Elk County Deer Hunters

Started by Joanna, September 23, 2006, 08:50:30 AM

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Here's a picture worth a thousand words.  I have names for these guys that I'll add in a bit, but how many can you guess first?

Janet Harrington

I had Jim look at this and he could not figure out who anyone was.  He did say that the guy in the light colored coat looked like a Mr. Wilson from Grenola.  I don't recognize any of them.


Well Janet, for once he's right!  The back of the photo has listed Left to right the guys are:
Larry Stevens
Jim Hunter
Ray Wilson
--  Street
Jim Stevens

I'm sure that "Foot" means "Barefoot" and my husband told me his real name but I can't remember it right now.  Marty will be back from the farm this evening and I'll ask him. 
Rough & rowdy bunch of guys, huh?


Is "Foot" Barefoot Osburn - used to live in the house Saxtons live in now?


Yeah.. Barefoot Osborn.. He got that name because he never wore shoes.
My daddy said that he remembers him running in a pasture with cactus and everything else and never ever bothered to wear shoes. That his feet were tough as soles of shoes.
If Foot is that person, that is how he got his name. I think he did live in the house where Saxton's live now. But before that I think they lived in the country.
Jim Stevens is from Grenola or Moline isn't he?
Ray Wilson is from Moline. ( Robert  and Grass Wilson's dad)
Jim Hunter of course was in Howard and Larry Stevens was Jim Stevens  brother?

Funny picture.. they all look like a redneck bunch all right. ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Ms. T,

I hate to correct you, but if that is Ray Wilson, he was never married.  Ray Wilson lived west of Moline and dated Rita Dixon's aunt in Grenola.  Her name was Miss Douglas and she was one of Jim's school teachers.  Ray was not Grass and Robert's dad.  Grass and Robert's dad was killed in a hunting accident the first day of quail season when Jim Copeland was still sheriff.  Their mother's name was Esther and she was the city librarian at Moline for many years.  I can't think of her husband's name.

And I take it back, I do LOVE to correct you.  ;D ;D :angel: :angel: ::) ::)


You are right on that one.  :-[

As soon as I started reading that , I remembered all of that.
Dang it I hate it when you are right!  >:(

Glad you posted the right information though. :-*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Esther's husband's name was Vernon. That wasn't his real first name, but I'm not sure on that one. I worked with Esther at the Library from 75ish to 81. She also worked at the courthouse in Howard.


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