
Started by farmgal67357, October 07, 2011, 02:14:44 AM

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You pretty much have to be some sort of scientist to make divinity, a skill I definitely do not have!

Janet Harrington

Ellen Rice used to make the melt in your mouth kind of divinity. It was wonderful.


Not sure whose brilliant idea it was for Longton to have their Halloween last night when the surrounding towns will have theirs on Monday night, but I sure seen a whole bunch of them little linoleum lizards show up that we have never seen before. We live on a street that "usually" does not have alot of kids. Maybe 25-30 of the cute little cookie crumblers. The wife made 40 little bags of treats and not long after the sun set they were all gone. In the cupboard we had a box of 45 cheese crackers from Sam's, plus a bunch of Snickers and Almond Joys I had rat holed. When I turned the lights out to stop the madness we had three packs crackers left and not enough candy bars to satisfy my sweet tooth for one day. Now I aint complaining but just giving the area towns notice that Longton city has rented two semi truck cattle haulers to take OUR local bugger pickers to YOUR town on Monday night------------sooooo, get them candy bowls stocked up people !!! ;D

Ms Bear

And remember Jarhead wants Snickers and Almond Joys.


Crap! I didn't get any of those, Jar. Sorry! ;D

Diane Amberg

Why did all the Witches in the Northeast have to run to the hardware store yesterday?

To swap all their brooms for snow shovels!  ;)

Jo McDonald

Your trick or treaters will be showing up on a  sled - pulled by 8 strong huskies.
and No, Diane, you CAN'T have the jug hanging around their necks  - you must hand out treats.

Diane Amberg


We had so much fun tonight! The hot dogs were DELICIOUS! Thank you folks from the Family Market! We got to see a lot of cute little kids running around in their costumes. This one older boy had on a black t-shirt that said, "Low budget Ninja costume" on it! How funny! We got home around 7PM to hand out candy, and ran out at about 7:50. What a great turn out! I hope all the kids had a good time, and not too many ended up with belly aches...... :)


Well, it is almost 9 PM Pacific time and I think we are about done.  OOOPS!  two more......Anyway, many things influenced the night.  First of all, it is a school night so the little ones have to be home early.  We seem to get a lot more teenagers this year.  And the rule of the house is..........no costume, no candy.  Didn't have that problem this year. And, secondly, many churches and other organizations are having a Halloween party spectacular and it is easier for parents to just take them there and not have to walk around so much.  My own granddaughters did just that, going to a church in their neighborhood where there was a big party going on.  As I had mentioned, we average 60 to 80 kids a year and we managed to give out candy to 64 of them this year.  Different this year was three teenagers all in nice costumes with one bag.  One bag.  Did they not want to carry a bag each?  Then the thought occurred to me.............I had read that some teens were going to be going around gathering candy for kids who were not able to go trick-or-treating.  So maybe that was them.  I made a crack about dividing the candy evenly and all I got was a smile from the girl.  The oldest was a woman probably in her early thirties accompanying a group of girls.  She was wearing a Victorian Queen costume complete with a royal robe and a crown.  The youngest was in his dad's arms and probably had no idea what the heck they were doing.  The best of the night was our 12-year-old friend and neighbor who was dressed as Count Dracula, complete with tux and red vest, fangs and hair combed just right.  This is a kid that is so polite it makes you nauseated.  He is just too cool.  You know the type............yes Ma'am, yes Sir, Thank you, please.........usually all in the same sentence!

Anywho, it was a nice evening and I enjoyed it very much just like I do every year.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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