Concerned about Elk County's image? Here's one outsider's view...

Started by Patriot, October 08, 2011, 08:28:23 AM

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However, I can see where you were going with this.   Was just worded wierd...and no I am not the best, as most people ask me if I have been drinking. 
Fingers fly faster than the brain clickers.

ready to recharge


Quote from: jarhead on October 21, 2011, 08:04:49 PM
Quote from Janet:
I just asked a person on the EMS service and I was told that the sheriff's office does not go to the EMS calls.

Janet, when did this start ? Wasn't very long ago we had a medical emergency here in Longton and Deputy Dan was on location in minutes of getting the call and stayed the half hour or so until an ambulance got  here .

Someones got the wrong info and gave it to you, when Ember stopped breathing that night and i was doing cpr on her, the sherriff was the first one there.  BTW he was in a clean uniform. ;) 
He assisted me in the cpr as i was really worn down from it. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Judy Harder on October 22, 2011, 05:32:14 AM
A couple of months ago when I had the scare of a stroke and you all became concerned, I had called 911 before I lost
all my reasoning and kind of expected a first responder, I know how long it can take an ambulance crew and or help to get to
Longton, but no one came and the wait for the ambulance, since I didn't know what was wrong and my friend who did show up, had her hands tied as No one came to follow up on a "HELP!" call.
I just accepted this.....and figured something was going on somewhere else in county that was more important than my medical call.........but, I DIDN'T KNOW THIS.
Spent close to 30 minutes waiting for help. Wound up, I wasn't super critical, but at that moment I didn't know that.
I do not have a beef with the police/sheriff or any form of our county rescue people.......just thought it was a fluke. Why no first responder?
VERY Scary!  I too had a emergency and it was about 30+ min before the EMTS arrived though a sherriff arrived and had to immediately leave due to a domestic abuse call.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: greatguns on October 23, 2011, 03:12:57 PM
Guess I have driven in Texas quite a bit and most everyone runs ten mph above the speed limit.  No I have never had a speeding ticket Mr. Jarhead.  And by the way since you are such a law abiding citizen, just how would you know if they give a ticket if you are running 1 mph above the speed limit? ::) ::) :P

well with any vehicle i've ever owned i would have had to jump out and push it faster to achieve a speed over the limit
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from greatguns:
Guess I have driven in Texas quite a bit and most everyone runs ten mph above the speed limit.  No I have never had a speeding ticket Mr. Jarhead.  And by the way since you are such a law abiding citizen, just how would you know if they give a ticket if you are running 1 mph above the speed limit

Whoa there Hoss ! Where in hell did you come up with, that I'm a law abiding citizen ? I earned all but two tickets I ever got so don't be trying to ruin my reputation.(If you include tickets from the Wildlife & Parks ---which I have donated generously to over the years, thank you very much !! )
I dare you---I double dog dare you to drive from Wichita Falls, Tx to Anson, Tx  and do it at 80 MPH. If you dare to try it you better buy a binder to put all your tickets in. Hells bells, I will even make it easier on you. Try buzzing thru Leon going JUST 10 MPH over the speed limit and let us all know how that turns out, Miss Speedy Gonzales  :D


Hubby and I figured out the Leon speed trap without getting a ticket. We make sure we slow down now.....

Janet Harrington

Quote from: jhongreen on October 23, 2011, 03:11:23 PM
Janet, I never said I thought that the forum was ASNINE what I had said was that fussing over dirt stains to the world was ASNINE whether it be by outsiders or us Elk County folk. Second, I brought up the fact of the polo's and jeans because that was the concern of the very first thread, HOW HILLBILLY it was. Now why are you so concerned about what I post, is it just because I don't agree with your thoughts?  No one expects you to like or vote for the current Sheriff, he was your opponent and beat you with a 2 to 1 vote if I remember correctly. That tends to cause sour feelings.

jhongreen, You are just a hoot. I'm not concerned with what you post. You said this forum was ASNINE so I just asked why you were on. As for sour feelings towards the current sheriff, nope, don't even go there. I give credit where credit is due. He won. I didn't. Whoopee. That was, OMG, 7 years ago. I gave 17 years of my life as sheriff. He probably did me a favor by beating me. I don't weigh as much as I did and I sure don't suffer from the skin problems I was having when I as sheriff. I think you are reading into what I write. And as for my thoughts, I don't write my thoughts. If I did, Ms. T would delete me from this forum. You seem to be so defensive about what orginally was an observance by a person from out of town and was posted on a different forum and brought to this forum by Patriot. Wow. I didn't even start this post.

Janet Harrington

Wow, Judy. That really sounds terrible, but it could have been fluke. Like you said, they could have all been busy. I don't know how many first responders Longton has, but things could have been going on. Sorry that you had to go through that.


Jar, it can be done at Leon about 3:00 in the morning.  Ask me how I know? ;)  Now don't try it at 3:00 in the afternoon.  I got friends in low places. ;)

Ms Bear

I have been driving on Texas highways for over 30 years now and I have been extremely lucky not to get a ticket.  One verbal warning on 59 one day.  It wasn't acceptable for me to be late for work since I bragged about being able to make from my driveway to my parking spot at work in 17 minutes.  Don't know how I kept from getting a ticket since the speed limit was 65 and we averaged 77 and some days better than that.  I love freeways.

I did use the cruise control or watched the speedometer when I was in Elk County though.

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