Herman Cain Has a Sense of Humor!

Started by farmgal67357, October 18, 2011, 09:35:03 AM

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I don't understand this herman cain thing.

You all hate democrats because they want to repeal a 3% tax cut on the top 10% of income earners, yet you support a different person who's tax plan is to more than double taxes on the majority of americans.  What are you people smoking and where can i get some?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I have never said anything about hating any Democrat. If you support someone other than Mr. Cain that's fine. BTW, I don't smoke.


well ok.  Can you, or any other Cain supporter explain to me why you are supporting a candidate that wants to more than double your taxes.?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on October 21, 2011, 06:37:03 PM
well ok.  Can you, or any other Cain supporter explain to me why you are supporting a candidate that wants to more than double your taxes.?

Double?  Verification, please.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


verification?  have you taken 5 minutes to think about his tax plan?  have you been watching the republican debates?

It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.  Whats the avg income out there in Elk County?  Lets assume $30k.  With the earned income tax credit, and tax credits for kids, that family probably pays 7-10% in income tax.  Under the Cain plan, that family will have to pay 18%, plus another 9% on anything that family buys.  Last I checked, the average american spends almost everything, so really, you're looking at a 27% tax rate.  Meanwhile the rich drop down to a 9% tax rate, plus another 9% on purchases.  Now the rich don't spend as much of their income (as a percentage)  So lets assume the rich spend 1/3 on buying new things.  That makes their effective tax rate around 12%.  So you've got a broke family in Kansas paying 27% and a super rich family with homes all over paying 12%.  Thats the guy you all are supporting. 

Good job on doing your homework.  Next time don't be so lazy and take a few minutes to use your noggin and think about something before you post.  I haven't even started on his involvement with the federal reserve, big corporate lobbyists, and the koch bros

Herman Cain does have a sense of humor.  The joke is on the republican party.  The fact that he's doing so well in the polls shows how far our country (and the republican party) has fallen from greatness.


"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on October 21, 2011, 09:17:47 PM

Good job on doing your homework.  Next time don't be so lazy and take a few minutes to use your noggin and think about something before you post.  I haven't even started on his involvement with the federal reserve, big corporate lobbyists, and the koch bros

I doubt his plan is so set in konkrete as you think.  Cain's plan might just be open to some modification.  Further, if the employer contributions to medicare and SS are reduced to zero, there's an instant savings of over 7% to the average wage earner right off the top.  If those folks are in the 15% tax bracket that makes their basic government participation fees about 22%.  Compared to 9% consumption and 9% income tax, seems the new plan number is smaller.  Or are you using Kalifornia Mathematiks?  Further, I believe his plan has a mechanism that prevents taxation of income up to the poverty levels, thus making the effective tax rates even lower.  If he is smart enough to get the 16th Amendment repealed, he may be on to something.  Not to mention, it might, via the consumption tax, collect revenues from all your illegal alien friends.  Try that with our current tax code.  Of course, I suspect you like the idea that about half our population pays NO income taxes at all.  Personally, I like the idea of 'sharing the wealth' when it comes to the tax burden in this country.

While I personally prefer HB 25 (as a move toward equality in taxation), Cain's ideas are a start towards significant tax reform.  Damned bit better than what either side has done in recent decades.  At least he's willing to start a real dialogue.

"Double" our taxes?  Please.  Stop with the off the cuff liberal fear mongering.  Your pretense at conservatism is shallow, at best and offers little other than to support the current wealth transfer/confiscation schemes. 

Oh, speaking of doing homework, the per capita avg income in this county is $32,000,  Census figures you should have found. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on October 22, 2011, 09:07:12 AM
I doubt his plan is so set in konkrete as you think.  Cain's plan might just be open to some modification.  Further, if the employer contributions to medicare and SS are reduced to zero, there's an instant savings of over 7% to the average wage earner right off the top.  If those folks are in the 15% tax bracket that makes their basic government participation fees about 22%.  Compared to 9% consumption and 9% income tax, seems the new plan number is smaller.  Or are you using Kalifornia Mathematiks?  Further, I believe his plan has a mechanism that prevents taxation of income up to the poverty levels, thus making the effective tax rates even lower.  If he is smart enough to get the 16th Amendment repealed, he may be on to something.  Not to mention, it might, via the consumption tax, collect revenues from all your illegal alien friends.  Try that with our current tax code.  Of course, I suspect you like the idea that about half our population pays NO income taxes at all.  Personally, I like the idea of 'sharing the wealth' when it comes to the tax burden in this country.

While I personally prefer HB 25 (as a move toward equality in taxation), Cain's ideas are a start towards significant tax reform.  Damned bit better than what either side has done in recent decades.  At least he's willing to start a real dialogue.

"Double" our taxes?  Please.  Stop with the off the cuff liberal fear mongering.  Your pretense at conservatism is shallow, at best and offers little other than to support the current wealth transfer/confiscation schemes. 

Oh, speaking of doing homework, the per capita avg income in this county is $32,000,  Census figures you should have found. 

oo i Love when you get offended and try to prove you're intelligence.  In fact, you're only showing how ignorant you really are.  The second link I posted explains what happens to the SS and medicare tax.  Also, you're making several errors in your argument.

QuoteFurther, if the employer contributions to medicare and SS are reduced to zero, there's an instant savings of over 7% to the average wage earner right off the top.

If the taxes are paid by the employer, then the savings goes to the employer.  The wage earner doesn't pays a share of SS and medicare taxes, and then the employer matches it.  If you had just read the article, you'd have seen that although the employer no longer pays it's share or the matching taxes, the wage earner is still on the hook.  In fact, the wage earner's taxes actually go up.  Thats the fourth 9 thats not mentioned. which leads to your next false assumption:

QuoteIf those folks are in the 15% tax bracket that makes their basic government participation fees about 22%.  Compared to 9% consumption and 9% income tax, seems the new plan number is smaller.

You ignored the whole part about tax deductions being eliminated.  someone in the 15% tax bracket doesnt actually pay 15%.  They usually pay much less because of tax credits and deductions.  You didn't read the links, and you must have just scanned through my post, so you don't understand that people who go out and earn a wage will be paying 27% tax. 

QuoteOr are you using Kalifornia Mathematiks?

Tell me,  what was your effective tax % last year?  I paid around 18%  What do you think is lower,  18% or 27%?  I have an MBA, what about you?

QuoteIf he is smart enough to get the 16th Amendment repealed, he may be on to something.

Why the hell would he repeal the 16th amendment?  Do you even know what the 16th amendment is?  It gives the government the power to collect an income tax.  Did you miss the part about this plan having a 9% income tax?  Do you realize now why I think you aren't as intelligent as you think you are?  Why would anyone go out and make part of their plan illegal?

QuotePersonally, I like the idea of 'sharing the wealth' when it comes to the tax burden in this country.

So you're in favor of the poor having a huge tax increase while the rich get a huge tax cut?  The poor already pay a higher % as it is...

Quote"Double" our taxes?  Please.  Stop with the off the cuff liberal fear mongering.  Your pretense at conservatism is shallow, at best and offers little other than to support the current wealth transfer/confiscation schemes. 

Its more than double for most families.  Thats not a stat from liberals.  This is being said by CONSERVATIVES.  You need to go out and inform yourself a little more.

QuoteOh, speaking of doing homework, the per capita avg income in this county is $32,000,  Census figures you should have found. 

this matters because?  Typical Patriot post.  You totally missed the whole point of the argument because you were too lazy to read the articles.  Instead you spent your time trying to prove me wrong instead of actually educating yourself on the subject.  I remember herman cain in one debate starting a sentence with the phrase "I don't have the facts to back this up, but...."  Your post reminds me of that. 

"The chief source of problems is solutions"


here,  another article for you to ignore.

QuoteBut the plan seems to be unraveling. Cain's shift on zero exemptions comes after an independent analysis showed his tax plan would raise taxes on 84 percent of U.S. households. The Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank, said low- and middle-income families would be hit hardest, with households making between $10,000 and $20,000 seeing their taxes increase by nearly 950 percent.

"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Just my personal opinion, but I think Herman Cain is a plant and I will not support him.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

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