Concerned about Elk County's image? Here's one outsider's view...

Started by Patriot, October 08, 2011, 08:28:23 AM

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I stopped respecting the law in those parts when I got a ticket for doing 38 mph in a 35 zone.  Nice car, California plates, and a young guy with a tan behind the wheel.  You do the math.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from anmar:
I stopped respecting the law in those parts when I got a ticket for doing 38 mph in a 35 zone.  Nice car, California plates, and a young guy with a tan behind the wheel.  You do the math.

Could you please be more specific in what you call "those parts "?
Not sure what your beef is. You say the speed limit was 35 and you were going 38 so it looks like you were breaking the law. Do you think young guys with a tan in a nice car with Ca. plates should be exempt from following the law ?


3mph over might be a little much for a ticket in these parts or even in Elk county, Jar.


Quote from greatguns:
3mph over might be a little much for a ticket in these parts or even in Elk county, Jar.

So what do you suggest that you have to drive OVER the speed limit before you get a citation ? 10 MPH ? 20 MPH ?
Guess you aint been doing much driving down in Texas. Texas is very liberal with their speed limits and let you drive 70 MPH on highways that resemble US160 here in Elk county---BUT---when they say 70 MPH that's what they mean---not 72---not 73 !!


It seems that 55 mph on '99' or '160' is not enough in Elk County.  Other narrow highways in Kansas have 65 mph to keep one alert.


Quote from: Judy Harder on October 22, 2011, 05:32:14 AM
Spent close to 30 minutes waiting for help. Wound up, I wasn't super critical, but at that moment I didn't know that.
I do not have a beef with the police/sheriff or any form of our county rescue people.......just thought it was a fluke. Why no first responder?

Possibly not a fluke.  If you knew the facts, Judy, they would be enough to CAUSE a stroke.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Anmar on October 22, 2011, 12:35:28 PM
I stopped respecting the law in those parts when I got a ticket for doing 38 mph in a 35 zone.  Nice car, California plates, and a young guy with a tan behind the wheel.  You do the math.

38 mph in a 35 zone.  Nice car, California plates, and a young guy with a tan behind the wheel = Yuppie, Berkley liberal hate America type who, by the way was in violation of the law.

Fact is you were violating the law and your disrespect was already in place witnessed by that act alone... as was your MBA inability to read a speedometer apparently.  Your perfume was irrelevant.  Did you pay the fine or is there a warrant out for you?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Janet, I never said I thought that the forum was ASNINE what I had said was that fussing over dirt stains to the world was ASNINE whether it be by outsiders or us Elk County folk. Second, I brought up the fact of the polo's and jeans because that was the concern of the very first thread, HOW HILLBILLY it was. Now why are you so concerned about what I post, is it just because I don't agree with your thoughts?  No one expects you to like or vote for the current Sheriff, he was your opponent and beat you with a 2 to 1 vote if I remember correctly. That tends to cause sour feelings.

Doobie like everybody has said check with the county attorney maybe you need to direct your anger with some other elected official. That's like being mad at the health nurse for your current appraisal.   

Also there was just a call here in Longton where EMS was needed and the Sheriff's Office responded and beat EMS by about 30-40 minutes so I guess my first post wasn't that far off


Guess I have driven in Texas quite a bit and most everyone runs ten mph above the speed limit.  No I have never had a speeding ticket Mr. Jarhead.  And by the way since you are such a law abiding citizen, just how would you know if they give a ticket if you are running 1 mph above the speed limit? ::) ::) :P


Quote...a public forum for the entire world to see that our small county can't even get along even over the smallest of dirt stains. ASININE to me.

might want to rethink or rework what you wrote.

The subject is the forum, and the second statement is reflective of the first.   just saying....

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