Concerned about Elk County's image? Here's one outsider's view...

Started by Patriot, October 08, 2011, 08:28:23 AM

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I only have one comment to make and then I'll check out.  If there is no deputy on duty at night in Elk County, then why do I hear them on the scanner at all the wee hours?  I have made calls to the sheriff's office twice since moving to Howard and both times I had a response within 10 minutes.  Sorry, maybe when you call it takes a few minutes to get to your house.  As for the "city" officer, I think she must only be on duty at night, because her car is at home most days when I go by.  I do see her patroling in the evenings, other than that I don't know.  No way is everyone gonna be satisfied with law enforcement, regardless of the city, county or state. Remember, just like our President, the sheriff is in office because the citizens of Elk County wanted him there, so you can blame yourself and if you don't live in Elk County, then you have no business running any employee of the county down. PERIOD 


Exactly why you have to be prepared to take of yourself. Like they say, when seconds matter the police are minutes away. It doesn't matter if we have the best police or the worst police in the world, you MUST be able and prepared to take of yourself so that you can protect yourself or your property. That's not to say we don't need police at all but you need to be ready to do what you can until the police are able to arrive.

If you are in town, even if an officer lives right next door to you, you still need to be able to handle a minute or two of no one being there to help. If you're out in the country at all, be prepared for a longer wait. Until they somehow come up with Star Trek style transporters to beam people around its just a fact of life that you absolutely must be prepared for.

Now for the officers/deputies to not get out of their vehicle to talk to the person that called, that's just bad practice. They need to go to talk to the person who called to confirm that everything is alright. That is a bit ridiculous in my opinion.


I don't know what the policy here is, but in Sedgwick County, if you called about an intruder or prowler, the dispatcher stayed on the line with you until the officers arrived.  I don't think our dispatchers are so busy that they couldn't do that here.  Especially for people that live close to the sheriff's office.  I can see it taking half an hour to reach someone around Grenola unless there is a deputy in Grenola that could go out.


Look the bottom line on LEO's is this. First of all the supreme court ruled that LEO's do not have a obligation to protect us. They are only obligated to protect public property.  (Lawsuit involved a woman with a protective order was attacked and she sued leos for not protecting her. Supreme court ruled in leos favor)

Next look at the number of LEO's per number of people in a population.  Secondly look at the dispersal of said leo's to cover areas where population is.  IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to respond in a 2 min response time. Even if it were, thats 2 MIN that goes by without any help.  IN 30 seconds you can be dead right there and the criminal long gone before a LEO ever shows up.

That leaves only one option.  To take care of ones self.  I've said it before and i'll say it to the day i die.  Make that dumb sob die first, no matter what.   

It is FAR BETTER to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: LoLo on October 25, 2011, 09:19:28 PM
And you are so impressive from what I hear, FIRED from Wilson County, FIRED from the State Prison So they tell me..But really Nobody cares

Well, you  know, you are so wrong on both accounts and I have the papers to prove it. I was let go at Wilson County because my services were no longer needed. I was not fired and his letter says as much. As for the prison, I did not finish my probationary period. I was not fired. But, whoever you are (hiding behind a moniker), you apparently know more about my circumstances than I do. The only job that I was fired from was from amazon and that was for a safety violation that I did that I turned myself in for, then got fired. But then again, you know so much about me and I know nothing about you because you don'thave the guts or balls to put your real name out there. But you can write whatever. This is an open forum. They let any jackass on here, including you and me. If you think you have hurt my feelings, guess again. And you are right, obviously nobody cares, except you because you are the one telling the story.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: srkruzich on October 25, 2011, 09:51:08 PM
Lol dang Janet you bring out he catty bitchs tonight huh.

LOL, dang, Steve. I sure did, didn't I? ROFLMAO

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on October 26, 2011, 07:32:08 AM
LoLo, I don't know who you are, but unless you know the circumstances of Janet being fired, you shouldn't be mouthing off.  If you do know the circumstances, please enlighten the rest of the forum.  I know, but it isn't my place to put it on the forum.  You however are making snide remarks about something that you might know nothing about. 

You know what, Mother. I don't know this person either, but since what LoLo wrote on here is not the truth because he/she doesn't know what went on, there could be a libel suit or slander suit, if I ever find out who that person is.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: flo on October 26, 2011, 09:21:17 AM
I only have one comment to make and then I'll check out.  If there is no deputy on duty at night in Elk County, then why do I hear them on the scanner at all the wee hours?  I have made calls to the sheriff's office twice since moving to Howard and both times I had a response within 10 minutes.  Sorry, maybe when you call it takes a few minutes to get to your house.  As for the "city" officer, I think she must only be on duty at night, because her car is at home most days when I go by.  I do see her patroling in the evenings, other than that I don't know.  No way is everyone gonna be satisfied with law enforcement, regardless of the city, county or state. Remember, just like our President, the sheriff is in office because the citizens of Elk County wanted him there, so you can blame yourself and if you don't live in Elk County, then you have no business running any employee of the county down. PERIOD 

I only have one issue with your comment, Flo. The sheriff is in office because a majority of VOTERS who voted in that election wanted him in office, not citizens. VOTERS WHO VOTED.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on October 26, 2011, 05:30:47 PM
I only have one issue with your comment, Flo. The sheriff is in office because a majority of VOTERS who voted in that election wanted him in office, not citizens. VOTERS WHO VOTED.

Which once again proves the need to vote . . . in every election!

Janet Harrington

Yes, it does. It is every citizens duty and right to vote. In my opinion, a citizen should get registered and vote in every election no matter the issue. That is the only way we can stand up for our rights unles we occupy Wall street or something llike that. LOL

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