Elk County Nostalgia

Started by W. Gray, September 19, 2011, 06:45:14 PM

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The recent obits reminded me of the 1962 copy of the Courant-Citizen.  The paper is dated July 12.


The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perkins was the scene of a three course dinner, given in honor of Sharon Kay Miller and Robert Curtis Sloan and their wedding party, preceding ther wedding rehearsal on Friday evening, July 6.

Mrs. Allen Forsyth and Mrs. Noel Mullendore assisted Mrs. Perkins in serving the dinner.

The table, covered with a white cloth, was centered with a crystal bowl of pink roses and perennial phlox, entwined with greenery.  This arrangement was flanked by crystal candelabra.

Those attending were Miss Sharon Kay Miller, her mother, Mrs. Everett Miller; Robert Curtis Sloan, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Sloan; the Rev. and Mrs. Dean Brown, Eddie B. Henry, Pat Criger, and Miss Suzanne Crisp, all of Howard; Miss Ann Adkins of Centerville, Indiana; Miss Linda Grimes of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Bill Stevens of Erie.



Mrs. Carl Criger and children, Pat and Carla Mae, entertained at their cabin home, west of Howard. on the evening of July 4, honoring the birth anniversary of their husband and father, Carl Criger.

The following guests enjoyed a delicious supper and the fireworks which followed; Mr. and Mrs. Johm C. Garison, Jr., and son, John Carl, Mrs. John C Garison, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ned Smith, Mrs. W.O. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Criger, Mrs. Cora Barackman, Mr. and Mrs. Bud McClure, Mike, Charles and Guy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Criger, Colette, Roxann and David, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Young of Winfield, Edw. E. Gregor, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harrod, Hal and Susan.


The Sloan-Miller wedding is covered in the next column.



HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

W. Gray

I wonder if that cabin home west of Howard is still there?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


The Red Barn on 400 highway 6 miles west of Beaumont is known as the Keighley Barn.  Wingate is about half way between Latham and Atlanta as the crow flies.


The flying crows and the Kansas City and Southern Railroad must have taken the same route as Wingate was a stop along that railroad.  The line later became part of the "Frisco Line".  On satellite photos the old RR route shows fairly well running almost on a straight diagonal between Atlanta and Latham.


That would be correct.  Taking the train or flying with the crows was much more direct than driving from Latham to Atlanta via Clay Center Corner.  ;)


(I began typing this once before, but it disappeared into the blue)

From the same 1962 Howard Courant-Citizen.......

A column entitled "From the Citizen Fifteen years ago"

July 10, 1947................

Mr. and Mrs. Will O. Gibbon left Sunday morning for Alexandria, Virginia, where they will visit with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coffin.

Miss Ruth Smith of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, arrived in Howard last Saturday to spend her vacation visiting with her mother, Mrs. George Smith, and other relatives and friends at the old home.

Martin Haigler, formerly of Howard, now of Hutchinson, has recently won a fine promotion.  He is now district supervisor of the Southwest Division for General Baking Company.  Martin started working for Bond three years ago as foreman in the plant at Hutchinson.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wisner and son, Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lees of Lawrence  visited in Howard over the Fourth of July weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Wisner, and other friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Zeller of Wichita drove to Howard last Thursday morning and accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Flory and grandson, Bill Threlfall, went to Grand Lake in Oklahoma, where they vacationed until Sunday evening.  The made their headquarters at Bernice and visited many of the points of interest around the lake, fished, and had a fine rest.

Mrs. J.B. Hunter went to Grenola last Sunday to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Logsdon, and family, and to get acquainted with her new granddaughter, who had just arrived home with her mother from the hospital at Winfield.

Jim Hunter has been visiting in Chicago, Illinois, the past two weeks with his sister and husband, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Meredith, and taking in the sights of the big city, and looking over the college situation for next year.

The First Methodist Church in Wichita was the scene of a pretty wedding Sunday afternoon, July 6, at 2:30 o'clock, when Miss Irene Thompson of Howard became the bride of Wayne E. Keast, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keast of Larned.

Elma Roberta Platz was born July 18, 1885, near Millersburg, Ohio, and departed this life at St. Francis hospital in Wichita, Kansas, July 5, 1947, at the age of 61 years, 11 months and 17 days.  Elma came to Howard with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Platz, one brother and two sisters, January 1, 1889.  Funeral services were held at the Moon Chapel in Howard at 10:00 a. m., Monday, July 7.

Mrs. A. M. Sloan of Howard, in Union Center township, passed away last Thursday morning, July 3, and funeral services were held on Saturday, July 5.  Edith Bascom Sloan was born on the old Bascom farm in Elk County, Kansas, September 21, 1878.  She was married to Alfred M. Sloan, November 25, 1902.  To this union were born four children, Olive and Elizabeth Sloan, Mrs. Roberta Carter and Robert Sloan.

Miss Mary Olive Minerd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Minerd of McCune, became the bride of Ira Highsmith, son of Oscar Highsmith of northeast of Howard, at 5:30 o'clock, Thursday afternoon in the First Baptist Church at Pittsburg.

Cora Blanche Leo, daughter of Charlie and Rachel Spease, was born in Elk County, Kansas, ten miles west of Howard, on November 6, 1880, and departed this life July 7, 1947, at her home in Howard.  She was married to William Leo on November 11, 1903.  To this union four children were born, all of whom are still living.

James R. Anderson and Mrs. Belle Smith of Howard were united in marriage at Wichita on Monday, June 30, and are now at their home in the east part of Howard.

Waldo Gray, recently discharged from the Navy, who has been working part time in the Gray barber shop under the post office, while looking after repairs and improvements on his residence property, will now be found regularly at his chair.


Next one will be from thirty years ago, July 13, 1932.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: larryJ on October 30, 2011, 09:10:02 AM
(I began typing this once before, but it disappeared into the blue)

From the same 1962 Howard Courant-Citizen.......

A column entitled "From the Citizen Fifteen years ago"

July 10, 1947................

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wisner and son, Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lees of Lawrence  visited in Howard over the Fourth of July weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Wisner, and other friends and relatives.


Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Wisner are my grandparents - Leslie and Bertie Wisner. My grandmother was delighted every time her name appeared in the paper.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lees are my parents - Harry and Mary Arlene.

Thanks, Larry!

W. Gray

Quote from LarryJ, above.

"Waldo Gray, recently discharged from the Navy, who has been working part time in the Gray barber shop under the post office, while looking after repairs and improvements on his residence property, will now be found regularly at his chair."

Eventually, he bought his father, Asmar (Slim) Gray, out and when the post office was torn down he moved up to where the newest part of the Family Market is now. He stayed at that chair for 53 years even after acquiring cancer. He persevered until he could no longer go to the barber shop. He died about one week after leaving the barber shop for the last time.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


WOW!!!!!!!!  That is one heck of a lot of haircuts! 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


The "Thirty years ago" column is relatively short.

From the Citizen, Thirty Years Ago

July 13, 1932

Walter Lee Crumrine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crumrine, was born on a farm near Iola, Kansas, September 16, 1876, and died at his home in Howard, Kansas, July 7, 1932, age 55 years, 9 months and 21 days.  He grew to manhood in the Longton community and united in marriage with Lillie Zinn in 1896.

The year's top for cattle was reached at Kansas City yesterday, $9.25.  Top hogs, $4.25.

Junior Signer, aged four years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Signer, west of Howard, fell Sunday evening while playing and broke both bones in his right arm.

The Cedar Vale National Bank was robbed yesterday afternoon, the thieves securing $1,500 cash.  The robbery occurred at the noon hour.


From the Citizen, Forty Five Years ago................

July 11, 1917..

Carl Russell will teach in the grade schools at Grenola this winter.

Keenan Hurst left last week for his old home in Illinois to visit a brother who is ill.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lord, northeast of Howard, Saturday, July 7, 1917.

Ex-President William Howard Taft is to speak at the Chautauqua at Fredonia this week.

One Elk County boy is listed among the men of the Fredonia hospital corps.  He is Jerry Liggett, who lives southeast of Howard.

J. H. McMillan, the new engineer at the municipal electric lighting plant, arrived Wednesday evening and has charge of the plant.

Mrs. Stewart McLean died at her home at Buffalo, Monday.  The funeral is today and her sons, John, Will, George, Charlie and Frank, all of Howard went over to attend the service.

Mrs. Alma Munsinger Crutcher and little son, Luke, Jr.,of California are here on account of the illness of Mrs. Crutcher's mother, Mrs. J. K. Munsinger.

Mr. and Mrs. Meade Redmond of Tulsa, Oklahoma, are in Howard visiting with Mrs. Redmond's relatives and friends.  Mrs. Redmond was formerly Miss Goldie Roberts.

Thos. Matthew of Springfield, Illinois, arrived in Howard this week with his family and household goods and will make Howard his home.  Mr. Matthew owns a couple of good farms southwest of Howard.  The family consists of Mr. Matthew and wife, a son and a daughter.

Cecil Allen and little sister, Pauline, came down Tuesday night from Emporia to spend the Fourth with their brother, Earl Allen, of the Allen Drug Store.

Will O. Gibbon, who has been superintendent of the Halstead schools for four years past, has bought an interest in the Farmer's State Bank at Stockdale, Riley County, ten miles north of Manhattan, and becomes cashier of the bank.

Thomas Jefferson Rothgeb was born September 28, 1836, in Iroquois County, Illinois, and died July 5, 1917, at the home of his son, Ira Rothgeb, near Longton.


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HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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