Concerned about Elk County's image? Here's one outsider's view...

Started by Patriot, October 08, 2011, 08:28:23 AM

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Quote from: Janet Harrington on October 26, 2011, 05:26:57 PM
LOL, dang, Steve. I sure did, didn't I? ROFLMAO

I guess they didn't get the memo about messin' with us Harringtons....... ;D
Lisa Harrington


Janet, I certainly don't want to argue with you, BUT, aren't voters citizens?  I thought you had to be a citizen of Elk County to vote in Elk County.  Guess that's kinda like splitting hairs.  I'm outta here and have a good day. 8)


Flo, I think that Janet meant that only the voters that vote can put a candidate into office.  Not all citizens are voters, more shame to them.  But then, not all citizens can qualify to vote.


Quote from: flo on October 27, 2011, 08:33:56 AM
Janet, I certainly don't want to argue with you, BUT, aren't voters citizens?  I thought you had to be a citizen of Elk County to vote in Elk County.  Guess that's kinda like splitting hairs.  I'm outta here and have a good day. 8)

You would think so but when the Government officials contract out public meetings and discussion of taxpayer issues to third party LLC's so they don't have to listen to the voters bitch, then you will soon end up with no elections and comittees that send out surveys to specially selected individuals to make up their desired voter demographics.  That way they can distribute the taxpayer dime without bothering the voters with having to vote
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: flo on October 27, 2011, 08:33:56 AM
Janet, I certainly don't want to argue with you, BUT, aren't voters citizens?  I thought you had to be a citizen of Elk County to vote in Elk County.  Guess that's kinda like splitting hairs.  I'm outta here and have a good day. 8)

Flo, like Mother said, all voters are citizens, but not all citizens are voters. That is why I said it is the voters that put him in office, but not all the citizens. Lots of people in Elk County are not even registered to vote. I have always said that if you didn't vote, then you can't complain. I, however; have voted in elections since I lived in Sedan, Kansas, in 1980. Therefore; I have the right to complain, protest, praise, etc.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on October 27, 2011, 04:41:30 PM
...I have always said that if you didn't vote, then you can't complain. I, however; have voted in elections since I lived in Sedan, Kansas, in 1980. Therefore; I have the right to complain, protest, praise, etc.

Of course, there's that pesky constitutional matter in the First Amendment about the right to to petition the government for a redress of grievances  (i.e. the right to complain, protest, praise, etc.), not to mention free speach... rights of all citizens, not just voting citizens.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington


Quote from: Janet Harrington on October 27, 2011, 04:41:30 PM
Flo, like Mother said, all voters are citizens, but not all citizens are voters. That is why I said it is the voters that put him in office, but not all the citizens. Lots of people in Elk County are not even registered to vote. I have always said that if you didn't vote, then you can't complain. I, however; have voted in elections since I lived in Sedan, Kansas, in 1980. Therefore; I have the right to complain, protest, praise, etc.

Voting doesn't matter when neither canidate is worth a damn!  Frankly, I execrise my right not to vote.  The way I see it, I'm not going to choose the lesser of two evils, both of'em can kiss my a$$!  And even if I don't vote I still have the right and FREEDOM to complain.  Being an ex sheriff I would expect you to know that...then again maybe not.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: flo on October 26, 2011, 09:21:17 AM
I only have one comment to make and then I'll check out.  If there is no deputy on duty at night in Elk County, then why do I hear them on the scanner at all the wee hours?

Damned if I know.  All I know is that when my wife at the time needed them they weren't there!
Also, if you're going to accuse somone of lying just come out with it.

QuoteI have made calls to the sheriff's office twice since moving to Howard and both times I had a response within 10 minutes.  Sorry, maybe when you call it takes a few minutes to get to your house.

Of course, you live in HOWARD.  A few minutes I can understand, but not an hour.

QuoteNo way is everyone gonna be satisfied with law enforcement, regardless of the city, county or state. Remember, just like our President, the sheriff is in office because the citizens of Elk County wanted him there, so you can blame yourself and if you don't live in Elk County, then you have no business running any employee of the county down. PERIOD 

I didn't vote for him, so I accept no blame in his being sheriff.  And anyone can say what they like about an elected offical regardless of geographic location.  In case you haven't noticed this is AMERICA, and we do have the right to free speech. 
But you have a good evening....comrade!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Varmit on October 28, 2011, 05:09:59 PM
And even if I don't vote I still have the right and FREEDOM to complain.  Being an ex sheriff I would expect you to know that...then again maybe not.

Varmit, of course you are right. The Constitution of the United States give us that right. The part about not voting, so don't complain is just something I say to irritate the crap out of people and it worked. LOL

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