United Methodist Church, Howard, Kansas

Started by Janet Harrington, January 29, 2006, 03:44:45 PM

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Janet Harrington

Here is a photo of the United Methodist Church, Howard, Kansas, that sat at the corner of Adams and Cedar.  This church burned down on my birthday, Dec. 27th, but I cannot remember the year.  While waiting to get the finances that were needed to build the current United Methodist Church, the members conducted church at West Elk High School.  I know the old church has many memories for many people as they were raised in that church, were married in that church, were laid to rest in that church.  However; the new church is a beautiful church with a grand commons area next to the kitchen where many gatherings can be held for many people.  The new church sets on Randolph just west of K-99 south of the Twilight Manor Nursing Home.  Anyway, enjoy the photo.


The house next to the church is one that I don't remember.

I was married to John Gray ( Waldo and Jean gray's son) in that church in February of 1972.

Mark Cookson was married to Roxanne Criger ( Jim and Lucy Crigers daughter) in that church in February of 1973.
I am sure there are lots of people in my age group that were married in that church.

I remember one Sunday we were taking communion and Annette Keast and her little brother, Tom..
were standing up there with me and a bunch of other kids.
Well, we all took the small circle of bread and then of course the grape juice.

Annette (being all of 10) was mortified, because Tom ( being 7) drank his grape juice down with a
huge manly toss of his head backwards.. and then proceeded to stick his tongue clear into the little glass
and tried to lick out the rest.

Of course, I got tickled and had the giggles for a good portion of the service.
But that wasn't unusual.
Anytime I wasn't supposed to laugh is when my body threw a laughing fit and
it was always  agony trying to keep my composure.
( My mother and sister are no better in situations like that... and I am afraid that Danny and I
have had some times in serious situations that  we definetely shouldn't have had the
uncontrolable giggles..
but that is different stories saved for a different thread..  :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Marty Hunter

     My folks were married in the old Methodist Church.   I have pictures of them on the steps.   I met the minister who married them, Phonce Mitchell, through Rotary 20+ years ago when I lived in Oswego.
     I think I had 12 years perfect attendance until I was about 13 or 14.   Dad needed help on the farm one Sunday, and I don't think I went back again until Mom's funeral.
     I do have a lot of memories of attending Sunday school.   Sitting in those little blue chairs and singing, with Joetta Carter as song leader.   MYF in the basement, and playing "Red Rover" on the grass between the church and Revered Frary's house.
     The best memories are of the Christmas programs.   I remember being up on stage in a bathrobe, and at the end of the program Santa would hand a sack full of ribbon candy, peanuts, and an orange to every kid.
     The best memory was when we did the Grinch who stole Christmas.   I can only remember bits and pieces.   Betty Russell trying to keep order, and Keith "Fuzzy" Lanning as the dog with a branch tied to his head pulling the sled (sleigh) around the aisles.   Somebody has got to have a picture of that moment. 
     I went into the sanctuary after the fire.   A lot of it was smoke darkened, but much of the stained glass windows and woodwork was still intact.   The door remained unlocked, just as it had been in all the years before.
    There are a lot of memories for all of us Methodist kids in that old building.


The church burned in December 1995. First services in the new building were in 1997 - 10 years ago this coming November.

A couple of panels of stained glass from the old church are in the doorway to the sanctuary. Bert Moore (current school superintendent) cleaned them and did whatever was necessary to make them usable.

Didn't know at the time it was your birthday, Janet.   :( Sorry.

Janet Harrington

I have to say something about Phonce' Mitchell.  I met Rev. Mitchell at the Methodist youth institute that was always held at Baldwin City, at Baker University.  My two older sisters got to attend and I know that I went at least a couple of years, maybe more.  I made many friends at that camp.  We got to stay in the dorm rooms.  Anyway, Rev. Mitchell was in charge of the book store and being the book nut that I am, I made friends with Phonce'.  We wrote a few letters back and forth while I was in college and once Phonce' came to Emporia for a minister's meeting and took me out for a hamburger at the Red Lion.  We walked from the campus to that little place that sold beer, (horrors) and ate a hamburger.  Phonce' was a great person.  I even met his son one time when I worked in Peru, Kansas.  May Rev. Phonce' Mitchell rest in peace.

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