A Question About the Festival Next Weekend...

Started by farmgal67357, September 19, 2011, 05:58:16 PM

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Hey everyone! I wondered if it would be okay for hubby and I to pass out flyers about the SCA (our medieval ages rec group) during the festival. Do they have booths? Or would the medieval thing "clash" too much with what's going on at the festival? We do have a HUGE Viking tent we can put up, and we have garb to wear. And we do have things we can display on a table. I've got the number of the person in charge of the booths, but I wondered what you all thought. You guys have been having this for years, we just got here!
Thanks for your input,

Janet Harrington

Oh, heck, yeah. Give us something else to look at. Please do what you can.


I think any and all would be welcome.
I'm going to be in 18th century clothes.. ( I DO have some medieval clothes too.. Hmmmm ~~ what to wear... what to wear~~~ ??? ???)

The people doing the Dalton reenactment are friends of ours who we shoot Cowboy action with..
Marshal will be dressed and be doing what he does and that is....... be.,... The Marshal.... and I .. being his demure and lady like wife will be fashionably dressed in my better "day clothes"..  :)

((anyone who utters one  lippy word about the "lady like and demure" part will be seeing my lady like derringer I keep in my garter..................  :angel: )) 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

Sounds like fun to me, I look forward to seeing everyone's costumes.  I don't have one or I would wear it.  I am judging the Pet Contest and look forward to seeing our little four legged friends all decked out.


To hell with "lady like & demure" bring on the Garter!!!!!!
CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!


sighhhh~~ you SOOOO will never change... ( but look who is calling the kettle black)..  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And us having a booth would be a great way to meet all of you guys!

Janet Harrington

I want to see how she hides that derringer in the garter. I must look her up Saturday.


Sheriff--I don't know if I'll be there or not, could you snap a pic for me please??? For training purposes only (OF COURSE)
CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!

Judy Harder

I hope I can get there Saturday. I always have to bow out, either weather, MONEY......lack of, and or busyness keeps me from coming your way.
I enjoy seeing all the pic's that are posted and of course, feel sorry for missing out on seeing my forum friends.
I find that each time I come to Howard (it happens when I go home to Topeka) I never see anyone I know and unless I stop at the Flower Shop, it is just sad not to. Oh well, maybe one day we can get a day we can all meet and all that.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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