For srkruzich

Started by Janet Harrington, September 23, 2011, 05:55:20 PM

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Janet Harrington

I saw this on yahoo news today and thought of Steve. Hope you all enjoy.


LOL yep.  If it doesn't hold water it won't hold a goat
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Jo McDonald

OH MY GOSH   How cool is that?????     I LOVED IT !!!!!


Good one Sheriff------I was told by an insider that you have a sense of
CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!

Janet Harrington

Just amazing. Animals are just amazing.

@doobie - You know I have a sense of humor. I know you. LOL


Monty Python has a skit about a sheep being up in a tree. He was perchin'. Didn't know goats could do it as well..... :laugh:

Judy Harder

That was very interesting. I wonder tho, we know what birds do in a tree....and I don't mean nest...........wonder if I should beware of
a new hazard if I walk in goat country? I think it would be so cool to watch them climb and jump. Always a soft spot for animals.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

We used to have goats and within an hour of being born they were running and climbing.  Had one that was very confused, thought it was a dog and wanted to come in the house.  Loved to look at itself in the mirror.  After it had the first kid it was completely happy to stay in the pasture with the rest of the goats.  Still kind of miss them.


Oh i love goats!  Out of all the critters i have ever had, i have to say they have the most personality and socialize with humans much like our pets do.   I've had babies born and they within the hour are nursing and climbing on top of mama as they get stronger.  I had a bottle baby a few years ago, she thought she belonged indoors.   At the time i lived in a camptrailer and she would come in, jump up on the counter and grab her bottle and come down and bring it to me when it was time for her bottle. 

She was always there by my feet too.  The dogs would run around the property and bbgoat was right with them. she didn't know she wasn't a dog.  It was funny!  :)

I'm getting a new goat in a couple weeks.  I had a angora Buck til last year when he died at the ripe old age of 12.  Sooo i looked around and could not find the quality of goat he was.  I finally thought why not his breeder and i went on the hunt for his breeder.  Found them.  They have a special buck that they cut me a deal on!  So i'm bringing a champion buck, best of show, and grandchampion in several events.  He's going to be my new angora sire, and then next spring i'm going back and buying a couple does from them to breed with.  I'm hoping to have my angora herd built back up in a couple years.  Will be awesome to get wool again.   Angoras are such wonderful goats, they are beautiful and playful and just a relaxing sight to see out on the pasture!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

Well, when you get this goat herd built up, I want to come see them.

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