of - 1 Marine vs. 30 Cops (Marine Wins)

Started by Ross, October 19, 2011, 08:17:08 AM

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United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas from Roosevelt, NY went toe to toe with the New York Police Department. An activist in the Occupy Wall Street movement, Thomas voiced his opinions of the NYPD police brutality that had and has been plaguing the #OWS movement.

Thomas is a 24-year-old Marine Veteran (2 tours in Iraq), he currently plays amateur football and is in college.

Thomas comes from a long line of people who sacrifice for their country: Mother, Army Veteran (Iraq), Step father, Army, active duty (Afghanistan), Grand father, Air Force veteran (Vietnam), Great Grand Father Navy veteran (World War II).

You Rock Marine.


I have major problems with this because that marine is supporting the wrong group, I believe.

This occupy wall street circus is a joke. Everything the Tea Party was falsely accused of, this "group" is 100% guilty of, even the "astro turf". There is nothing grassroots about it. The facts are clear that this whole "movement" was started by larger groups (i.e. unions, etc.). People are actually being paid to attend this. Once the "movement" caught on they were able to get substantially more people (a great term I've seen used for these people is useful idiots) to attend this. The only clear message I can see out of this nonsense is that they no longer want Capitalism and a Constitutional Republic but instead a "Democratic" Socialist government. They will blindly give up their rights thinking that the government will give them more money than a good job pays for little to no work and in the end will end up having less money that also has substantially less spending power.

They think they want more "democracy" yet at the same time seem to prefer mob rule where 100% of the vote is required. They don't even understand what democracy is. Its majority rule... want an example of democracy? Gang rape is democracy. Say 3 guys vote to rape a woman, that woman only has 1 vote so she loses. THAT is what democracy looks like.

We're so fortunate we have a Constitutional Republic that gives us rights. Those 3 guys can vote to go rape a woman but have to face the fact that she has the right to life, liberty, and property and a clear constitutional right to be armed with a weapon to fend off those guys.

Anyway... yes, police brutality is wrong in most cases if there is actual brutality but it seems a lot of these people have issues with the police simply arresting people. If someone gives the cops trouble they may have to mace them or taze them to get them under control, which is a simple NON lethal method of regaining control so that the problem doesn't escalate. These idiots then scream "brutality!" when the officers rightly do this.  These people don't understand that there are people actually breaking the law. The cops give them the option to stop but when they refuse they will be arrested. If they try fighting back they will be maced or tazed. Its simple.

These people seem to think they have rights that they clearly do not. They do NOT have the right to occupy public streets. They do NOT have a right to utterly trash public and private property. They do NOT have a right to defecate on a police cruiser. They can protest what a government or even a business does if they would like but they simply do NOT have a right to harm people or businesses in the process.

Also, the fact they are protesting Wall Street alone is a joke. If they have a problem with how things are ran, protest the government. This oversized federal government that constantly ignores the constitution is at the absolute core of our country's issues right now.

This OWS crap is probably going to get even worse. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the final false accusation of the Tea Party shows itself in this "protest"... and that would be violence. Some has actually already happened but I bet it will get much worse. Just watch, these useful idiots are fully capable and willing.


I agree 100% with you MT. As for this Marine dude, he sounds like a broken record and was wanting confrontation---but thankfully he failed


I'm not pro or con for OWS. I don't have enough information to decide.
But I thought the Marine was right about police brutality.
Why did they have to pepper spray women that already had behind a police fence?
No respect for people, in my opinion and that can lead to violence.
There are way to many variables involved and nobody has really mad any direct demands.
Sure there are people down there for a free meal, and there are some that are paid to be there.

I may be wrong but there is freedom of speech.
And there is no honor in pepper spraying women already in custody.

I personally believe the marine was right to speak his mind.
And I thought you vets would see that point.
If he would have had a real confrontation the tasers would have been out in force and he would have lost.


I'm thinking that mtcookson's description of the OWS is right. 

No telling what gov't aid and grants they'll be demanding before long.


Quote from: Ross on October 19, 2011, 11:21:30 AMWhy did they have to pepper spray women that already had behind a police fence?

Its too difficult to tell for sure from the videos I've seen as I can't see what the girls are doing. However, one video I saw there was a girl pulled from the group (the group that eventually got sprayed) and was arrested right before the pepper spray incident and, from what I can tell, that particular girl pushed one of the officers in white so he pulled her out of the group and arrested her. That caused that group of girls to get pretty angry, they started yelling and could have done more but I can't see in those videos, can only hear them. That whole group on the sidewalk was told over and over they had to move so that could be why the pepper spray came out, just not sure.

Since there are claims that the spray was used improperly that officer will be investigated and if they found he was wrong will be correctly punished. I believe he will be reviewed by IA as well as a civilian review board if I remember correctly. This group of people is so extreme though a person was able to get a picture of his badge which then led to the hacker "group" Anonymous to post not only his but his family's personal information online (names, address, etc.).

Its such a nightmare over there that it will be impossible that everything is done correctly. If you watch some of the videos someone will do something that the officers feel requires an arrest and suddenly a bunch of people will try pulling the person away from the cops while they attempt to arrest them.

QuoteNo respect for people, in my opinion and that can lead to violence.

That's where a huge problem lies. I agree with that statement, however, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a massive majority of this whole "protest" group have no respect for police to begin with. In that case, the police already have a hard time keeping order when people break the law and harm others. They are way out numbered and we know this group can and will become violent. The police are going to need all the support they can get before long.


I tend to agree with you on the violence point.
I kind of expect some rable rouser group to eventually start a riot.


Quote from Ross.

I personally believe the marine was right to speak his mind.
And I thought you vets would see that point.

I saw his point Ross and yes, he has a right to have his say but he made his point over and over and got madder by the minute. I think he wanted tased or pepper sprayed so he could be a martyr.


Jarhead I think you might be right about that martyr thing.
But still it took gonads to tell the cops to back off.


Only way to find out would be to remove all of the people and the cameras and see what he does then. :laugh:

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