Herman Cain Has a Sense of Humor!

Started by farmgal67357, October 18, 2011, 09:35:03 AM

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The problem with the 999 is that they double tax corps.  i think 9% is for capital gains and 9% is for corps and the other 9 is for everyday wages.  It would work if you only taxed 9 wages, and 9 on corp and leave the capital gains out of it.  That would be a true 9%.  The addition of capital gains moves it to a 18% tax on corps and those who invest.  Those who do not invest would only get 9% tax. Not very fair in tax status.

As for privitization of social security.  That would be the smartest move.  I know i would have jumped on that like a chicken on a june bug if it had been available for me. I would have turned my 180k of ss payments into enough to support me in a decent lifestyle for the rest of my life and leave some for my kids when i do die.  After all its our money shouldn't we be able to grow it and leave what is left to our heirs?   I personally am very tired of supporting losers with the tax money i have paid in to support losers like that 30 year old idiot that is on disability because he can't man up and grow some stones and quit acting like a baby and shitting all over himself.  Personally cut his ass off, make him go out and earn a living. He's 30 years old for crying out loud and not a damn thing wrong with him physically.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on November 01, 2011, 10:17:27 AM
The problem with the 999 is that they double tax corps.  i think 9% is for capital gains and 9% is for corps and the other 9 is for everyday wages.  It would work if you only taxed 9 wages, and 9 on corp and leave the capital gains out of it.  That would be a true 9%.  The addition of capital gains moves it to a 18% tax on corps and those who invest.  Those who do not invest would only get 9% tax. Not very fair in tax status.

Please read the links i posted earlier.  As Herman Cain would say "you don't have the facts to back this up"

Please republicans, nominate a real candidate for president.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on October 31, 2011, 04:44:22 PM
I'd say most republicans and conservatives haven't the first clue about what it means to be a republican or a conservative.

How else could you explain Cain's jump in the polls despite his: support for higher taxes, more free trade, pro-choice, lobbying career, corporate backing, and his relationship with the federal reserve...

Will one of you Cain supporters please explain.....

Herman Cain is NOT pro-choice.


That 3rd Koch Brother
Posted on November 6, 2011 by Lew Rockwell
Writes a friend:

"For some anecdotal evidence that Cain is the third Koch brother, look no further than the CNN-Tea Party Express Debate on September 12, 2011, where like usual Ron was ignored on his trademark issues.

"A quirky thing happened in the debate about half way through.  Wolf Blitzer went to a question in Phoenix which was actually from a person located at the Goldwater Institute, with the think-tank insignia prominently displayed.  It was a softball question about energy regulations harming the economy.  Wolf went right to Herman Cain for an answer, which he handled easily.  Immediately, Wolf went on to another question and did not ask anyone else other than Cain to respond to the Goldwater issued question.  I thought this was weird because there had been no other one candidate questions up to that point.

"For those who don't know, Goldwater is a Kochtopus operation, and one that Cain has spoken at in the past.  To have a question which came from a Kochtopus think-tank and have Wolf direct it only to Herman Cain seems a little more than coincidental."

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


You forget that the right wing crazies will gladly bend to their masters' will.  They're proud to serve the likes of the koch brothers and the other mega wealthy parasites.

Tell me Cain supporters, how would you feel if your daughter was one of the victims of Cain's sexual harassment?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on November 08, 2011, 09:01:57 PM
You forget that the right wing crazies will gladly bend to their masters' will.  They're proud to serve the likes of the koch brothers
Tell me Cain supporters, how would you feel if your daughter was one of the victims of Cain's sexual harassment?
If the allegations are true and the law won't do anything then thats what they make trees and ropes for
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


What kind of woman who is describing the things that Cain allegedly did, waits 14 years before ever saying anything about it? Who would wait that long? No report of it 14 YEARS ago when he supposedly did this? Also, why are all of these reports coming out about alleged sexual harrassment now that he's high in the polls? Where were these "women" when he was at 2%, 4% or 6%? I call bullshit on it all! I say Obama and the DemoRats and a handful of Republicans didn't like the fact that he was doing so well, so it's time for him to take a fall...He's not a yes man that could be controlled like some of the others. I have a feeling they thought he was getting too uppity...Can't have that now can we?----Jennifer

And by the way, there were reports of Bill Clintons' sexual escapades when he was running for the White House and a string of them while he was President. He was impeached and still finished out his second term as President. FDR's mistress lived in the White House. And what about the sexcapades of John F. Kennedy? Woodrow Wilson had a mistress. Somehow, when a DemoRat does something it's ok, but if anyone else does (or is accused of) anything, they should be tarred and feathered. 




WOW!  Where do I get some of that mind-control ultra right Kool-aid that some of ya'll been drinkin?  Oh, wait I forgot.  It's not called Kool-Aid; it's called Kocha-Cola.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I don't drink Kool-aid or Kocha-Cola. I just have an opinion and last I knew, that isn't illegal, YET!---Jennifer




To Steve:  Sexual harrassment isn't a felony.  Its a civil matter.  Its up to the accusers to settle their issues with Cain in court or through mediation, which leads me to Jennifer...

They didn't wait 14 years, you are ignorant of the facts it would appear.  The first two accusers filed claims immediately against their employer and a settlement was reached.  Furthermore, some of the accusers may have not come forward previously because it wasn't relevant.  Now that the guy is running for president, the information becomes relevant because its a reflection of his lack of moral fiber.  Thats why its in the news now....  14 years ago, the media and voters didn't care if some douchebag lobbyist sexually harassed his staffers.  

And if you want to talk about Clinton, and all the others and their mistresses, thats well and good.  They cheated on their wives with willing participants.  So did Newt Gingrich, Larry Craig (with a man?) and Mark Sanford.  The difference between them and Cain is that Cain's incidents involve UNWILLING VICTIMS.  See steve's outrage in his comments?  Steve understands that sexual harassment isn't a big leap away from rape...  Thats not quite the same thing as cheating on your wife.

Finally, going back to clinton, you're showing once again the hypocritical mentality of the crazy right.  Clinton was unfit to be president because he lied, and he disgraced the office by cheating.  So why are there two republican candidates in the field who have done exactly those two things?  One of them, a serial sexual harasser, you are defending.  What is wrong with you people?

I'm a football fan, and I've been watching the story of the Penn state allegations.  For those of you who don't know, an assistant coach was caught raping a 10 year old boy, and it turns out he's been doing that sort of thing on campus for at least 14 years.  He was able to get away with it for so long because people who knew about it did nothing.  In fact they helped hide his crimes.  By covering those despicable actions, they became an accomplice by enabling the predator.  You people who would support this sexual predator because you believe in his political ideology is akin to participating in his crimes against his victims.  You should be ashamed of yourselves...  All of you who still support him despite his obvious guilt.

On that note, Steve, thanks for being willing to speak your own mind, despite the fact that your opinion may be unpopular.  welcome to the club.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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