Obuma's Ears and Stuff

Started by Warph, September 25, 2011, 02:19:22 AM

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For the longest time, whenever I'd see Barack Hussein Obuma on TV, I'd find that I couldn't take my eyes off his ears.  Outside of a National Graphic documentary on bats, I'd never seen ears like that.  Then, one day, I noticed his thumbs.  It's as if they have an extra joint or two.  His thumbs are longer than some people's hands.  They're like something out of a sci-fi movie, and they freak me out.  The good news is that I am no longer riveted on those ears.  The bad news is that I can't help wondering what his toes are like.

It's hard not to appreciate the irony of the man who promised that with his election, the rise of the oceans would begin to slow and the planet would begin to heal having to cut his vacation short because of Hurricane Irene.  Apparently Mother Nature doesn't like this guy any more than I do.

Speaking of he who should be permanently unemployed, Obuma told Syria's Bashar Assad to resign for the sake of his brutally oppressed people.  Rumor has it that Assad replied, "Look who's talking."

Someone recently told me that it was Rush Limbaugh who first observed that politics is show business for ugly people.  It's a wonderfully perceptive line.  The only problem is that it immediately put me in mind of Henry Waxman, Mr. Show Biz himself.   Imagine if he and Pelosi had married and had a child.  Go ahead.... imagine it, and then just try to get to sleep tonight.

I recently read that in 1990, we had 76 Army Brigades, and we now have 45.  Back then, we had 546 Navy ships; at last count, we had 288.  We had 82 Air Force fighter squadrons, and we now have less than half that number.  We now have 154 strategic bombers, reduced from 360.  That's pretty scary.  It suggests that the last three presidents all decided that the world has become a far safer place over the intervening 21 years, and that is even scarier.

As if it's not bad enough that, in the name of social engineering and political correctness, we've repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," it appears that all those cuts resulted in Uncle Sam's having undergone a sex change operation, and will henceforth be referred to as Aunt Rachel.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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