ObumaLand & other stupid stuff

Started by Warph, October 07, 2011, 04:23:02 PM

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I speak of the erstwhile Obuma supporters and admirers, in particular journalists, who are suddenly finding fault with our dear president.  New York Times columnist David (Scum) Brooks says he's a sap for believing Obuma when he said "he wanted to move beyond the stale ideological debates that have paralyzed this country."

Brooks is disappointed, you see.  He had famously said, prior to the 2008 election, that Obuma had a perfect crease in his pants.... that he had the appearance of a fellow who was going to make a fine president.

Well, Obuma inherited a sizable mess, to be sure... a lot of it caused by the Democrats... (Elmer Fudd's debacle with Fannie & Freddie comes to mind)  The hope was he'd be the reasonable centrist fellow his supporters and admirers said he would be  And since we knew so little about him.... and the press passed on many opportunities to examine him in detail during the election... I certainly hoped and prayed for the best (At least a week before I was on to him).  Then he and the Democrats rammed through a massive stimulus bill, much of it wasteful, a massive government-directed health bill and all kinds of new regulations, and it became clear we were in for one hell of a rocky ride.

Now, as the economy stumbles with no end in sight and our debt grows by leaps and bounds, some former supporters are questioning Obuma's (heh, heh) abilities.  Drew Westen, a professor at Emory University, examined the matter in a Sunday edition of The New York Times.  His essay "What Happened to Obuma?" offered some interesting insights:

"Those of us who were bewitched by his eloquence on the campaign trail chose to ignore some disquieting aspects of his biography: that he had accomplished very little before he ran for president, having never run a business or a state; that he had a singularly unremarkable career as a law professor, publishing nothing in 12 years at the University of Chicago other than an autobiography; and that, before joining the United States Senate, he had voted 'present' (instead of 'yea' or 'nay') 130 times, sometimes dodging difficult issues."

Sheeeet!  Wouldn't this have been helpful to point out before the 2008 election, you dumb liberal clowns?

I suppose it takes some courage to publicly question your decision to support a fellow who turned out differently than you expected.  Though the real courage would have been to do so during an amazing campaign when it would have been heresy to question Obuma's inept abilities.

Jeez... people were fawning and fainting every time Obuma said "hope and change" or farted.  Such people were in no mood for criticism of their savior.  Obuma is to be credited for running a slick campaign and maneuvering events to his advantage.  But during that whole period, I felt like a movie actor in a bizarre scene who looks directly at the camera and says, "What the ... ?!"  The hypnotic effect he had on so many was surreal to me.  Now, as we near 2012, reality has set in and our faux president is not up to the job. (No kidding)

Just as we need him to lead genuine tax reform and entitlement reform... which would bring needed stability to get our economy going again.... he is in full campaign mode, demonizing "the rich" and offering up platitudes he knows have no chance of becoming law.

Just as we need to come together, the leader of the free world is driving us apart in a desperate, hollow attempt to politicize his way to a (gulp) second term.

So here we are as a country, badly in need of leadership, and Obuma's erstwhile liberal supporters have decided it's finally a good time to examine his ability to manage the hardest job on Earth?

Oh, well. At least they aren't waiting until two and a half years into his second term.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I am  not a wealthy person.  If I were, I would pay as little in income taxes as I could possibly get away with.  I would hire excellent accountants to assist me in this endeavor.  For one thing, I'd know that I was already paying far too much in a nation in which nearly half the people don't pay anything.  For another, I would regard it as something of a sacred mission to make sure that the federal government didn't get its hands on any more of my money than I could help, in the same way that I wouldn't finance a drug addict if I happened to be related to one.  And unlike all those various goons and chiselers I despise in Washington, I might actually like my relative.

However, if I were one of those rich people like Nancy Pelosi, Matt Damon, Roseanne Barr and Warren Buffett, who keep yammering like a bunch of monkeys that taxes should be raised on the well-to-do, I would shut my mouth and simply write a real big check and mail it off to the IRS.  After all, just because normal people prefer to donate their hard-earned money to the Salvation Army, the Boy Scouts, cancer research and their church or synagogue, it doesn't mean that left-wing morons can't donate to their own favorite charity, which just happens to be the federal government.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


In the private sector, when you lose a job, you clean out your drawers and leave the same day.  At most, you might get two weeks' notice.  But in Washington, you get to stick around for nearly three additional months.  If you were voted out, it's because we're sick and tired of the mischief you've been creating for the past two, four or six years, and we want you gone.  From my point of view, it shouldn't even be legal that people who have been voted out of office get to keep writing bills and passing laws.  Doesn't make sense.

Speaking of things that make no sense, I realize that Fox likes to promote itself as the network that's "Fair and Balanced."  So I wouldn't object if they invited left-wingers on to debate issues once in a great while.  I might even consider it a public service.   After all, I find that after five minutes of listening to Alan Colmes, Leslie Marshall, Geraldo Rivera or Marc Lamont Hill, doing their best to prop up Barack Obuma, I'm reminded all over again why liberals should never be trusted anywhere near sharp tools, machinery or voting booths.  But when, time and again, I see Juan Williams on Bret Baier's panel or find him sitting in for Bill O'Reilly, I can't help wondering what the heck the man has on Roger Ailes.  But whatever it is, it must pale by comparison to what Bob Beckel has on the old man.  At least Juan Williams manages to remain upright and awake during his appearances, even if I don't.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Men and women seeking the GOP nomination, should keep in mind is that knocking your competitors is not going to gain you any votes.  It will merely make his or her supporters think less of you.  The reason that Mrs. Bachmann went down in the polls, even after nosing out Ron Paul in that silly popularity contest in Iowa, is because she wasted time in two debates engaged in pissing contests with Tim Pawlenty and Rick Perry.  It hurt them without helping her, giving new meaning to a Pyrrhic victory

For some reason, Republican politicians keep paying homage to Ronald Reagan, all the while ignoring his 11th Commandment.  It's high time the candidates took his words to heart.  Speak ill of a fellow Republican and suffer the consequences.  And speaking of Republicans, what is the deal with Chris Christie?  I admit that I enjoyed watching him shoot down that New Jersey teacher, but he is hardly a conservative's idea of a knight in shining armor.  He's at best a moderate when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, he's okay with civil servants being unionized, he's a big booster of green energy, he's soft on illegal immigration and he subscribes to the notion of man-made global warming.

It sure makes me wonder why the heck Ann Coulter has seemingly made it her mission in life to get him the nomination. Could it be that Annie has a thing for fat guys?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


One can almost sympathize with Al Qaeda.  I mean, no sooner are they picking a fight with Iran for continuing to deny them credit for the events of 9/11, and instead insisting that George Bush was behind it, then Anwar Al-Awlaki, the American-born successor to Osama bin Laden, is sent off to Paradise in little tiny pieces.  The truth is, only Al Qaeda had a worse few weeks than the Atlanta Braves, the Boston Red Sox and the mighty New York Yankees.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Here in America, it was a typically embarrassing month for left-wingers.  There was Maxine Waters, who was recently voted the most corrupt member of Congress, referring to Allen West as an "oreo"; there was recently released hiker Shane Bauer, a Berkeley graduate in the questionable field of Peace and Conflict, offering his heart-felt thanks, not to America or even Obuma and the State Department, but to Hugo Chavez, Saul Alinsky and Sean Penn; and rounding out the trifecta was North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue (D) suggesting that because politicians have been working so darn hard of late, there should be a moratorium on elections for the next two years!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I'm not sure that anyone has ever asked Michelle Obuma what woman in public life she has admired the most.  I'm guessing that, being the lover of the high life that she is, Eleanor Roosevelt and even Hillary Clinton are just as unlikely to be her response as Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir or Sarah Palin.  If injected with a dose of truth serum, I'm betting it would be Eva Peron or Imelda Marcos.

As for her husband, one of the most annoying things about him is that when he's out on the stump, which, come to think of it, is all the time, he starts dropping his g's, as in comin', goin' and taxin', in a pathetic attempt to sound like a regular guy.  The last candidate to go that route was Hillary Clinton when she was campaigning, or should I say campaignin', south of the Mason-Dixon Line in 2008.  I have no idea who convinces these Ivy League graduates that they can suddenly pass themselves off as members of the proletariat by debasing their diction, but it's truly dumb and condescending.  Still, even I can understand the temptation when Obuma recently addressed the members of the Black Congressional Caucus, the closest thing to a gathering of the Mystic Knights of the Sea since the cancellation of "Amos 'n' Andy."

But at least when Obuma gives a speech, it answers the age old question: Who cut the G's?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I must admit I was disappointed when I heard Herman Cain pile on Rick Perry.  If I had his ear, I would tell him that just because a reporter asks you a question, there is no good reason to waste your time answering it.  Remember, he is not your friend and even if you get the nomination, he will not vote for you.  In fact, he will do everything in his power to make certain you lose the election.  So, if you want to insult someone, make it Obuma.  Saying "no comment" is not only permissible, it should be mandatory when the question involves another Republican contender.

What Mr. Cain, along with all the other men and women seeking the GOP nomination, should keep in mind is that knocking your competitors is not going to gain you any votes.  It will merely make his or her supporters think less of you.  The reason that Mrs. Bachmann went down in the polls, even after nosing out Ron Paul in that silly popularity contest in Iowa, is because she wasted time in two debates engaged in pissing contests with Tim Pawlenty and Rick Perry.  It hurt them without helping her, giving new meaning to a Pyrrhic victory.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The worst thing about Obuma's being a black man is that when you take him to task for his leftist agenda, it's so easy for those who endorse his policies to accuse you of being a bigot.  It's fascinating how that works.  If you happen to disagree with Henry Waxman or Charles Schumer, you're not automatically called an anti-Semite.  If you take exception to Nancy Pelosi, you're not immediately dismissed as a misogynist.  In most quarters, you can even dismiss the lunacies of Elmer Fudd without necessarily being labeled a gay-basher.

What is it about being black, 150 years after the end of slavery and nearly half a century after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, that gives them this special status?  Whatever it is... and I suspect it's nothing more than the non-stop, self-serving blather by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the assorted jackasses who comprise the Congressional Black Caucus... it's high time we stopped giving them the license to whine.  In fact, it's long past time that we told them to put a cork in it.

I know a great many people who think that Obuma is the worst president we've had in a very long time...  and believe me, they are not overlooking Jimmy Carter.... and not one of them gives a hoot about his race.  Their reasons have everything to do with his politics and his policies and nothing to do with his pigmentation.  If it were otherwise, wouldn't these same people dislike Herman Cain or Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Star Parker, all of whom are 50% blacker than the anointed one ?

Obuma got off on the wrong foot when we discovered he was a friend of Bill Ayers and that he regarded Jeremiah Wright as his spiritual advisor.  It didn't help when we heard him say that the problem with the Constitution and the Civil Rights movement was that they failed to deal with the redistribution of wealth.

Things then went from bad to worse when, after being elected, he went off on a world tour where he bashed our allies, kowtowed to our enemies, and competed with Michael Moore, Hugo Chavez and Mahmud Ahmadinejad, in trashing America.  Not satisfied with all that, he went on to lie about the great contribution the Muslims made in the creation of this country, forcing some of us to wonder if he knew something about the Barbary pirates that Thomas Jefferson didn't.

Perhaps his endless gaffes and apparent contempt for American symbols wouldn't be quite so offensive if so many people, on the right as well as the left, didn't, in spite of his almost comical reliance on Teleprompters, keep reminding us how doggone brilliant the guy is.  A while back, His Brilliance said, "America has its roots in the India of Mahatma Gandhi."  Now, I'm grateful that for a change he complimented one of America's few allies in the world, but why is it so impossible for this lunkhead to give credit where it's due?  Would it kill him to praise the Founding Fathers?  I mean, I know they were a bunch of white guys, but they couldn't help it.  Suggesting that Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, provided the roots for the United States, 1776-????, is comparable to the schlemiel who recently said it was our dropping the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that compelled Japan to attack Pearl Harbor.

I think I'm beginning to understand why Obuma is so secretive about his academic records.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on October 07, 2011, 04:36:52 PM

 But when, time and again, I see Juan Williams on Bret Baier's panel or find him sitting in for Bill O'Reilly, I can't help wondering what the heck the man has on Roger Ailes.  But whatever it is, it must pale by comparison to what Bob Beckel has on the old man.  At least Juan Williams manages to remain upright and awake during his appearances, even if I don't.

I think of Bob as the comic relief on the Five program!

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