"Who dat thar black man a-hanging in that tree yonder"

Started by Warph, September 21, 2011, 04:40:20 PM

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When I was young, I was brought up to regard Europe's colonial powers as evil incarnate. We were taught that England, France, Holland, Germany and Spain, brutalized the people of Africa and Haiti, all for the sake of diamonds and other precious commodities.  Time passed, as it will, and the European oppressors were banished.  The nations became self-governing and, in many cases, went so far as to change their names in an effort to put the past behind them.  Predictably, just about everything got worse.  Nearly without exception, the black leaders who filled the power vacuum were far more savage than the colonial governors had been.

While liberals everywhere celebrated the change, the fact is that the last 60 or 70 years have been an endless bloodbath for Africa.  It's been one endless cycle of genocide, rape, drought, pillage and starvation.  The United Nations, a string of American presidents, various charities and a swarm of white celebrities, including Brad Pitt, Mark Damon, Angelina Jolie, Bono and George Clooney, have raised trillions of dollars while piling up a lifetime supply of self-bestowed brownie points.  Closer to home, we have the same cycle repeated in Haiti, as well as in Chicago, Houston and Philadelphia.

Have you noticed, nothing ever changes for the better, but only becomes more desperate and more costly.  The main difference between, say, Somalia and Detroit is that the black population in Detroit gets a few more goodies because the Democrats still need their votes every couple of years.

The major distinction between Idi Amin and the members of the Black Congressional Caucus is that Idi was.... literally and not just metaphorically.... a cannibal.

None of this should be taken as a blanket indictment of the black race.  People aren't always responsible for their political leaders, as we American conservatives can readily testify.  There are a great many black individuals whose decency, courage and accomplishments, cannot and should not be overlooked.  Although when their names are Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, Star Parker, Tim Scott, Condoleezza Rice or Allen West, they're exactly the ones that liberals cynically belittle as "inauthentic," as Uncle Toms and Oreos.  Liberals prefer to hold up the likes of Jesse Jackson, Charles Rangel, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters and Cynthia McKinney, as sterling examples of the black race.

While it's true that no group of Americans was ever as ill-treated for as many years as blacks, it's also true that over the past five decades, in the wake of the Civil Rights Act, no group has rioted more or pursued an education less than blacks.  The only areas in which they have consistently been overachievers are crime, basketball and siring babies out of wedlock.  To those aware of human nature, it comes as no surprise that no other group, including illegal aliens, has received as much from the public trough as blacks.  So it is that ingratitude can be added to their sins.

Nobody can honestly deny that the institution of slavery was an abomination because it turned human beings into beasts of burden.  But in the long run, the price of bringing all those poor souls here in chains is that millions of other Americans have become slaves to their descendants.  In a way, that could be viewed as poetic justice, except that those now paying the price were never slave owners and those being rewarded never had to pick or tote a bale of cotton.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph as your campaign manager for the Warph\Slappy 2012 Presidential Race. You know what Slappy and I have told you about posting things like  "Who dat thar black man a-hanging in that tree yonder" without a little heads up first. I don't have time to read this now since I am leaving for a little vacation to Lake Tahoe. During my quick scan, I saw the "hanging from a tree", "Idi Amin", cannibal, Star Parker(self professed defrauder of welfare and oddly enough whose column red posts  links to on the forum), Farrahkan, Sharpton, slavery, etc. Didn't Slappy tell you I was going on vacation? Do you realize I am going to have to post over 300 pages, eclisping Ross, just defending something that took you only 2 minutes to write? I'm telling you, you really, really, better appoint me to the Dept. of the Interior and my office is not going to be in DC, it is  going to be in Yosemite.  :laugh:

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues



Slavery was legal under the Constitution - that's the way it was. 

Diane Amberg


Owning slaves is not right? Who's to say whether it's right or wrong, in the past? A form of slavery was to pay-off debts. Say for instance, Warph owed me money and couldn't pay, had no property; then Warph could come work for me until I felt the debt had been satisfied. Abraham Lincoln supposedly freed the slaves; that's why the north and south went to war, I mean that's what you're taught in school. But it wasn't long after school that I learned that the Civil War was not fought over slavery. It was just that the South wanted to secede from the Union and the North, then as is now, wanted to interpret the Constitution to serve them best. Here's a few Presidents that were slave owners, whether they owned them during their administration or previously to it, has no bearing. They were still slave owners.
-         GEORGE WASHINGTON (between 250-350 slaves)
-         THOMAS JEFFERSON (about 200)
-         JAMES MADISON (more than 100)
-         JAMES MONROE (about 75)
-         ANDREW JACKSON (fewer than 200)
-         Martin Van Buren (one)
-         William Henry Harrison (eleven)
-         JOHN TYLER (about 70)
-         JAMES POLK (about 25)
-         ZACHARY TAYLOR (fewer than 150)
-         Andrew Johnson (probably eight)
-         Ulysses S. Grant (probably five)

The whole world has had slavery in some sort since man left the Garden of Eden.
Africa · Modern Africa
Atlantic · Arab
Barbary Coast · Coastwise
Spanish New World
Angola · Bhutan · Brazil
Britain and Ireland
British Virgin Islands · Canada
China · India · Iran · Japan
Libya · Mauritania · Ottoman empire
Portugal · Romania · Seychelles
Sudan · Sweden · United States

Although slavery is illegal and arguably immoral throughout the entire world, it does in fact still go on. I'm not condoning it. I'm not a skinhead. I have not read the Turner Diary, nor have I read Uncle Tom's Cabin. But there are a hell of a lot of people wanting retributions for something that never happened to them or anyone they personally have met. I say it's bullshit and i'm tired of a society that tries to be politically correct because it's the "in" thing or it makes them look down their noses because someone may say "the coon in the White House" or maybe "I should go to Africa or China and adopt a bunch of little African/Chinese children to make me feel better about myself." All I can say is these people must have done a helluva lot worse things than I have done in my life because I don't feel bad for nothing. Now let's hear it's because I have no morals, that I don't feel bad. If that's what I hear, then please let me tell you in advance, you can kiss my ass.----MR. KSH




all you gotta do is tell them, show me 1 person alive today that was a slave of the Confederate states of america, and i'll give you my entire paycheck, and if they can't show me one, then they give me theirs.  That shuts em up every time
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Amen to that, Srkruzich.

The slaves in the north were the last to be freed unless you believe that ownership was transferred to the Federal gov't in Washington DC.


Actually slavery never ended.  It was just applied to all instead of a select few. 
Why else do you work 6 months out of the year for free
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteWhy else do you work 6 months out of the year for free

I do it every year for 11 years now, and then some before that.  It's called tax on the IRS form.

Quote[Have you noticed, nothing ever changes for the better, but only becomes more desperate and more costly. /quote]

and that is history repeating itself without learning the first DUI is costly. 

Power run amok I say.

ready to say pfffffffffffffftttttttttttttttt to congress!
and as the email stated:   the pope looking at obama:   "thank you for the offer, sir.....we already have a God!"

ready to implode!

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